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Review: NCISLA “Under Siege” (S8E14)


The answers to our long-running mole mystery finally started arriving with “Under Siege,” written by R. Scott Gemmill and directed by Ruba Nadda. The episode had Gemmill’s usual spot-on team depictions and humor. It also had plenty of twists and reveals that left my head spinning. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, and I may not know until the storyline ends in a few weeks with the next episode, “Payback.”

Something Reeks of Munchkin

I enjoy a good plot twist, such as Deeks not really being fired in “The Debt.” We had a doozy of a twist this week, with Hetty being responsible for the previous episode’s arrests of three team members. (I’m assuming she didn’t have anything to do with Granger and Heather.) She was also responsible for breaking Carl Brown out of custody as this episode opened. The idea of diminutive Hetty as an all-powerful manipulator is a fun one to see play out, and I particularly enjoyed her scenes with Carl. Her disgust with him and her ability to toy with him provided some solid humor.

But that Hetty purposefully had Sam, Callen and Deeks arrested in order to keep them safe didn’t sit as well with me. The whole “going rogue” thing with these people has got to stop. When does it ever end well? I was in total agreement with Eric’s horror movie-inspired advice to stick together. I’m afraid I’m coming back around to there being a huge need for these people to question Hetty’s judgment. Sure, she got the bad guys (at least some of them- we may not know everything quite yet). But couldn’t she have brought the team in on her machinations? How easily might they have taken Sabatino and Sharov into custody? No need to blow up entire buildings! (Not to mention the whole keeping Kensi from being kidnapped thing, plus maybe she could have actually gone to the hospital to watch over Granger, the poor guy.) Did she really give Tiffany up to Whiting in order to keep Deeks “safe”? Seems like a pretty risky strategy. Or maybe my expectations for common sense are just too high?

The Big Reveal

Like a good plot twist, I also appreciate when long-running story threads come together in an exciting climax, such as in “Descent.” This week’s episode may have had a very “Descent”-like ending, what with the power tools and all, but the story threads felt a bit more cobbled together. Granted, I’ve put no effort into trying to remember all the previous clues we’ve gotten about the mole, so I’m going to rely on you all to tell me if what we learned made sense. I was left with many questions…

Assuming Hetty wasn’t in cahoots with Heather, then did she and the bad guys just coincidentally employ the same strategy of getting people arrested? If the bad guys just wanted to kill Granger, why didn’t they do it when he was drugged at Heather’s house? When did Sharov meet Sabatino? Wasn’t he in a Russian prison? Were they trying to eliminate Hetty herself because of her constant meddling in CIA affairs, or was this revenge for her interference in a specific operation? Why are these two men so extraordinarily angry at her and her team that they’d go to such lengths, that they’d plot for so long (back to Season 5)? It sounded like Sabatino supposedly included the spyware in an email he sent to Kensi when they were both in Afganistan (?)- does that mean they were already mad about previous operations, or were they angry just by Granger and Kensi showing up there? Was there more to the CIA’s White Ghost plotting than just trying to take out Jack? Was Jack more dangerous than we’ve been told? Or, are they out to get all of NCIS, and that’s why they took out Duggan? I’m just not sure I’m understanding their motivations. Maybe there’s more going on, like perhaps Sabatino’s blames the team for his partner Snyder getting killed in “Wanted.”

I’d love to believe that Gemmill planted those seeds about the mole back in Season 5’s “Merry Evasion” with a plan to complete the storyline three seasons later. I appreciate the effort to bring it all to a satisfying conclusion; I’m just not sure yet that it’s all making sense. I think I need someone to make me a timeline!

The Old Ball and Chain

Scott Gemmill writes the whole team well (with the possible exception of his insistence on making gung-ho “Bulletproof Beale” into comic relief). But I thought Deeks provided the most interesting scenes of the episode. First he managed to foil Whiting’s efforts at intimidation by befriending all the tough guys she put into his cell. I loved how he used his smarts and his charm (and his ability to talk) to win them all over. Unlike “Rambeale’s” scenes, these provided humor that felt organic and made me smile.

Then there was Deeks’ desperation to get out of jail to save Kensi. His distress and his promise to tell Whiting the truth about Boyle made quite the convincing argument for release. He seemed pretty sincere when he made that promise, and I wonder if at the time, he truly intended to keep it. (I know he’s a great liar, so that sincerity may have been completely fake.) I’ve long seen Whiting as an Inspector Javert-type character, so obsessed with convicting Deeks of the crime she’s certain he committed that she can’t see the bigger picture. Deeks smartly used her obsessive drive to know the truth to his advantage here.

Only too bad for Detective Whiting, she’s apparently better off back in the Internal Affairs office than she is at a crime scene. She lacked enough situational awareness to watch out for the bad guys and got shot in the throat. Yikes. I was disappointed by this turn of events, and I hope she survives. I’d love to see what she decides to do with the information Deeks shared with her. That would make for a much more interesting end to the Boyle storyline than her death. Plus I wouldn’t mind seeing her return from time to time. She’s an interesting character whose interactions with Deeks have always made for a compelling clash of personalities.

Not a Bad Guy 

But how about that confession? Eric Christian Olsen and Karina Logue were both great in the post-explosion scene, giving it a wonderful intensity. Did we learn any new tidbits about what happened with Boyle? Maybe not. But there was something about Deeks’ description of events that felt slightly new…

Deeks: Stay with me. Otherwise you’re not gonna hear my confession. I killed my ex-partner. I killed Boyle. You were right, okay? You were right all along, he was a dirty cop, and I shot him with his own gun ‘cause he was gonna try to kill that girl. You understand me? You were right.
Whiting: You’re telling me because you think I’m gonna die.
Deeks: You’re not gonna die. Look at me. You’re not gonna die. I’m telling you this because we made a deal, and I’m a man of my word. Okay? I’m not a bad guy. I just did a very bad thing for a very good reason. But you’re gonna be fine.

I may be overanalyzing Deeks’ words – let’s face it, I am definitely overanalyzing Deeks’ words – but I find his phrasing that Boyle “was gonna try to kill” Tiffany interesting. He’s not saying Boyle “was about to kill” her or “was trying to kill” her. It sounds more like Boyle told Deeks he was planning on doing it. That doesn’t mean Deeks killed him in cold blood. They still could have had a struggle with the gun going off accidently. But Deeks telling Whiting that she was right feels a bit more like he believes his actions that night were a little more intentional… potentially even premeditated.

It must have felt cathartic for Deeks to tell the truth (I assume he was completely honest here) to the woman who’s been hunting him. We may never find out the real details of what happened with Boyle, but I’m glad Deeks was able to tell Whiting that he’s “not a bad guy.” I’m not sure he’s always been able to see himself that way.

A Really Bad Guy

The most horrific part of the episode was Kensi’s kidnapping. She seriously did not need this! I found myself wanting Sam or Callen to have been taken rather than Kensi- hasn’t she already been through enough this year? But I suppose we needed to resolve the Sullivan part of the mole storyline. Kudos to everyone who was suspicious of Sullivan from the start! (I wasn’t.)

I’m still a bit unclear on when this post-Christmas shooting occurred. I don’t remember Kensi taking out any Taliban with her rifle. She looked at Jack through her sights but didn’t pull the trigger. Was this some action that she and Granger participated in that we never heard about, or have I just blocked it from my mind? At least I could see a link between Sullivan/Ferris and Sabatino. But why didn’t Ferris take Kensi out earlier, like the afternoon he spent at her house? Was he enjoying the anticipation of getting revenge (creepy!), or was he coordinating his activities with Sharov (he knew Kensi was with Ferris but Sabatino didn’t)? Again, kudos to those of you who were creeped out by his home visit.

I also wasn’t a huge fan of the “eye for an eye” payback that Sullivan has in mind. First because it felt like a repeat of that “Descent” cliff-hanger, and second because it’s just so gruesome. Sullivan came off in this episode as pretty unhinged, and I’m not sure he felt like he belonged in the same storyline as the other moles. Is he out to interrogate Kensi for information or to take her leg for revenge? He talked about the former but seemed on the verge of doing the latter. Perhaps he was bluffing in an effort to frighten her into talking? Either way, let’s hope Kensi finds a way to rescue herself and kick his butt. It would make us all feel better.

Memorable Moments

  • What a nice opening shot of the Point Fermin Lighthouse in my neighborhood in San Pedro. Somehow I always forget that there’s also a federal penitentiary right across the harbor!
  • Nell sure didn’t take long getting comfortable at Hetty’s desk, right down to the tea.
  • I did enjoy the different approaches the men took to escape custody, Sam with his knowledge of agency budgets just reasoning with the ATF (or was it boring them to death?), and Callen and his “attorney” Nell (“That’s my girl”) pulling an old-fashioned jailbreak.
  • Carl’s pointing out that the shooter needed to aim lower because Hetty is “small” made me laugh.
  • I gotta say, Sabatino’s mustache did seem like a dead giveaway that he’s a bad guy. Is he auditioning for a villain role in a 1940’s movie?
  • The bombed-out set was nicely done, but that explosion was a little disappointing. No competition for “Sans Voir” here.
  • No time this week for a send-off for Granger/Miguel Ferrer. I hope next week there’s time to do justice to his sad departure.

The episode overall was well done and exciting, with a nice mix of intrigue and humor. I guess I just spent a lot of it trying to decide if the plot made sense. It’ll be a few more weeks before we get the conclusion of this story arc, so there’s plenty of time for speculation. What did you think of the big reveal? Of Hetty’s plotting? Of Sullivan’s true identity and intentions? And most importantly, did you enjoy “Under Siege”? Tell us in the Comments below, and come back later this week for a new Surf Log and Drabble. (Unfortunately I’m not sure Kensi is going to get a chance to make a journal entry.)

About Karen (287 Articles)
wikiDeeks Writer & Assistant Editor. I never wrote for fun before... until my ECO-obsession. Now I love to analyze any and all aspects of the best character on television.

110 Comments on Review: NCISLA “Under Siege” (S8E14)

  1. I enjoyed your review so much, Karen, you covered everything perfectly.

    I think the episode had the right rhythm throughout and blended well humor (Deeks’ scenes in jail) and action and plot twists. On the contrary, Eric’s scenes (in the armory and OPS), though, puzzled me, yet again. I literally love him when he does his job as no one else would be capable of (maybe just Nell), but I find his behavior out of place when he’s written too clownish and childish. Deeks’ humor is rarely forced, while in my opinion Eric’s is most of the times, it doesn’t ring true.
    I’m afraid this is the way he will be written from this season on, so I’d better live with that.

    Now something about the mole(s).
    In one of her comments last week, Peakae mentioned Agatha Christie and she made me reflect about the way plots should be written. If you are familiar with this writer, a master storyteller, you know that in almost all her detective stories the clues are left well displayed under the reader’s nose and if at the end you read the book again, you could find evidence that you may have understood who “had done it” if only you had paid more attention to some tidbits left here and there.
    To be very very picky this was what I found lacking in this episode (unless a major plot twist is coming in part 3, which, for example, I hope will redeem Sabatino): no crumbs had been left in previous episodes but for a creepy look in Sullivan’s eyes when Kensi left the room in a wheelchair with Deeks the first day they met in hospital.
    The viewers were in the dark, completely clueless and if on one side this seems to add suspense, on the other it shows some flaws. The Siderov arc, in my opinion, still remains unparalleled.

    A revelation for me was how much I liked Detective Whiting. I have come to like her character more and more over the past two episodes. I think the actress did an amazing job with her role if in the scene she got shot, I cared about her so much as to wish she would survive.
    That was probably my favorite scene this week: Deeks’ confession to Whiting as the “man of his word” he is, while she is fighting to survive. Knowing Deeks’ character, I’m sure not for a moment did he hope she would die even if he knows (and we as well) that if she survives – which still seems quite uncertain – the Boyle case will be far from closed. I do hope Detective Whiting survives her terrible neck wound and when she recovers we will see more of her (who would have said one day I would write these words…).

    As for Deeks and Kensi, this week the minor Densi scene we got in jail was not bad in itself because it was functional to the story And it was also a sexy way to give/receive an earwig! Kensi must have known that could be the only way to pass Deeks the device and she must have already had it in her mouth the moment she entered the room. I’m obviously looking forward to more Densi scenes in the future and I still hope there will be an epic moment in the next episode in which Deeks saves Kensi from Sullivan (whom I still have isome issues to accept was that evil just from the start).

    Liked by 1 person

    • I liked the episode! I think that what we heard as an explanation from the CIA was only a quick intro to what is really going on. They wanted the mole epilogue to be 3 episodes, so that means the next ep will have a lot more time to flesh out the story and reasoning behind the moles (in addition to saving kensi from that maniac). Imagine if after watching that entire episode we didn’t hear any explanation at all… Gemmil had to give the viewers something, but not all of it. I think all will be explained next week and that maybe more agents from OSP are involved with the moles.
      Also, I read in a few places that a lot is on the line for each agent, including Sam’s family being in danger… could be related to Joelle.
      I didn’t like Sullivan from the start, because i thought he was shady for knowing all about Deeks, and he was a huge jerk to Kensi…. (plus it didn’t help that sullivan/kensi scenes took over the episodes rather than Densi scenes) However, once i saw the spoiler about him being CIA, I immediately recognized how genius it would be for him to be evil, kensi relied on him to help her get back to herself, and then all of a sudden learns it was all an elaborate ruse to get to the team… but i did NOT expect that he had a personal vendetta towards her or that she was the reason he lost his leg. I thought it was really amazing, and I just figured it happened during her time in Afghanistan but wasn’t shown on air, I think the writing explains this because he literally states a timeline, so I think we are supposed to understand it was the day after Merry Invasion, and we didn’t see it happen.
      I think it was very true to the show that Hetty had this elaborate plan to catch the mole and obviously everyone was left in the dark, because the woman just doesn’t know how else to operate. It was so heartbreaking seeing Granger in the hospital, but i was very taken aback that there wasn’t a dedication to Miguel Ferrer at the beginning or end of the episode.

      My favorite scenes were the Deeks ones. I laughed out loud at his therapy sessions and jokes in prison, it was so typical him! I was holding my breathe when he confessed to whiting, I think it gave them both closure, and I hope she survives and we see some fall out, but eventually she closes his case.
      I can’t wait 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!


  2. It was a great review Karen, as usual!!! I may be repeating myself but I really look forward to read your review every week.
    About Sunday’s episode… I can say I was amazed at first… Lots of action, anger, humor but mostly an amazing Deeks. Can I say I love him more and more every episode? He was outstanding!!! Anyway… It was not a surprise for me that Sullivan was part of the mole story but like you, I don’t understand why he waits until now to hurt her? I mean, he wanted his revenge, I know but why now and not earlier, in her house when he was alone with her? But maybe he’s just a psycho and that’s it!!! Creepy man!!! And what about her? Doesn’t she is an agent? How can she let him be that close to her without questions? For god sake, she let him be in their house and she didn’t seem to be suspicious to find him at the police station…
    About Hetty… I don’t understand her. Why did she need to locked up Deeks, Callen and Sam but not Kensi? And what about Granger? I didn’t understand her motivation at the time but even after I watched the episode a second time, I’m still confused!!!
    And this mole thing… I hope there is a bigger picture because I found this story « It’s our business not yours » a little too easy to justify 3 years of trahison!!! I’m still not convinced…
    I hope we’ll find better answers to our questions in the next episode!!!
    But I was amazed by ECO acting skills, as usual… Those tears in his eyes when he asks Whiting to let him go find Kensi… I could feel his angst!!! And this kiss… Kensi… well done girl!!!


  3. Karen, thank you for your great review, the questions (about plot and Hetty) you mentioned were great! This was a good episode, but I am disappointed with the mole reveal and them bringing back that Afganistan storyline. After all this hype and “someone inside the team” talk I was expecting more (I am not sure if this was the original plan TPTB had for the mole, it kind of felt like plan B for me). I still hope that next episode will have some kind of shocking twist that we are not expecting at all (something that we can’t guess even based on spoilers).

    Kensi getting tortured/kidnapped is getting really boring (I agree with Karen that I would had rather seen Sam/Callen kidnapped). How will this kidnap and another trauma affect her (even if she is rescued before anything bad happens)? She has been battling depression, now this kidnapping and bringing back memories of Afganistan, I personally feel like all of this has to affect her. I really hope Kensi stays in the field and this “Kensi being in charge” is not a hint that she will become a director/boss (and someone else joins the team in the field).

    Densi kiss, finally! (even if was just to give Deeks earwig), but I am still waiting for that scene where Densi have a good proper talk ,How many words have they said to each other since episode 8×09? (especially Kensi to Deeks). This episode had great action and Hetty had some great moments (although her actions do raise more questions) . Anna finally has a job, I really hope she keeps that job and is busy in Washington for a very long time 🙂 I really like Kurt Yaeger as an actor and I thought he did a very good job playing a villain.

    This episode did leave a lot of questions and what I would like to know: Why Sullivan didn’t kidnap Kensi when she was in hospital and has Sullivan been in that hospital for three years? (I have to admit I , too, am bit puzzled when did Kensi shoot Sullivan, did it happen off screen?), If arrests were Hetty’s plot what about Granger getting stabbed, and who stabbed him?. I have hard time believing that they didn’t find that computer virus/spyware sooner, for example during extensive computer searches in Traitor-episode. Could there still be others out there who helped Sabatino with the virus?

    It was really heartbreaking to see Granger in that hospital bed, it was almost too much 😦 I hope there will be some kind of tribute to Miguel in the next episode 😦


  4. Karen:
    Thank you for this monumental effort. I had to jump on the review first thing because I knew you’d bring to light some things that went flying by. It’s so great to “finally” have a great season in which I feel like this is back to being the amazing show that brought us all into the fandom in the first place. Having true mystery and on-going complex plot are my faves!

    I had to start replying halfway through your review, as there’s so much to be addressed. This is the first time in quite awhile I’m driven to go back and watch some past episodes in order to go “clue hunting” as Cladani references with Agatha Christie. I admit I was less focused on the true mole situation than on Deeks in jail and Kensi running OPS. Yet the plot was so thick it turned my attention back to the bigger picture. (I even had to rewatch the end in order to pen the Surf Log this week!)

    Thanks for outlining many questions that we all had, but seemed too numerous to get straight in my head. I too look forward to how it will be ultimately explained the CIA has been after them (or at least a rogue splinter group – is every Fed prone to going rogue?!) I just hope we get a comprehensive answer that indeed explains all the questions and actions. I’m glad we have some time to try to digest the storyline so far and keep speculating its conclusion. (BTW – this won’t be close to the finale, so how are they going to top THIS?!) Personally, my mind is still jumbled. I think I need to rewatch the last 2 eps back to back and maybe take notes along the way!

    For now I’ll skip past the CIA, Carl, and Hetty detaining everyone (that alone illustrates what a crazy ep this was!) and focus where a lot of people went: Whiting. I didn’t like her and still don’t, although I’ll say the character developed to the point I could respect her. However, I’m a very protective & possessive fan, so anyone who threatens Deeks/Densi is always going to be perceived as a foe.

    Initially, I was relieved for Deeks when Whiting was shot. To me it would be a relatively simple way for the Boyle issue and Deeks precarious situation to just end. However, a far better outcome – for Deeks – would be for her to live and deciding to officially close the case – forever. This way there should be no concern of it resurfacing and would give Deeks/Densi comfort and confidence to move on.

    I’m sure we all agree Kensi has been through enough, but I’m also one of the few who has longed to see her both in action and having to struggle internally. This always showcases the best of the strong woman Kensi is (as well as DR’s regular silent acting skills). I’m one who never trusted Sullivan – new people are always in question! (Trust issues, much?!) It’s also obvious we all had Descent flashbacks, which I really appreciated. I hope this eventually develops as a shared experience/healing between Deeks & Kensi (the way post-Afghanistan should have been, in my book).

    As for Sullivan/Ferris’ shooting, could it have been from the team when they were trying to locate Kensi, escape the Taliban in Afghanistan? That there was confusion between the good guys and bad guys?

    No idea how this escape for Kensi will play out – if she’ll save herself or if the guys will bust in. Obviously I’m for the former (insert #girlpower here), but the latter could be interesting. (I’m envisioning a fan fic scene Fictionista48 wrote in a multi-chap piece she’s now taken down as she was able to publish it into 4 books, minus the NCISLA characters, of course. It was the most compelling Densi fan fic I’d ever read.)

    Agree completely with Sabatino’s ‘stache (a la “Snidely Whiplash” in Dudley Dooright) and the need to properly send off Miguel. Overall I loved this ep because it had a steady stream of reveals. I adore shows & eps, where if you don’t pay attention, you’re lost!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The episode “Fish Out of Water” is when Kensi spotted Jack (The White Ghost) and did not take him out. However, Sullivan stated that he was on a horse; when I replayed that episode there were no horses in that scene just vehicles. So I’m with you, just as confused; perhaps its a mission we didn’t see; either way it doesn’t matter Sullivan wants revenge and that’s all there is to it; for now anyway.


  5. Great review!

    When R. Scott Gemmill was handed the reins, he was handed a whole load of mush from the past few seasons and had to deal with the pregnancy leave to boot. Talk about challenges! Lesser men would pass on that garbage deal. Good man that he is, he may be trying in these most recent episodes to wipe the slate clean. Wrap up the stupidly messy loose ends so that at the conclusion of this arc, he can start afresh with new storylines that are HIS. In my imagination, he and the writers locked themselves in a room and said “Ok, let’s do the best we can, to hell with it making 100% sense, let’s be happy with above 50%, get it past us and move on.”


    • And I’ve been in denial about Miguel’s passing. So now let’s add to Gemmill’s rotten deal in taking over with the death of a major character. Good luck, buddy. I for one, will cut the guy some slack for the rest of the season. He’s just putting out fires until next season when he can really run the show.


  6. I really liked your review. Overall I felt it was a good episode, but like you said the storyline was a little disaponting.
    I was really hoping the mole would me someone closer to the team, like Nate or Nell, but it looks like the writers have other plans, and are giving us CIA agents that we only heard a few times. I don’t get why would they come back for revenge because the NCIS team was supposedly “getting on their way”. For what I understood it was something that happened in the Middle East, so it is probably related to the White Ghost arc… Wasn’t it 3 years ago? Why wait so much time? And what was the real CIA operation? And wasn’t Sharon in a Russian prison at that time?
    ECO’s scenes at the prison cell, and the Densi kiss (the first Densi scene of the year), for me were the highlight of the episode! Deeks reaction when Kensi was kidnapped and when he begged Whiting to reach the team were so in character! I was really worried about Kensi and that cliffhanger in the end, but I don’t think Sullivan will actually amputate her leg. I believe there would be repercussions but not physical ones…
    I felt bad for Whiting being shot, and I wasn’t expecting when Deeks revealed to her that he had indeed killed Boyle, but according with the press release of “Payback” the actress that plays Whiting isn’t on the guest actors list… Maybe she dies or maybe she survives and comes back later in the season to haunt Deeks again…
    I was really surprised by Hetty being the one behind all the arrests, but after 8 seasons and so many Hetty’s Masterplans I should’t!
    The Granger scene was so sad, and with Miguel’s passing I wonder what the writers are going to do with his character… I hope they write a nice and respecful farewell to Granger Danger!
    Karen you said you didn’t know when Kensi shot Sullivan/ Ferris, I believe it was on the episode that she was supposed to shoot the White Ghost, but then she saw Jack and purposely missed the shot, so maybe she hit him?
    Also Joelle will be back on the next episode… I wonder if she is somehow related to all this!
    Looking forward to part 3 so I can have my questions answered (I hope)!


    • The episode “Fish Out of Water” is when Kensi spotted Jack (The White Ghost) and did not take him out. However, Sullivan stated that he was on a horse; when I replayed that episode there were no horses in that scene just vehicles. So I’m with you, just as confused; perhaps its a mission we didn’t see; either way it doesn’t matter Sullivan wants revenge and that’s all there is to it; for now anyway.


  7. A truly deeply thought out review, Karen. I wasn’t surprised when Sabatino showed up as a rogue CIA agent, but I’m not sure he is a bad guy. I

    Liked by 1 person

    • Comment got cut off, so let me continue. I am wondering if the CIA sent him undercover to discover what the rogue group was up to, because he looked truly unhappy that Sullivan had taken Kensi. I’m also guessing the writer left him alive to clarify the situation for all of us, which with all the hanging questions is much needed.

      I am probably the only one who didn’t find that scene believable of Deeks in the jail cell with the four guys Whiting sent in to intimidate him. The first guy, okay. But she outed him as a cop to those four, and it was hard for me to believe they didn’t want to get in a few licks while they had the chance. That Whiting put them in there at all was a stretch for me. A small extension of that scene might have shown just how much of a threat he was under and would have allowed us to see how he turned it around. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in Deeks ability to talk himself out of anything, but that scene had us filling in the blanks and it felt a bit weak to me, until Kensi showed up.

      I actually was delighted to find it was Hetty who arranged to have her team arrested by all those alphabet agencies. I recall a line from Callen or Sam remarking that it had to be someone with a lot of power to pull something like that off. So the all-powerful Hetty appears once again as the Wizard of Oz.

      And as for Sullivan. A little over the top in that scene with Kensi, but since I always thought he was suspect, him being crazy I can go with. I always thought it was odd when he described Deeks perfectly before he had ever met him when he was in rehab with Kensi. That was a tip off that he had inside information. Never trusted him, but that he was shot by Kensi was a great twist and ratcheted up the tension and fear, especially after all she has gone through.

      Lots of plot points hanging out there, and it’s going to be a long three weeks until the final resolution. At least they didn’t make us wait all summer like they did with Descent.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you again for a wonderful review; I love reading how other fans react, speculate, question, etc. Its actually a bit of fun in a weird sort of way; using the word fun after losing Miguel 😦 is difficult.
    I liked the episode a lot; unfortunately CBS is making us wait way too long between EPS to keep up the momentum, etc.
    My first comment is about timing I have responded to others, I’m sorry for repeating myself: The episode “Fish Out of Water” is when Kensi spotted Jack (The White Ghost) and did not take him out. However, Sullivan stated that he was on a horse “when the Bitch shot him”; when I replayed that episode there were no horses in that scene just vehicles. So I’m with you, just as confused; perhaps its a mission we didn’t see; either way it doesn’t matter Sullivan wants revenge and that’s all there is to it; for now anyway.
    Scenes I loved; Sam talking all night about budgets, loved that and it made total sense.
    Callen just casually walking out of ATF; running into the ATF agent with a cigarette, irony and made me laugh a bit.
    Det. Whiting stating in Ops when talking about moving dead bodies “who are you people?” LOL.
    Favorite scene; Kensi passing the earwig to Deeks – best scene of the EP — IMO.
    What I hated was Beale, again, acting like a child when things were so serious; that just gets on my nerves and its so unnecessary.
    Seeing Nell at Hetty’s desk and drinking tea! WTH? Hated that a lot!
    Det. Whiting putting Deeks in general lockup with other prisoners; he is a Detective and she outed him as such, wth?
    Having Kensi kidnapped is all over the Net; people don’t like that it was her who was taken since she’s been through so much already.
    I’ve never trusted Sullivan; knew he was up to something; just didn’t know he was all sorts of crazy. I do question the Rehab Nurse who tended to always put Kensi & Sullivan together; wonder if that was on purpose and is she also in on it; or did Sullivan just sweet talk her into it.
    I don’t want to blame Kensi; I truly don’t but we can’t forget she invited this guy into “their” home; I chalk it up to her not being herself and obviously not on guard of new people in her life.
    Hetty (the woman behind the curtain) honestly I just don’t have words; Linda Hunt is excellent; but what Hetty gets away with, without consequences is mind boggling. Perhaps the next EP will shed some light on that.
    Did anyone else notice that Sullivan took Kensi to what appears to be an elementary school classroom. I didn’t notice it the first time, I was so focused on Kensi and crazy Sullivan/Ferris but did notice it the second time I watched. And the mystery continues……………
    Well my wikiDeeks friends, we have to wait three weeks to find out. I am glad to see the show doing so well with viewers; the numbers are great! That, to me, translates to a Season 9 :-)!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for the great review. I look forward to reading them after each episode and seeing the comments. People have pointed a lot of the highlights. ECO was great. I loved him with Det. Whiting. I too grew to like her. I am hoping there is more to this than a few rogue CIA agents. Tech people had to be involved to get that infected email in and unnoticed for several years. I think consequences will be coming to Hetty sometime. I wondered about the shooting as well since I don’t remember it. Wasn’t there a scene with a group of people meeting and a drone. There has to be more behind this. I do think there is more angst to come.
    Seeing Miguel in that hospital bed took my breath away. I thought there would be a tribute though I think we will see it sometime. It had to be emotional for cast and crew to be on that journey with him. He will be missed.


  10. Always read everyone’s insightful comments, but have never posted before. Had a thought though and maybe someone on the forum can recall if there is a plausible link here. It really did look like Sullivan was holding Kensi in some type of classroom for young children. Am I remembering correctly…isn’t Joelle a teacher? Any way this could be her classroom? Could there be a Joelle/Sullivan link? What was the timing of the Joelle relationship? Any theories worth entertaining? : )


    • Great take on a possible Joelle angle. I know she’s in the next ep, so it is possible there is a connection. Lots of questions left to be answered and lots of time to come up with theories.


  11. Hi! Welcome to wikiDeeks :-). I didn’t notice the classroom setting until the second time I watched this EP; then it freaked me out a bit. I’m with you, curious to know what others think about this development; the scene is obviously small children I believe Joelle taught Kindergarten; I think there’s a link but have no theories; except that maybe Sullivan/Ferris got close to Joelle or wouldn’t it be a real kicker to learn that Joelle is CIA — whoa!
    PS — thanks for posting I also enjoy reading everyone’s comments.


  12. I liked the episode, not as suspenseful as last week. I think the tone was a little goofy in some parts. When I saw Granger on screen, I said out loud, “Aww Miguel” 😦 Liked Deeks with Detective Whiting, when he was confessing. It showed what a caring guy he can be. Ended up liking her.
    Kudos to those who were suspicious of Sullivan, I was one of them. I think he makes a good villain, although he was more menacing as a villain on Lethal Weapon. Maybe because of the dialogue they gave him, the revenge situation was a little contrived for me. I was also suspicious because, like Gayle, I don’t easily trust and also because (like Lindy) he knew what Deeks looked like before he met him Another red flag was the visit to Kensi at home and that he had a Marines bumper stinker on his truck (I thought people in uniform weren’t so obvious about that). I couldn’t see Kensi’s dad advertising like that and that perturbs me because I though a Marine’s daughter and an agent would be suspicious of things like that (and that he knew where she lived.)
    I guess for people who complain that Hetty and her team don’t suffer the consequences of their actions were rewarded with what happened in the episode. And I do think Sabatino is not 100% evil.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Diane,
      you know, at the end of your comment, I had a thought.
      the team actually does suffer the consequences for Hetty’s actions. is Hetty herself that never has to pay the price while her team suffers.
      I am still not feeling very rewarded right now.
      if Hetty gets to skate away with just standing in a cage for 5 minutes and then getting to keep her job like nothing happened…
      I will be beyond irritated.

      Die, Anna, Die


  13. Karen,
    Thank you for your excellent review. I enjoyed this episode
    very much! I was still shocked how Hetty had set up Callen’s,
    Sam’s and Deek’s arrests by the alphabet of agencies. Not
    to speak of how she toyed with Carl, and then her scene with
    Carl, Sabatino and Sharov. Hetty is definitely not a saint but
    a Machiavelli and a chessplayer. But Linda Hunt was fantastic.
    I also enjoyed Deeks’s scenes in jail with Tiny and then the
    group very much. As well as Kensi’s memorable kiss! And
    Deeks’s confession to Ellen Whiting was heartbreaking. I think
    he did not only confess to her because of their deal, but
    also because she is a woman of integrity, decency and
    honesty. I dearly hope that she will survive, as I really like
    her. And Karina Logue and Eric Christian were both
    As for Ferris/Sullivan’s personal vendetta against Kensi,
    I think it is a classic tale of revenge and a shocking twist.
    And I think that at the hospital he could just barely disguise
    his hatred of her, but he wanted to know exactly who she
    was and observe her and Kensi did not see this threat coming.
    And if Deeks, Callen and Sam do not arrive in time to save Kensi.
    Ferris definitely wants to make Kensi suffer and thinks he totally
    has her at his mercy. But perhaps he has underestimated Kensi
    and she will somehow fight out of this desperate situation. But Kurt
    Yaeger was extremely chilling and scary as Ferris.
    I also think that it is possible that there are more mole(s) within NCIS
    and that the conclusion on 19 February will feature some more
    shocking revelations.
    It was heartbreaking to see Granger at the hospital and I hope that
    the conclusion of the storyarc will feature a tribute to Miguel.
    As well as that I enjoyed reading everyone’s comments, I think that
    several astute and perceptive points have been made.


  14. Thank you Karen for another great review. I am astonished again and again how much of great writing I read almost every day on this site. Thanks to all of you!!
    Saying that I must add that I do not agree with some things you pointed out above. I liked the episode very much ( actually I liked all this season’s episodes except the “Sirens” and I disliked that one because of the interaction between Sullivan and Kensi, but also because of, the most of the time, completely misplaced humour and wrong and failed atmosphere.)
    However this episode made me see how completely wrong I was expecting and fearing that the writers would take the easiest way to add drama by introducing the third person between Kensi and Deeks. And man… I was so glad that I was wrong!!
    I was the one that did not see Sullivan as actual threat to Kensi, but didn’t like him because of his attitude and behaviour towards Deeks. And we found out in this episode that Deeks has seen him only twice and we witnessed both times, so him coming to their house to see Kensi is even more creepy. I guess she didn’t go for a ride in the end, as this could may be the first plan of Sullivan to get her.
    Somehow it is not at all surprise that Hetty organized all the arrests of her team and is very appropriate that her actions once again cause Kensi’s present situation. Namely Hetty’s manipulations led, similarly as in Afghanistan to Kensi’s captivity.
    Unfo I do not share the opinion on Whiting as I found very hard to like her. I must admit that she is devoted and wants to bring dirty cops to the justice but she doesn’t chose means to do that and (for me) bringing hard-core criminals in the cell with Deeks and letting them know that he is detective is worse than killing dirty cop to save someone’s life. So, no I do not like her and I am not able to respect her. And Deeks, by admitting the Boyle’s murder, shows two things: 1) that he is indeed good guy and honest person and 2) why he would be very successful and crazy rich and popular lawyer. Namely, when I heard his words back in jail that he “would tell her what she wants to hear” (so not necessarily the truth!!) I found them very strange but I figured out that those specific words gave him huge loop to play her in the end and to close this story forever.
    I also agree with all who mentioned possible connection between Sullivan and Joelle since I have noticed immediately that Sullivan brought Kensi in the room that looked like Kindergarten or class for little kids.
    I love how Deeks changed his whole attitude, behaviour and tone the moment Kensi entered the room, and how he became so much gentler. It was so great to see that and to see the kiss after so much time when we least expect to see one (despite its purpose was to transfer the earwig).
    I do not know for how long the writers and show runner(s) work on this mole story and if they knew from its beginning that it would be connected with Afghanistan arc, but kudos to them as so far the story is getting better and better and I have huge expectations from the next episode (and from the whole rest of the season).

    Liked by 1 person

  15. While I am disappointed in the 3 week break, I would find it hard waiting for 1 week and would have preferred a double episode because that is just me. The episode is making me think about what I have seen and most likely need to rewatch.
    While I think that Sullivan is slightly crazy, I suspect that he may have been misled somewhere in Afghanistan. Theory – the CIA 3 are doing double dealings, I wonder if any of them partnered with Trent Kort to be shown the double dealing lifestyle? it would make a nice mothership tie in. Sabatino thinking the game maybe up with Kensi showing up plants the computer virus after multiple attempts to warn her off and dumping her in the middle of nowhere. About this time they are having someone size up Carl with female manipulation, they found him as emotionally needy. Carl is feeling overshadowed by Beale in every way and needs to be the boss of something. This links them together along with a love of money, I don’t think they would do it without the money.
    Kensi and other snipers went out to observe different points due to multiple meets happening. Sullivan is shot by another sniper as this is not at the same meet that Kensi is at. Sabatino finds out Sullivan was shot but Kensi is the only one he thinks is the shooter not taking into account that there are multiple snipers on the base, and tells Sullivan it was Kensi.
    To link the CIA 3 closer after hearing about Arkady going missing, Sharov uses his contacts to get into jail a week or so before Arkady shows up. He doesn’t have to be in there long, he just needs to arrive before Arkady. Sharov had previously dropped off the radar and started to use a new identity on a change of country for other purposes, this would explain his non existence. An easily disposed of hacker is used to falsify prison records.
    Which leads through to current time line


  16. I woke up way too early with conspiracy theories and questions. Who shot Dugan ??? Why? Big question, but what woke me up was wondering if Anna might be CIA. What if she is involved with the rogue group and was tasked with getting close to Callen and inside NCIS? What if the rescue of Arkady was a cover, and Anna used them to help her get Sharov out of that Russian prison? Crazy thoughts one has in the early morning before dawn. Am I crazy?

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Musing out loud here. When villains want revenge against their protagonist, it always seems to be more effective if they take their revenge out on the one the protagonist loves. Protagonists are generally heroes and can take what is dished out but if the loved one is threatened? Much more painful if a bad guy is going toward maximum pain and longer lasting suffering. So those complaining that Kensi has suffered enough and so forth, it would have been better if Sullivan had threatened Deeks. Just thinking like an evil overlord …..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Could still happen if Deeks charges off on his own to find Kensi.

      Liked by 1 person

    • peakae,
      I see your point.
      I can see where Kensi having to watch Deeks being tortured would be crushing for her.
      But, having to rehab and finally getting the use of her leg back…only to have someone remove said leg and put it in a box for you, would be traumatic as well.

      peakae the evil overlord…
      has a nice ring to it.

      Die, Anna, Die


  18. One more wild theory…posting all these little tidbits makes me miss Ed’s many comments. Anyway…wouldn’t it be interesting if Whiting survives and agrees not to bring charges against Deeks, but only if he agrees to resign from the LAPD, finally pushing him to sign those papers and become a federal agent. Just sayin’.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Great theory Lindy. I am all for it…


    • Natalie Ryan // February 1, 2017 at 1:27 PM // Reply

      I like this one Lindy! I’d say let it be real. Your theories are not crazy. I could probably come up with crazy theories of my own, but my mind is busy with studying for the exams to voice them all.


    • Lindy,
      love the idea
      I know we talked before of the internal affairs investigation leading Deeks to leave LAPD, even his treatment last time could have done it.
      But, I thing this situation would be a great way to make it happen. Very fitting.
      I like it.

      Die, Anna, Die


    • Lindy,
      thanks for picking up the slack on the wild theory production.
      I didn’t really hold up my end of the deal this week.
      thanks for bailing me out.


      • Glad I was able to flush you out. Got any wild theories to offer??


        • a couple…there is so much good stuff already posted that i cant figure out where to stick my comments…yep, Kinda walked right into that one, didn’t I

          you guys didn’t wait for me …I’m heartbroken

          I will just cram by stuff in the bottom…wait, that doesn’t sound right either…

          Die, Anna Die


        • okay,
          here is a wild one for you.
          this mole thing has several components to it.
          there is an element of revenge, of someone that lost someone close to them that they loved.
          they were torn apart by the OSP…
          the team tore Paul Angelo away from the person he loved, right?
          so he will tear Kensi from Deeks,…Anna/ Joelle from Callen…… and Michele from Sam.
          He took Granger from Hetty as well. not too close, but all she had.
          how’s that for one. out of left field.

          Die, Anna, Die


          • Ok. I’ll float that idea.

            Let’s look at what has happened. We know the detaining by various agencies of Deeks, Callen, and Sam were orchestrated by Hetty to get them out of the way (stupid move). So there really weren’t any attacks against them. The only attacks were against Granger and Kensi. Hetty was a target because she abducted Carl.

            Both the attacks on Granger and Kensi seem a personal vendetta of some kind. Granger is drugged, framed for a crime, but then stabbed with the intention of killing him. And it will.

            Kensi we know is personal for Sullivan because of his leg.

            The CIA is apparently behind the attack on Granger per Heather’s message. Sullivan is CIA per his personal testimony. Sabatino and whatshisname and the masked guy were trying to liberate Carl. (Because he had info?) We know they are CIA.

            The connecting tissue here is the CIA (via Sabatino) and Granger and Kensi were in Afghanistan. This is about Afghanistan and please God not just because of a rogue operation.

            Next week’s episode has this description: “One agent is held in an unknown location and being tortured by the mole, while another is betrayed by someone unexpected.” The only cast listed are a nurse, an LAPD officer, and Joelle. Joelle has to be the betrayer. The other two are probably for Whiting in the hospital.

            We know the effect (listed above). What is the cause of all this destruction and revenge? What is the spark that created this conflagration of payback?


            • great points. the poison flowers on Kensi’s desk could have just been because he is the girl and it would be more plausible that she would get some…or, it could be that they were going after specifically, which is now likely.
              But, then again…why didn’t Sullivan go after her when he was in her house alone.
              Did she ever get into his truck? we don’t know…we didn’t see it, but then again, we didn’t see Kensi shoot Sullivan either, and that appears to be a big point in the plot.
              it is hard to follow along when they are picking and choosing what of screen actions to make cannon and important points that we don’t actually see but later get told happened…not cool.

              everything is set up for it to be Joelle, but there has to be a big twist.

              the mole was around way before Kensi went to Afghanistan…by about 2 years right?
              didn’t the mole first surface in season 3 …can somebody help me out here?
              was this about Hetty meddling with the CIA trying to recruit Jack?…can it be that easy.

              despite how Hetty acted, did she know about Kensi and fast track her into OSP.
              was it all a setup and staged to get her assets in place?
              we were led to believe that Kensi got here on her own to look into her fathers death, right
              …but if Hetty and Jack were old friends, wouldn’t Hetty have known about Kensi beforehand.
              Hetty must have known Jack before he was recruited by the CIA…which means she knew him before he he returned to Afghanistan. was he always an asset, was he covert even back then.
              was the ptsd real or was him going back all a setup?
              was Hetty taking care of Kensi afterwards part of the deal?
              I smell a rat…a munchkin rat.
              holly crap I took a hard right turn back there somewhere…

              Die, Anna, Die


  19. Great theories everyone. I am all for Deeks becoming an agent. I thought back to Deeks saying he would tell her what she wanted to hear as well. I forgot that Joelle was a teacher. She was a friend of Michelle so could be CIA. I think there is a real personal connection coming up. I wonder about so much. I agree it is irresponsible and to have outed Deeks to those prisoners. Can’t wait for the next episode and continued comments until then. Welcome to the forum.


  20. A fantastic job as always Karen,
    thank you.


  21. there are so many great comments that I don’t even know where to insert my drivel…
    so her they will be…

    Die, Anna, Die


  22. Sullivan
    As one of the people that never trusted Sullivan and always thought he was a plant from day one…FINALLY… it will be nice to be able to voice my dislike of the character without being accused of hating Kurt Yeager himself.
    So…here we go…knew he was bad news, and even if he isn’t, he is an obnoxious jackass.
    And now he appears to be bat shit crazy as well.

    Die, Anna, Die


  23. Joelle,
    We have been talking about Joelle being a mole/ sleeper for quite a while and how the fact would be perfect because of the fact that Sam, the perfect judge of character would be shaken because he dumped her into Callens lap with his seal of approval.
    I agree that it appears to be a classroom that Kensi is in so it would fit.
    Could Sullivan and Joelle be in a relationship?

    Die, Anna, Die


  24. Detective Whiting
    I think she is an interesting character and the actress plays her perfectly.
    You want a portrayal of fictional character to illicit a reaction, and she does very well. I can’t stand her now. She is internal affairs. She is responsible for holding even good cops to the letter of the law. The why doesn’t matter…she enforces the rules. The end never justifies the means. It was either a legal action or it wasn’t…and so on. She used suspect intimidation, which could have resulted serious injury or death to attempt to obtain a confession…from a fellow law enforcement officer. That is one of the most unethical things that she could have done. Pathetic. She wants to put Deeks in jail for doing the wrong thing for the right reason, and she does the exact same thing.
    She needs to stay in the office if word of that spreads and she ever finds herself in need of backup, they will likely be looking the other way.

    Die, Anna, Die


    • I really think Whiting will live and have a change of heart
      it wouldn’t be awful to see her from time to time.
      Karina Logue plays the character very well.


  25. so, does anyone know who the other people are in the pic of the classroom?
    Could that be Joelle in the background?
    Kensi appears to still have both her legs< so we can assume that Sullivan committed the number one baddie cliché’ mistake…. tormenting or over explaining to the potential victim…thus giving them time to escape or for help to arrive.
    That or the battery went dead…the end result…One Kensi, two legs

    Die, Anna, Die


    • This is just my speculation, but I don’t think it is Joelle, actually looks more like Anna to me. Compared to that one previous pic, (if that is Joelle in that pic), her hair looks different, could be a wig though 🙂 I have been staring at that new pic way too long ….


      • I’m glad to see I’m not the only one! It seemed more like Anna than Joelle to me too (I would be overjoed if the authors went there but I don’t think they will since I have the feeling Bar Paly will become more or less a regular…), while the classroom background perfectly fits with Joelle’s character since she is/was (has never been?) a teacher.

        I’m not ok with Joelle’s involvement in this dark mole arc, though, first because I liked her character and the idea that she was completely unaware of Callen’s very particular and dangerous profession and second because getting confirmation that she is an evil character that was plotting behind Callen’s and the team’s back from the start kind of ruins for me some of my favorite scenes from “Humbug” like the one after being saved by Callen in which she asks him with a genuinely astonished look in her eyes “Who are you?”, the one in which she explains to Callen the meaning of “Humbug” as a fraud and the one at the ice rink in which she asks Callen about his name and refers to his team as his “family”.
        If the authors have really ruined Joelle’s character turning her into the mole or one of them, I can’t think I won’t be able to watch “Hambug” again (very frequent in my rewatch list for obvious Densi reasons!) with the same enthusiasm as before. After dragging it out so long, I understand the authors had to do something to make this never-ending mole-hunt appealing to new viewers but I wonder why they have to do so at the other viewers’ expenses, those who follow them since Season 1, damaging characters that belong to other storylines.

        I still hope that Joelle won’t be directly involved, and I will hope so until proved otherwise, but I have some trust issues with the author of next episode, so sadly I’m already prepared to start rewatching “Humbug” fastforwarding the Joelle and Callen scenes.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I agree with you, I see Anna, but I have a feeling she will become a more regular character, (maybe my eyes see what I want them to see). If Anna betrays the team it wouldn’t be as surprising as some comments (for example from Chris O’Donnell) have hinted , I will be overjoyed too if it really is Anna.
          My imagination is running wild, if that woman is Anna maybe she and that bad guy (?) have kidnapped Joelle too.


          • AnneS,
            you might want to watch your language…

            Please don’t use the words” Anna” and “regular character” in the same sentence.

            some of us are offended by such vile statements…
            how dare you utter such filth, how dare you, I say

            Die, Anna, Die


        • I don’t want it to be Joelle either. She was sweet and forthright, a good counterpoint to Callen’s character. I actually thought they would have been good for one another. She was an innocent, and maybe that’s not sexy enough for the writers. Anna is crass is comparison, so I’m hoping she is the one who is part of the mole conspiracy.


    • Could it be Grace Stevens from a Ravens and Swans episode? I think that her name.


  26. Deeks Confession
    I get the drama of it, I really do.
    But he confessed because he was a man of his word, Huh?
    He said after they found Kensi that he would confess. Was Kensi there, I sure didn’t see her…no Kensi, no confession.
    Therapeutic my ass…it was just stupid.
    I’m sure she will survive and it will create some more Densi drama…because goodness knows we sure don’t have enough of that.

    Die, Anna, Die


  27. WARNING!
    Reading the comments below may lead to the need enroll in an online sensitivity class. Sorry.

    Being the perpetual optimist that I am, I realize that that there are never any real problems …only opportunities.
    So Kensi losing a leg is not really a problem. It is an opportunity…an opportunity for Deeks to expand his extensive list of nicknames for his Kensi.
    Think of the possibilities he could use.
    Captain Blye
    One shoe
    Five toe
    She could get 50% off on shoes without a sale…
    I am not positive, but I think Blye is Latin for ye who swims in circles…
    Just sayin’


    Die, Anna, Die


  28. I still can’t stand Eric’s behavior in the field situations,
    His stupid comments were irritating in the sneak peek…and only bugged me even more in the context of the show.
    Somebody please make it stop.
    I am actually hoping he is a mole so he will get shot and I won’t have to watch that crap any more…
    Foe such a likable character, the writing can make him dreadful and worthy of getting kicked in the junk.

    Die, Anna, Die


  29. Did anyone else think that Nell sitting in Hefty’s chair drinking tea was a clue to something.
    Final victory.
    Her plan coming together.
    Nero watching Rome burn…
    Just a thought

    Die, Anna, Die


  30. I still think there is a chance that Eric or Nell is involved.
    Hard to believe the breach wasn’t found unless one or the other was disrupting the search somehow.

    Die, Anna, Die


    • i just rewatched most of the season, While watching ‘Sirens’ i couldn’t help but think that the traitor may be Nell. There was the whole usb in the pilot, and this ep. she told Carl Brown when Natalie was taken into custody, so she was obviously kept up to date and could have easily set up the ambush, she could have also wanted to be the one to talk to Carl to see how much he knew???
      Deeks also brings up his theory that it was Joelle who orchestrated the shootout by Callens house… could be foreshadowing that she is actually involved.


  31. I have really had enough of Hetty Going Rogue.
    The lack of trust in a leader in a dangerous high risk job is almost unworkable.
    She has done a few things to redeem herself somewhat this season, but that sure went down the crapper. Look at the risk and exposure that Kensi and Deeks are in.
    Just plain stupid.
    Not really a need to blow the building if she had of clued someone in and had backup.

    Die, Anna, Die


    • If she explained her plan instead of being her usual devious self, Kensi wouldn’t be in Sullivan’s clutches. How can she go through all that setup and then conveniently miss Sullivan as Ferris? Her team aren’t a bunch of idiots that can’t be trusted with a sting operation. Why do it and only do it half assed and not protect the entire team?


  32. Is everyone sure that Sabatino is with the bad guys and not going to help somehow?

    Die, Anna, Die


    • Hi Ed! Thanks again for the laughs :-); I think Sabatino does what’s best for Sabatino period. I’ve always been suspicious of him from the first time we met him. His actions in Afghanistan; even Kensi acknowledged when questioned by Beale “didn’t he save you” she replied “did he?” Remember he just showed up from under some bushes. As Kensi has stated “The CIA are a Spooky bunch” and she’s right!


      • I do love that spooky bunch line and the interaction in that scene.
        a good dynamic to see at work between the couple.
        more of that please….

        Die, Anna, Die


  33. I didn’t really like the instant canon modification things that we never saw.
    I still feel that it is what we see, not what somebody thinks happened
    Sullivan lost his leg in an op we never saw Kensi in. really. Didn’t she fire her sniper rifle exactly once…near jack?
    I get the drama, I do, but what’s next…
    Sam’s brother helps in the rescue? what, you didn’t know Sam had a brother…well he does now and he is a big part of the plot…
    You guys should have seen it coming.
    It is not a huge issue, but it does bother me.

    Die, Anna, Die


    • Just because we only saw Kensi using her sniper skills once during her time in Afghanistan, doesn’t mean she didn’t use them during other missions while she was there. She was there a long time, so I doubt she was sitting around that trailer all day. Time still passes while we aren’t looking.


      • I agree with the point, but she was sent with a specific assignment in mind. she was part of a specific task force and not part of the general military operations. If she actually was the one that shot Sullivan, then our expert Sniper hit him at least a good 3 feet too low for it to be a kill shot.
        Below the knee? really?, I just don’t buy it.
        also, of he found out that it was a female that shot him, the info would likely have gone both ways and the task force would have been informed that there was a friendly fire incident even if specifics were not given..also, the way he is walking was very smooth and effortless, like he has been recovered for many many years.
        then, there is the fact that Sullivan has other injuries as well. Burns, right…
        he has burns, old ones on his arms. he didn’t get them from falling off his horse after he was shot .The bright pink color of new skin after a burn takes years to fade, so his was a very long time ago. ..
        If in fact this is what really happened, and the show runners have had this planned for a very long time, I just thought we might have got a little tidbit of a tie in. It just seems slightly cobbled together I do realize it is not finished, and that it will hopefully get cleared up next ep.
        I guess I am just being a little picky.


  34. hey guys….A Densi Kiss.
    isn’t that the first one since the “puppy breath” one in the hospital?
    I look forward to this being the first of many multi purpose kisses and displays of affection between the duo in the field.
    hey, if it works..keep it up.
    nicely done. Yay…

    Die, Anna, Die


  35. This is posted online today:
    NCIS: Los Angeles Plans Tribute to Miguel Ferrer
    “In the episode, a version of “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” played by Ferrer’s band, The Jenerators and sung by Ferrer will be heard. (Ferrer was an accomplished drummer before turning to acting). The episode will end with a remembrance title card.
    Ferrer will also appear in the February 19th episode, “Payback,” in scenes that were filmed prior to his death.
    Ferrer played Assistant Director Owen Granger for six seasons on the CBS procedural. He died last month of cancer at the age of 61.
    Prior to his death, Ferrer also had filmed a reprise of his Twin Peaks role as FBI forensics expert Albert Rosenfield in Showtime’s upcoming reboot, which premieres on May 21.
    Ferrer also is remembered for his co-starring role on NBC’s Crossing Jordan and the original Robocop”
    Wow! What a great man; worked up to the end. Scenes with him were shot prior to his death; knowing time was limited for him. Man, this just gets me; but I’m so pleased to learn he will get a proper send off. He will be so missed; it may be a bit difficult for me to watch but I’m going to have to turn the sadness into strength because that’s what he did. Bless you Miguel/Granger!


  36. I am So SORRY widiDeeks fans; I really screwed this up and can’t undo my posts. Here is another post from online; again I’m so sorry.
    “NCIS: Los Angeles” will pay tribute to the late actor Miguel Ferrer next March. Ferrer, who starred for seven seasons on the CBS drama, died last month at the age of 61 of throat cancer.
    The March 5 episode of “NCIS: Los Angeles” will feature a version of the Bob Dylan song “Knocking on Heaven’s Door” performed by Ferrer’s band the Jenerators and sung by Ferrer. A title card remembering Ferrer will be displayed at the episode’s end.
    Ferrer was the son of singer Rosemary Clooney and actor Jose Ferrer, and also first cousin to George Clooney.
    In a statement last month following Ferrer’s death, “NCIS: Los Angeles” showrunner R. Scott Gemmill said, “Today, ‘NCIS: Los Angeles’ lost a beloved family member. Miguel was a man of tremendous talent who had a powerful dramatic presence on screen, a wicked sense of humor, and a huge heart.”

    Liked by 1 person

  37. It doesn’t appear that it will be Nell as a mole, but I still keep thinking that the plot just does not ring quite true without more inside help.
    With all the skill they have, I don’t really buy that Eric and Nell couldn’t find the hack. Unless, of course, one of them was helping to mask it from the other.
    Look at everything they can find and track…I just don’t believe it. Then again, the discovery is quite the coincidence timing wise.

    It is quite possible that it is just a weak point in the plot line that I will have to accept. Which is fine…

    Die, Anna, Die.


  38. Eric the mole
    I still think that Eric would be absolutely perfect…all his goofiness an act…
    I doubt it, but it would be wild to see him flip a switch and become vicious.
    He actually has had a couple of time that he has made odd comments or had a odd look at the end of a scene in the not too distant past…especially around Deeks.
    Maybe Eric is related to Boyle?
    The illegitimate son or a nephew maybe
    The son of Boyle and a hooker….wow…where the hell did that come from.

    Die, Anna, Die.


  39. I really do think that originally Nell the protégé was to replace Hetty after this primarily self-inflicted debacle collapsed around her ears. But that was before Miguel’s health deteriorated. I feel that the plan was to have Nell take over day to day tasks and have Granger still provide that seasoned anchor at the helm.
    I really doubt that Hetty and Granger would both depart at the same time.
    Dugan could have taken over…but not now.
    I remember AJ Chegwidden from the old JAG days…could he take over?
    That might work…
    There needs to be that grizzled old vet somewhere.
    I don’t know why else he would be here. As the leader of TEAM BADDIE, it just is quite a stretch to believe.

    Die, Anna, Die.


  40. I don’t really want Joelle as the mole…
    Other than the impact on the A team partners there is no upside.
    It would however be a surprise twist and from an unexpected character
    A part of me wants this to be part Sam and Callens fault, or at least happen under their noses after the way they treated Deeks.
    I absolutely do not want this to be the fault of Kensi or Deeks.
    They have been dealt enough crap already.

    Die, Anna, Die.


  41. Who is in the pic???
    Is it Anna or Joelle, or Grace?
    We mentioned Grace quite a while ago, and it could be…Maybe she is upset about being indoctrinated and used as an asset by Hetty all these years.
    Joelle is in the press release and it is a class room…but that might just be too easy.
    My ultimate preference would be for it to be Anna…but as I zoom in it just doesn’t look like her…
    Anna’s face is far more sharp, angular…Rat like…kind of like a ferret.
    A ferret with no acting skills…
    Just sayin’
    I always preferred Joelle. I like the character, Elizabeth Bogush is a good actress, (she has more than one facial expression) and there was good chemistry between her and Callen. I wouldn’t mind her sticking around at all.

    Die, Anna, Die.


    • It could be Grace, I see more her than Joelle in that pic (Anna is till my first choice though).
      I hope it isn’t Grace though, we haven’t seen her for years and I don’t think they have even mentioned her or her being close to the team. For us fans who remember her and her story her being the mole would make sense, but for casual viewers it might be confusing and maybe needs too much explaining/reminding?


      • I am not sure it can just be some random guest characters.
        who is on the inside of the organization for this?
        if we are to assume it is not one of our main 4, then we are left with…
        Eric, Nell and Hetty.
        as far as possible recurring characters you have Anna, Joelle, and Nate.
        then there is Grace and Paul Angelo
        there has to be at least one of the, and quite likely more than one.
        just my thought.

        we haven’t seen some of these people in a while and I agree that to the casual viewer the tie in would be tough as they would just appear random.
        however….we have seen a lot of Anna….and Nate did make an appearance…
        did Nate come back to allow the casual fans to get a little back story on him and be able to relate to him when he is revealed as a mole?????

        Die, Anna, Die.


  42. Does anyone think there could be a love connection it Team Gadguys.
    Could Joelle and Sullivan be lovers as well?
    Could it be Anna and Randall Sharov?
    Could Grace Stevens fit in somehow?…Sabatino maybe?

    Die, Anna, Die.


  43. After this is over, I am so ready for Kensi and Deeks to move forward somehow.
    It is just time…waiting patiently…well maybe not…get on with it.

    Die, Anna, Die.


  44. Was the attempt on Kensi being poisoned by the flowers just to cause confusion, or was she the specific target way back then as well. Was she the logical candidate for flowers on her desk…or was there more to it.
    Hard to figure.

    Die, Anna, Die.


  45. I can’t figure why Dugan died or who killed him…
    Well, ok, I know why,…he was hit by a bullet, really? There , I beat you to it…
    But, he was out to disband OSP, and had no connection to it at all.
    Normal NCIS would not have the purview of dealing with the CIA, so why take him out.
    I can’t really see a reason why to do it? Can you?

    Die, Anna, Die.


  46. I still think it was unwise for Deeks to confess, but if she lives and lets it go he may feel some form of vindication or redemption, and be able to put it behind him.

    If one of her conditions is that he leaves LAPD, well then, so much the better.

    Die, Anna, Die.


  47. What the heck was up with Nate…
    If he is not involved in any of this, then his appearance was a huge waste of time.
    Was he just a big Red Herring?
    That’s a shame if it is true.
    he would be a great bad guy.

    Die, Anna, Die.


    • It does feel weird that they brought him back for only one scene with Kensi and I thought that tweet from Peter Cambor was kind of hint of Nate being involved (when he tweeted about the show and Nate wasn’t in the episode)


      • he very well might be the big surprise in this whole thing
        I am suspicious.
        the casual viewer has seen him recently and his comment about being the one to make the decision about Kensi’s return let the viewer know he had some influence.
        the conversation and the hug let the fan know there was some history and trust between Nate and the team members.
        so it would work for the new fans, and the long time fans have some investment in the character, but not overly so. it would be a hit, but not crush the core of the team, and the timing is way beyond suspicious to me.

        Die, Anna, Die.


  48. Another one of Ed’s brilliant ideas…

    If we are to assume that Anna is not the mole and will hang around so that we are stuck with her…I , in my infinite smartitude…yep, that’s a real word…I checked.
    I have developed a perfect plan….

    Anna is on our side…gotta love her, what a fantastic asset.
    Unfortunately, this involves some of her and Arkady’s old enemies. Darn it…
    Now she is hunted by both the CIA and the Russian Mob.
    What is a hero to do???
    Run away…never I say…
    Change your identity? Okay, but these people are smart. So how.
    Anna will remain with the team, but will change her name and undergo facial reconstruction surgery to avoid detection.

    Thus, her new name will be Katia and since her appearance is different, poor Anna…oops, I mean Katia… will now be played by Sasha Alexander, Stana Katic, Angie Harmon or someone similar…
    Perfect, Right???
    Why the hell didn’t I think of this earlier….

    Die, Anna, Die,
    Welcome, Katia, Welcome


  49. Sullivan/Kurt Yaeger

    I was suspicious of Sullivan from the first second he came on screen. I’m so glad he’s part of the mole storyline so he can be permanently eliminated.

    I am going rogue to say I didn’t think his acting was quite up to par with the rest of the cast. I just didn’t get the sense of fear he was trying to project. His acting was flat to me. I didn’t think he was “scary” or angry enough to pull of the revenge angle. His acting choice was limited to cocking his head from one side to the other and smirking while saying his lines. I could feel Dani was scared but that’s great acting on her part and not feeding off Kurt’s acting. He wasn’t menacing like Sidarov and his goons. I actually laughed at one point. Maybe I had an off day but I don’t get why fans on twitter are campaigning for him to be a permanent cast member.


  50. Joelle,
    Neither do I want Joelle to be involved in
    the mole(s) storyarc. I really like her and
    she had a natural chemistry with Callen.
    I, too remember how sincerely shocked
    she was at Callen’s revelations.
    If for instance Joelle would turn out to be a
    CIA agent as well as Ferris/Sullivan’s lover
    in “Payback”. I would be extremely uncomfortable
    with it. Because the writers would seriously damage
    Joelle as a character and what they have already
    established as canon for her relationship with Callen
    and how this came to an end.

    I still detest Anna!! It is possible that she is for instance
    involved with Ferris and is his lover. And that beside Kensi
    Joelle was also kidnapped or taken hostage.

    Nell, Eric and Nate,
    I do not trust them. And I find it very unbelievable that neither
    Eric nor Nell would not have noticed the hack.
    And there is still the mystery of what Nell downloaded when Duggan
    took over during the season’s premiere. As well as that I think Nell
    looked smugly satisfied when she sipped from Hetty’s tea.
    As for Eric, all the annnoying antics with the flashbangs etc. could
    it be a huge cover-up?
    For instance, when he helped Kensi to stage the fake drive-by in
    “Hot Water” so she could get Heather out of the hospital. He did it
    perfectly, and when he removed his hood there was a very odd look
    in his eyes.


    • I agree that Eric has had some peculiar looks at the ends of a few scenes in the last year or so
      it makes you think his goofiness may all be an act
      Die, Anna, Die.


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