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Resolution: An NCISLA New Year’s Eve Fan Fic

NCISLA Densi Resolution feature
“I don’t do resolutions, Deeks.”

“Are you telling me you don’t have a New Year’s resolution?  Come on, even Monty makes a new one every year, don’t you boy?”  Deeks reached down to scratch the scuff behind the dog’s ear.  Monty opened up one eye and went back to sleep on the old straw rug.

“Oh I can’t wait to hear this,” Kensi rolled her eyes as she walked across the living room floor to find a place on her couch next to Deeks.  “What kind of resolution would a dog possibly need to make, Deeks?”  She handed him a glass of her favorite champaign as they settled down in front of the television to watch the New Year’s Eve celebration in Times Square.

“I’ll have you know he wants to get in shape and lose a pound or two next year.  He needs to stay fit for all those undercover assignments coming up.”

“Oh, right…. Of course!  He needs to keep up his boyish figure!” Kensi threw back her head and let out a series of little snorts.  Deeks raised an eyebrow and shook his head in amusement.  He always loved the fact that she didn’t laugh like a normal person.  Although he enjoyed teasing her about it, Kensi still had no idea how ridiculous she sounded because Deeks just couldn’t tell her.  It was one of things he loved the most about her….no pretentions, no frills just pure Kensi.

“Well, I happen to think it’s an important tradition; it keeps us hopeful and positive no matter what we will have to face in the future,” Deeks insisted.  “I kind of use it as a talisman for good luck.

“I’m not sure how losing a few pounds is going to bring good luck,” Kensi sighed and stared into her drink.

“It’s not the resolution so much that matters… it’s about keeping the dream alive, Kens.  It’s about consistency.  It’s about movement.  It gives you hope for a better future despite whatever may have happen in the past,” Deeks smiled and stared directly at his partner.

“Mmmm.  I’m almost afraid to ask what resolution you made this year?”  Kensi asked hesitantly.

Deeks reached down and grabbed the last potato chip in the bowl and tossed it into his mouth.  “I promise to always take the shot… kind of my commitment to your new bold decree.”

“I plan to take you up on that resolution, Detective Deeks,” Kensi smiled and made a toast with her glass.

“And I fully intend to let you, but first we need more potato chips,” Deeks jumped up and headed to the kitchen.

Kensi clutched a pillow to her chest and stared pensively at the crowd that had gathered to welcome in the new year on the crowded streets of New York.   One year ago on this very evening she laid shivering in her bunk and cursing her exile to Afghanistan.  She recalled the long, cold nights without Deeks and the terror she faced at the hands of the Taliban.  She thought she would never see him again and it brought another shiver down her spine.  Kensi uncrossed her legs and stood up to walk over to her desk.  The memories of that lonely night in the Kandahar desert reminded her of the vow she made on New Year’s Eve and she rummaged through the bottom drawer to find her old journal.  She slowly flipped through the pages and found the entry she was looking for.  The paper was torn and stained but her writing was clear and vibrant.

“Hope,” she whispered out loud.

“What you got there?” Deeks returned to the room and put down the bowl of chips.  He came up behind Kensi and stole a brief kiss along the side of her neck.  He slowly looked over her shoulder to see what held her undivided attention.

“You might as well read it,” she sighed as she turned to face him.  “All your talk of resolutions reminded me of last year at this time and the vow I made to you on New Year’s Eve.”  Deeks gently took the book from her hands and looked into her eyes.

“You sure you want me to read this?” he asked hesitantly.

Kensi nodded shyly and Deeks began to read aloud:

December 31, 2013

Dear Marty:  I’m so sorry I can’t be with you tonight to welcome in the New Year.  I imagined all day long what our first kiss would be like as the clock strikes midnight and we step forward together into another year.  I vow that if I make it back from this mission, I will find a way to tell you how much you mean to me and how important you are to me.  I swear we will find a way to be together and to make this thing work. I’m just not sure how yet… but our love gives me hope.  Kensi

“You lied!” Deeks held the journal up in front of her.  “If this isn’t a New Year’s resolution, I don’t know what is!”  Deeks threw his arms around her waist and picked her up and twirled her around the floor.

“Put me down, Deeks!” Kensi chuckled and giggled in protest but in reality at that moment she never wanted him to let him go.

“You found a way, Sunshine,” Deeks whispered into her ear and held her tight.

“We both did,” Kensi agreed warmly.  “I guess you’re right.  Looking into the future gave me hope and pulled me through that nightmare,” Kensi leaned into him and pressed her head up against his shoulder.

“Best New Year’s resolution EVER!” Deeks exclaimed as he held her face in his hands. “That’s going to be a tough one to follow, baby girl.”

“Don’t press your luck, Deeks!  One resolution in a lifetime is enough!”  Kensi snickered and pulled him down to meet his lips with a kiss.  “Besides, I have a much better way we can celebrate the New Year,” Kensi suggested and began to nibble slowly on his ear lobe.

“Well, I’m all for new traditions!” Deeks chuckled and scooped her up in his arms.  Kensi’s laughter echoed down the hall as the strains of Auld Lang Syne welcomed in the New Year.

. . .


Diane Volpe is a Contributing Editor at Follow her on Twitter: @phillydi

About Diane (437 Articles)
Founder, Writer and Contributing Editor of wikiDeeks. Always wanted to put together a talented team of writers and graphic designers who loved NCISLA and Marty Deeks in particular! My dream came true! Hope you enjoy what we have created!

12 Comments on Resolution: An NCISLA New Year’s Eve Fan Fic

  1. A poignant look back and forward all in the same lovely story. Hope. So much emotion in one small word. Thank you for starting the New Year off on an upbeat note.


  2. Lovely!


  3. So sweet!
    I’m reveling in all these post-Humbug fics because I’m just waiting for the writers to pull the Densi rug from underneath us, again. I just want to bask in the awesome fanfic bliss.


    • Brenda (@bpnp) // December 31, 2014 at 7:33 PM // Reply

      I know!! I wish that was the Season 5 finale so we could have had a summer of fanfics!!
      Here’s to HOPE for the rest of Season 6!!

      Great job Di!!


  4. Thanks guys! Have a great New Years Eve!


  5. I love it!!!


  6. So sweet.
    Loved it and it’s totally them in every way.


  7. This is a perfect New Year’s story. Thank you for writing it 🙂


  8. Wonderful! And What A Year IT Has Been For Densi Fans! Thank you for this lovely story!


  9. Very beautiful story, perfect to start New Year with some Densi bliss. I like how Kensi and Deeks can communicate after all their past bad communication. They seem to get better and better! Thanks for sharing it with us.


  10. What a lovely story to begin the new year. I loved it! Happy New Year to everyone!


  11. Just beautiful!


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