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Review: NCISLA “Under Siege” (S8E14)


The answers to our long-running mole mystery finally started arriving with “Under Siege,” written by R. Scott Gemmill and directed by Ruba Nadda. The episode had Gemmill’s usual spot-on team depictions and humor. It also had plenty of twists and reveals that left my head spinning. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, and I may not know until the storyline ends in a few weeks with the next episode, “Payback.”

Something Reeks of Munchkin

I enjoy a good plot twist, such as Deeks not really being fired in “The Debt.” We had a doozy of a twist this week, with Hetty being responsible for the previous episode’s arrests of three team members. (I’m assuming she didn’t have anything to do with Granger and Heather.) She was also responsible for breaking Carl Brown out of custody as this episode opened. The idea of diminutive Hetty as an all-powerful manipulator is a fun one to see play out, and I particularly enjoyed her scenes with Carl. Her disgust with him and her ability to toy with him provided some solid humor.

But that Hetty purposefully had Sam, Callen and Deeks arrested in order to keep them safe didn’t sit as well with me. The whole “going rogue” thing with these people has got to stop. When does it ever end well? I was in total agreement with Eric’s horror movie-inspired advice to stick together. I’m afraid I’m coming back around to there being a huge need for these people to question Hetty’s judgment. Sure, she got the bad guys (at least some of them- we may not know everything quite yet). But couldn’t she have brought the team in on her machinations? How easily might they have taken Sabatino and Sharov into custody? No need to blow up entire buildings! (Not to mention the whole keeping Kensi from being kidnapped thing, plus maybe she could have actually gone to the hospital to watch over Granger, the poor guy.) Did she really give Tiffany up to Whiting in order to keep Deeks “safe”? Seems like a pretty risky strategy. Or maybe my expectations for common sense are just too high?

The Big Reveal

Like a good plot twist, I also appreciate when long-running story threads come together in an exciting climax, such as in “Descent.” This week’s episode may have had a very “Descent”-like ending, what with the power tools and all, but the story threads felt a bit more cobbled together. Granted, I’ve put no effort into trying to remember all the previous clues we’ve gotten about the mole, so I’m going to rely on you all to tell me if what we learned made sense. I was left with many questions…

Assuming Hetty wasn’t in cahoots with Heather, then did she and the bad guys just coincidentally employ the same strategy of getting people arrested? If the bad guys just wanted to kill Granger, why didn’t they do it when he was drugged at Heather’s house? When did Sharov meet Sabatino? Wasn’t he in a Russian prison? Were they trying to eliminate Hetty herself because of her constant meddling in CIA affairs, or was this revenge for her interference in a specific operation? Why are these two men so extraordinarily angry at her and her team that they’d go to such lengths, that they’d plot for so long (back to Season 5)? It sounded like Sabatino supposedly included the spyware in an email he sent to Kensi when they were both in Afganistan (?)- does that mean they were already mad about previous operations, or were they angry just by Granger and Kensi showing up there? Was there more to the CIA’s White Ghost plotting than just trying to take out Jack? Was Jack more dangerous than we’ve been told? Or, are they out to get all of NCIS, and that’s why they took out Duggan? I’m just not sure I’m understanding their motivations. Maybe there’s more going on, like perhaps Sabatino’s blames the team for his partner Snyder getting killed in “Wanted.”

I’d love to believe that Gemmill planted those seeds about the mole back in Season 5’s “Merry Evasion” with a plan to complete the storyline three seasons later. I appreciate the effort to bring it all to a satisfying conclusion; I’m just not sure yet that it’s all making sense. I think I need someone to make me a timeline!

The Old Ball and Chain

Scott Gemmill writes the whole team well (with the possible exception of his insistence on making gung-ho “Bulletproof Beale” into comic relief). But I thought Deeks provided the most interesting scenes of the episode. First he managed to foil Whiting’s efforts at intimidation by befriending all the tough guys she put into his cell. I loved how he used his smarts and his charm (and his ability to talk) to win them all over. Unlike “Rambeale’s” scenes, these provided humor that felt organic and made me smile.

Then there was Deeks’ desperation to get out of jail to save Kensi. His distress and his promise to tell Whiting the truth about Boyle made quite the convincing argument for release. He seemed pretty sincere when he made that promise, and I wonder if at the time, he truly intended to keep it. (I know he’s a great liar, so that sincerity may have been completely fake.) I’ve long seen Whiting as an Inspector Javert-type character, so obsessed with convicting Deeks of the crime she’s certain he committed that she can’t see the bigger picture. Deeks smartly used her obsessive drive to know the truth to his advantage here.

Only too bad for Detective Whiting, she’s apparently better off back in the Internal Affairs office than she is at a crime scene. She lacked enough situational awareness to watch out for the bad guys and got shot in the throat. Yikes. I was disappointed by this turn of events, and I hope she survives. I’d love to see what she decides to do with the information Deeks shared with her. That would make for a much more interesting end to the Boyle storyline than her death. Plus I wouldn’t mind seeing her return from time to time. She’s an interesting character whose interactions with Deeks have always made for a compelling clash of personalities.

Not a Bad Guy 

But how about that confession? Eric Christian Olsen and Karina Logue were both great in the post-explosion scene, giving it a wonderful intensity. Did we learn any new tidbits about what happened with Boyle? Maybe not. But there was something about Deeks’ description of events that felt slightly new…

Deeks: Stay with me. Otherwise you’re not gonna hear my confession. I killed my ex-partner. I killed Boyle. You were right, okay? You were right all along, he was a dirty cop, and I shot him with his own gun ‘cause he was gonna try to kill that girl. You understand me? You were right.
Whiting: You’re telling me because you think I’m gonna die.
Deeks: You’re not gonna die. Look at me. You’re not gonna die. I’m telling you this because we made a deal, and I’m a man of my word. Okay? I’m not a bad guy. I just did a very bad thing for a very good reason. But you’re gonna be fine.

I may be overanalyzing Deeks’ words – let’s face it, I am definitely overanalyzing Deeks’ words – but I find his phrasing that Boyle “was gonna try to kill” Tiffany interesting. He’s not saying Boyle “was about to kill” her or “was trying to kill” her. It sounds more like Boyle told Deeks he was planning on doing it. That doesn’t mean Deeks killed him in cold blood. They still could have had a struggle with the gun going off accidently. But Deeks telling Whiting that she was right feels a bit more like he believes his actions that night were a little more intentional… potentially even premeditated.

It must have felt cathartic for Deeks to tell the truth (I assume he was completely honest here) to the woman who’s been hunting him. We may never find out the real details of what happened with Boyle, but I’m glad Deeks was able to tell Whiting that he’s “not a bad guy.” I’m not sure he’s always been able to see himself that way.

A Really Bad Guy

The most horrific part of the episode was Kensi’s kidnapping. She seriously did not need this! I found myself wanting Sam or Callen to have been taken rather than Kensi- hasn’t she already been through enough this year? But I suppose we needed to resolve the Sullivan part of the mole storyline. Kudos to everyone who was suspicious of Sullivan from the start! (I wasn’t.)

I’m still a bit unclear on when this post-Christmas shooting occurred. I don’t remember Kensi taking out any Taliban with her rifle. She looked at Jack through her sights but didn’t pull the trigger. Was this some action that she and Granger participated in that we never heard about, or have I just blocked it from my mind? At least I could see a link between Sullivan/Ferris and Sabatino. But why didn’t Ferris take Kensi out earlier, like the afternoon he spent at her house? Was he enjoying the anticipation of getting revenge (creepy!), or was he coordinating his activities with Sharov (he knew Kensi was with Ferris but Sabatino didn’t)? Again, kudos to those of you who were creeped out by his home visit.

I also wasn’t a huge fan of the “eye for an eye” payback that Sullivan has in mind. First because it felt like a repeat of that “Descent” cliff-hanger, and second because it’s just so gruesome. Sullivan came off in this episode as pretty unhinged, and I’m not sure he felt like he belonged in the same storyline as the other moles. Is he out to interrogate Kensi for information or to take her leg for revenge? He talked about the former but seemed on the verge of doing the latter. Perhaps he was bluffing in an effort to frighten her into talking? Either way, let’s hope Kensi finds a way to rescue herself and kick his butt. It would make us all feel better.

Memorable Moments

  • What a nice opening shot of the Point Fermin Lighthouse in my neighborhood in San Pedro. Somehow I always forget that there’s also a federal penitentiary right across the harbor!
  • Nell sure didn’t take long getting comfortable at Hetty’s desk, right down to the tea.
  • I did enjoy the different approaches the men took to escape custody, Sam with his knowledge of agency budgets just reasoning with the ATF (or was it boring them to death?), and Callen and his “attorney” Nell (“That’s my girl”) pulling an old-fashioned jailbreak.
  • Carl’s pointing out that the shooter needed to aim lower because Hetty is “small” made me laugh.
  • I gotta say, Sabatino’s mustache did seem like a dead giveaway that he’s a bad guy. Is he auditioning for a villain role in a 1940’s movie?
  • The bombed-out set was nicely done, but that explosion was a little disappointing. No competition for “Sans Voir” here.
  • No time this week for a send-off for Granger/Miguel Ferrer. I hope next week there’s time to do justice to his sad departure.

The episode overall was well done and exciting, with a nice mix of intrigue and humor. I guess I just spent a lot of it trying to decide if the plot made sense. It’ll be a few more weeks before we get the conclusion of this story arc, so there’s plenty of time for speculation. What did you think of the big reveal? Of Hetty’s plotting? Of Sullivan’s true identity and intentions? And most importantly, did you enjoy “Under Siege”? Tell us in the Comments below, and come back later this week for a new Surf Log and Drabble. (Unfortunately I’m not sure Kensi is going to get a chance to make a journal entry.)

About Karen (287 Articles)
wikiDeeks Writer & Assistant Editor. I never wrote for fun before... until my ECO-obsession. Now I love to analyze any and all aspects of the best character on television.

30 Comments on Review: NCISLA “Under Siege” (S8E14)

  1. Could the spoilers for the next episode be talking about Michelle betraying Sam? I haven’t seen the guest cast list. Perhaps? She’s CIA right? Pretty chummy with Sabatino?


  2. I know I throw out a lot of far fetched ideas for the point of discussion, but that doesn’t mean that’s what i want to happen necessarily either.
    I am pretty shallow, so I an sure you all have me figured out by now, even though I don’t ever have an opinion…
    so, Ed’s wish list it is…
    Sullivan gone
    Anna gone
    Callen realizing that someone like Joelle is better for him than someone like Anna.
    none of this being Kensi or Deeks fault
    the couple emerging stronger and ready, and not having to endure another setback for a year,
    Hetty paying a real price for her actions this time.
    one of the moles being under Sam’s nose and the superior judge of character eating humble pie
    Deeks leaving the LAPD to become an agent
    Sam and Callen being rescued by Deeks or somehow recognizing his skills and fully accepting him.
    and a ring on Kensi’s finger before much longer, a wedding can wait, but she needs the ring.
    i’m sure I missed something

    Die, Anna, Die,


    • I think if Callen has to get a love interest id should be someone like Joelle, and not someone they work with and we have to see in Ops…that should stay a Densi thing.
      not every character needs a love interest, that should stay a Densi thing
      the geeks have silly stuff, toy drives ren faires, dancing and so on, sam and callenget all the big car chases and fights, Hetty Gets her tea and scotch….
      leave the smooching to the cute couple, right?

      Die, Anna, Die,


  3. oh, one more issue…
    I was not a big fan of Callen making the “That’s my girl” Comment about Nell.
    find your own material, dude….
    that should belong to Kensi and Deeks

    It took years to develop, right…
    Deeks used to get punched, or Kensi would comment with a “what did you say?”…but Deeks kept it up, the response gradually lessened and now it gets a smile.
    when Kensi made the “CIA are a spooky bunch” comment and Deeks said” that’s my girl” it was a cute scene…but it was more than that to the long time fans. the hand slap high five and the genuine smile on Kensi’s face was just not about that moment, it was about the journey and the culmination of years of struggles to get that response from Deeks calling her his girl in public.
    it actually meant something more…

    when the line gets stolen and used by everyone else it cheapens it.
    please stop..

    Die, Anna, Die,


    • I agree, Ed, I wasn’t too fond of Callen’s comment to Nell “That’s my girl” either (even if I liked the light he had in his eyes when he said it and I’m sure it will kind of give new hopes to all the Callen/Nell shippers out there!). This has been the season of “stolen” lines from Deeks and Kensi: that’s my girl, Shaggy, touché, really… I admit I have some issues when the authors make other characters use these words. There’s no way: they always sound different when delivered by other characters/actors and I would have preferred if they had remained Densi’s. Are the writers running out of new trademarks?


      • 100 % in agreement
        I see that there could be several reasons for relatively recent practice, and since I am not going back to look at who wrote what,when…some might be easy to exclude.
        1- some of the writers are lacking creativity and stealing lines.
        2- the writers aren’t paying attention to canon and who actually said what, they remember the words or lines but not who said them
        3- someone is stupidly trying to take what was once personal between Kensi and Deeks and morph them into universal tag lines and catch phrases.
        4- there is an effort to homogenize the cast of characters… everybody gets a love interest, everybody gets to be funny, everybody gets a dark past…and so on.
        5-there is a concerted effort to find an individual or group of characters that can provide the comic relief if Deek’s was not around.

        at time they seem to just say….okay your turn…be funny,… go. and work their way around the cast doing so.

        whatever it is, if it is lack of creativity, pure laziness, lack of research on previous canon, or an intentional effort to make everybody funny or create catch phrases.
        IT NEEDS TO STOP NOW. !!!
        no knock it the hell off.

        Die, Anna, Die,


  4. does anyone else think that this could be a turning point in the career of Hetty?
    I get that Sam and Callen got grabbed and have gone through a lot before as well…
    But Kensi and Deeks, that could be another story.
    Kensi was held and tortured before because of Hetty being less that honest and forthcomming,
    Kensi would have reacted differently if she han known the truth and had time to process it.
    now it happens again. Sam and Callen will move past their arrests with little lasting effects, but for Deeks is could end his career and put him in prison for life. Even if it doesn’t, the risk is there. Then he has the love of his life hurt…all because Hetty seems unable to trust her team or even give them the information that they could use to stay safe or at least make an informed decision about the risks they want to take and manage them appropriately.
    even if Kensi can get past this, i don’t see how Deeks could honestly forgive Hetty for this.
    I am sure it will happen because it is a TV show…but this would be the end of a trusting environment and the team would never recover without new leadership.
    when you ask a team to trust you, to risk their lives and even put them in your hands, it is a huge thing. there is a difference between duty, loyalty and unwavering trust. and then to find out there were risks she new about and didn’t tell you. withheld information, preventing you from accurately assessing the situation. unforgivable.
    as a leader, people will put their lives at risk to do what is required, but they trust that you will give them all the information you have available so they can prepare adequately. yes there will still be risk, but you mitigate as much as possible and manage the rest as best as you can.
    This all happen with honest communication.
    Hetty is reaching that point where people respect the position but maybe not her so much.
    they may trust her, to a point, but not without question. As a leader of a group like this, she should be done.
    I hope she gets rid of the moles and goes out in a blaze of glory saving the team, the character deserves that. but her time has passed.
    Hetty Gotta Go.

    just a thought.

    Die, Anna, Die,


  5. A. J. Chegwidden played by John M Jackson will be the new head of OSP, with Nell taking over as the operations manager after Hetty leaves.
    what do you think.
    I did like his character previously…it could work.

    Die, Anna, Die,

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sorry but NO Nell as Operations Manager; most from other serials of the NCIS franchise come with a background of field agent; Nell is not a field agent she’s an Intelligence Officer. She doesn’t have the experience; plus honestly I just couldn’t take her being in charge — really? ;-)!


      • I am not sure I do either…
        but that’s the way they seem to be setting things up.
        watching her sitting at Hetty’s desk drinking tea from one of Hetty’s cups was a telling glimpse of something to come.
        either she is behind all this and is watching it crumble like Nero and Rome… or she will rise from the ashes as the new leader…
        I dont see her going back to her old job.
        I am not in any way saying I like the idea, but that is how things seem to be setting up.
        I think I would rather her be a mole than in charge actually.

        I have a feeling that possibly A. J. Chegwidden will be the new top dog of the group.
        it would fit.
        maybe he will run it and Nell can be his ungrateful flunky???

        Die, Anna, Die,


  6. Is Joelle a mole? I ask this because Kensi was being tortured in a room that had furniture for kindergartens–small chairs and small table. Joelle was portrayed previously as a kindergarten teacher. She was introduced to Callen by Sam’s wife, a CIA agent who was close to Sabatino. Joelle is scheduled to be in the next episode. Since none of the agents know where Kensi is, either Joelle is going to walk in that room and take over or Kensi is going to find a way to turn the action against Sullivan/Ferris. The producers of this show are not going to allow Kensi to sustain a major amputation.

    I enjoy this show and appreciate that the writers have a difficult time making every thing fit in a 42 minutes show made every 8 days. Overall, they do an excellent job.

    Enjoy this site.


    • I do have the feeling that the one that gets betrayed is going to be Sam.
      either by Joelle, who he dumped into Callen’s life ( with his Navy Seal of approval… as a brilliant person once said…)
      or it will be Michelle herself…or both,
      is Sabatino behind this or trying to stop it?
      we did see Michele hugging Sabatino, is there something there..they explained it away, but what is the truth?
      wel know that Aiden is not both their child, he is too old. is he Michelle’s…and who is really the father then? could be interesting, right..Sabatino’s ?….yuck
      what if Kameron isnt Sam’s either?


      Die, Anna, Die,


    • Remember the pictures they found of Sam and his family — they were taken at the ice skating rink. Which is where Joelle showed up at the end of the episode. It made me wonder even then if Joelle would turn out to be working with the mole, since she had the opportunity to take those photos. I didn’t realize she was in the next episode, but that seems to confirm some suspicions.


      • you bring up a good point.
        can we look at the pictures and tell where they were taken, what kind of access ti the family they would need to have and how long this had been going on?
        thus getting a better idea of who it could have been,,,that’s assuming it was only one person and not a whole group running surveillance.
        lets take a look.

        Die, Anna, Die,


  7. Ed,
    I agree with your wishlist completely.
    But I would like to add to your list as well as for
    Payback on 19 February and the remainder of
    the season:
    Even though her situation is extremely desperate,
    Kensi fights herself out by using techniques which
    she acquired during the time that she lived on the
    streets (and I think that Kensi’s time on the streets
    could still provide interesting material for an episode).
    That Owen Granger as a character will be given a
    dignified and poignant adieu in the series.
    That Anastasia Kousakis will continue to write for
    for the show.
    As for supporting- and guest actors: I would like to
    see the moms back as well as Arkady.
    I also agree with you that this is truly a turning point
    for Hetty. But I am not in favour of Nell as her successor.
    As for A.J. Chegwidden, I have only seen glimpses of
    JAG, I have no idea what his part will be.


    • I’d love to see more of Julia and Roberta as well. Although not the version of Roberta we saw last the last couple of times, who was so over the top. I’d like to see more of the Roberta we saw in the jail scene, more serious and respectful of her son.

      I’m not sure why the writers are going overboard on the way they’re writing some characters like Eric Beale, Roberta and Talia. Too wishy washy. Sometimes too clownish or over the top.


    • whether or not Kensi’s street smarts gets her out of this, I do think that I would like her and Deeks to discuss it at some point. She has to know by now that Deeks wont judge her and just really wants to know all about her. he loves to know things about her that no one else does.
      it makes him feel a closer connection and displays trust and caring.
      as much time as Deeks spent undercover on the streets we know he can sympathize and fully understand without feeling pity.
      he understands what it means to have to do things to get buy.
      …and I doubt when he does find out that he will laugh at her like she did to him over the while stripper admission.

      would I like to see it, yes,
      but just between them…
      not like the whole engagement to jack thing was revealed to everyone..
      keep it personal and let it strengthen their connection.

      Die, Anna, Die,


    • it really does appear at times that they weer given a directive to find a consistant source of comic relief for the show to fill the gap if Deeks was not present.
      if you go back and look, you can see that they appeared to take turns with the characters , dramatically increasing their humorous lines. almost like they were seeing what would work and what would not.
      was Deeks originally going to pay a big price for the IA or mole conclusions,…were they thinking about it?…maybe.

      Die, Anna, Die,


    • if I am looking to get some more of a recurring character…
      I will always choose Arkady.
      I am sure we will get to see more of the moms, and there are lots of great guest actors and characters in the mix, but Arkady is my favorite.
      the character is very well done and Vyto Ruginis is absolutely perfect in his portrayal.
      he bring such life, depth and humor. And it is not just the lines, it is the way they are delivered, the looks, the facial expressions, the hand gestures.
      he is a wonderful actor that has made the character his own..
      just love watching it.

      all the things that we complain about Bar Paly not having or doing….
      he has in spades.

      Die, Anna, Die,


  8. wow, not sue what is up with my spelling today…
    I have no idea why they keep making the characters so over the top.
    soon they will all over react to everything like Roberta, make constant jokes, all carry around flashbangs,…and constantly smile like Anna.
    oh boy does it need to stop.

    hey here is an idea.
    the writers should all have to watch Daniela’s super bowl commercial show…

    Die, Anna, Die,


  9. Hey you never know maybe ECO’s contract is up soon. Not that I want him to leave or he does, but you know how contract negotiations go in la la land (see Castle, NCIS most recently).


    • if you recall, there was an interview with Dani and Eric, maybe at comicon?, where they wqere talking about the length of the show, what their plans were, priorities raising kids, staying in LA , if they were going to leave the show for other projects ect. Dani said something about how accommodating the show was and family friendly.
      Eric made a statement something like ” there you have it, Dani is staying for the show’s entire run because she doesn’t want to leave and it is a good enviorment.
      Dani responded…I did not say that.

      maybe somebody can clear up the exact language used in the interview?…
      maybe I looked too hard and critically, but if you read between the lines, it made me a little nervous.

      I think the show was preparing for the possible post Densi show.
      if one or both wanted to leave…
      would they have them both leave to go raise a family?
      or would they kill one of them off?
      maybe one dies after having a leg cut off and the other gets life in prison for killing a cop….
      NO, I don’t want that…EVER…but you can see they might have covered their bases, right?

      Die, Anna, Die,


    • if I am looking at this objectively….and I need to control my gag reflex while even typing this…
      I think that Anna was brought in and taken for a test run as a possible permanent replacement.
      in the event of Kensi / Dani leaving the show.
      it could have been to cover for Eric as well….with 2 girls on the field team.
      that could have been what lead to Eric and Nell in the field as well.
      trying to see what would work, testing the chemistry, and seeing what the fans would tolerate.

      I honestly hope that someone has read all the comments and fan reaction and that the show is willing to do what is necessary to retain the current cast.

      Because, if what we have seen recently with Eric and Nell in the field, everybody trying to be a comedian at the wrong time, too much Anna…and so on…was a series of test runs and beta tests…

      Die, Anna, Die,


      • Daisy and Ed, I agree with what both of you said about how several
        of the characters are written over the top, like for instance Roberta.

        Ed, I also agree with your great frustration about how precious, very
        personal and intimate lines are stolen from Deeks. As well as
        about what you said about inconsistency and not paying attention
        to canon. I think that you are also right that Anna was brought in
        to test the viewers responses to her. And with her they went obviously
        for selling sexiness and attracting much more viewers, than with acting skills,
        experience and chemistry with the cast.
        Then about the promotional still from “Payback” which you posted
        inadvertently earlier on this thread.
        After looking at it more closely, I think that the woman is neither Joelle
        nor Anna. From what I could see, she is a brunette and she wears the
        same striped shirt as Daniela does. I think that she is Daniela’s stunt
        woman. And the other man is Kurt Yaeger’s stunt man (he also wears
        the same clothes as Kurt Yaeger).


        • Hmmm,
          if so, that would mean that the pic is a behind the scenes photo and not a still from actual aired footage.
          interesting possibility.
          some misdirection

          Die, Anna, Die,


  10. Wow, thanks for the great comments everyone. What an entertaining discussion! I hope you’ve all had a chance to read Tess’ wonderful summary of all things mole-related- it’s quite impressive.


  11. About that photo and “mystery woman” we have talked about in this thread: I was bored and started staring at the pic again 🙂 Could she be Megan Hendley from 4×05 out of the past? I think she was CIA agent?
    I really hope she isn’t, because she hasn’t been part of the show for years and it would be like “Megan who?” for many viewers, but that CIA connection got me thinking about her.


  12. I kept thinking to myself, during Ferris/Sullivan’s rant; “What does he mean it was none of NCIS’s concern? The White Ghost was rumored to be a USMC deserter selling military secrets to the Taliban. That automatically makes it an NCIS concern!”

    Then, too, there were all those Afghan tribes whose names he kept dropping. What the heck were Ferris/Sullivan and his fellow rogues trying to do? Start some sort of Rebel Alliance against the Taliban?! If so, how, exactly? By smuggling contrand American arms and ammo to the tribal warlords? Arms and ammo bought with money obtained by selling Afgahni opium provided by the warlords?

    Personally, the NCIS-OSP might have eliminated the American masterminds behind that rogue operation. But, I don’t think the former have heard the last of the latter’s silent partners. Especially, with Sabatino still on the loose!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I kept thinking to myself, during Ferris/Sullivan’s rant: “What does he mean it was none of NCIS’ concern? The White Ghost was rumored to be a USMC deserter selling military secrets to the Taliban. That automatically makes it an NCIS concern!”

    Then, there were all those Afghan tribes whose names he kept dropping. What were he and his fellow rogues trying to do; start some sort of Rebel Alliance against the Taliban?! if so, how, exactly? By smuggling contraband American arms and ammo to the tribal warlords? Arms and ammo bought with money made from the sale of Afghani opium provided by those warlords?

    Personally, even though the NCIS-OSP has eliminated the American masterminds of this rogue operation, I don’t think the former have heard the last from the latter’s silent partners.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Not with Sabatino still on the loose.

    Liked by 1 person

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