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What Could Possibly Go Wrong? NCISLA Fan Fiction

The baby news had been such an adrenaline rush. His emotions were raw, especially when he looked at Kensi. She had wanted this almost as long as he had. After all they’d gone through, coming to terms with it never happening at all had been tough to shake. Even after talking to her doctor there was still that tiny bit of doubt that lingered. He had known since childhood that things didn’t always work out the way you hoped they would. At least not in his young life. He grew up expecting things to go wrong. He grew used to disappointment. Resigned himself to its inevitability. His dad had taught him that. So many promises. Most, if not all, never realized.

He was still getting used to Kensi’s love, never taking it for granted. That they had Rosa in their life was another amazing gift. They had both worked hard to make it happen, but during the process he had still been wary of what might go wrong. He had mentally prepared himself for disappointment. When that hadn’t happened, and they were able to adopt her, that feeling of wariness hadn’t gone away. He constantly worried something would happen to her, so he had become a little overprotective. Kensi understood his concerns, but she loved being a mom and indulged Rosa. He did too but remained apprehensive. He wasn’t about to let his guard down.

Now, there was the promise of a baby. Their own child. He was in awe of that becoming reality, but still unable to believe that nothing would go wrong. It was tarnishing his joy. Kensi sensed that he hadn’t fully believed the news and had spent the last couple of days trying to reinforce the fact that he was going to be a father. If he brought up too many questions, she’d give him the warning look she used when they were out in the field, before smiling widely, unable to contain herself. The warmth of her joy infused him in those moments but didn’t completely erase his cautiousness. The very idea that Kensi was pregnant was almost incomprehensible. How could something they’d longed for so long really be happening? They had given up hope. Those long nights comforting one another had been gut wrenching, especially for Kensi, who felt the failure intensely. Now, she was ecstatic, and he loved seeing her so happy. As for himself… he was going to be a dad, and that thought was awesome. But with that reality came all the decisions they would need to make about their future.

“Oh, buddy… your head is going to explode before this is over.”


Even though she spoke his name softly, he still jumped, turning to see if she was okay.

“Who are you talking to?”

“Just the crazy guy in my head,” he replied with an embarrassed smile.

“Didn’t you hear your phone?” she asked. “It’s Sam. He said you never picked up. Did you turn it off?

“Yeah, no… maybe,” he mumbled. “Sam? What did he want?”

“Our help.”

“I thought they were in Morocco.”

“They are.”

“No… no, no,” Deeks said. “Not happening.”

“Don’t you want to know what he wants?”

“I know what he wants,” Deeks said. “Did you tell him?”

“No. I thought we agreed it’s too early to tell everyone… in case…”

Tears clouded her eyes and he moved to quickly pull her close, realizing she was feeling as cautious as he was.

“Hey, Kens. It’s normal to feel this way… right?”

“I don’t know what’s normal, Deeks. It all seems like a dream.”

“One come true,” he whispered, hugging her tighter.

“Have you told your mom?” she asked as she leaned back to look at him.

”And have to drive past a huge billboard on Sunset Boulevard with our pictures on it announcing you’re pregnant? A definite no to that. She’s a crazy woman, Kens.” He laughed. “I want this to be our news for awhile. Just for our little family unit… you, me, and Rosa.”

“What about Sam?” Kensi said. “He wants an answer.”

“Whatever he wants… it’s not happening, Kens,” Deeks said. “You’re pregnant. No way are we going halfway around the world to get involved in one of Hetty’s dangerous missions that could get you killed. I love Hetty, but… no… no way am I allowing you to be put into a situation like that.”

“He didn’t ask for me. Just you.”


He turned away and walked over to the window, his mind in turmoil. He knew Sam wouldn’t ask for his help if he didn’t need it, but things were different now.



“I don’t want you to go,” she said, the words rushing out as she wrapped her arms around him.


“Yeah, baby… seriously. I don’t want you in danger either.”

He turned to face her, searching for any doubt or hesitation about what she’d just said.

“Decision time then… yeah?”

“I want us both to see this baby grow up.”

“So… no more running into buildings rigged with explosives?” He said with a soft smile.

“Or taking down terrorists.”

“Or international spies.”

“People shooting at us.”

“We’ve spent our professional lives protected others… our team… our country…”

“Now it’s time to take care of ourselves,” Deeks said. “For the baby’s sake.”

“Oh my God, Deeks. We’re really going to have a child,” she said, smiling through her tears.

“That’s the news on the street,” he laughed. “Need to be around to protect my baby mama.”

“And Baby Deeks will need his dad… or her dad.”

“Guess I better call Sam back.”

“You can tell him why you’re not coming, but swear him to secrecy,” Kensi said.

“Yeah… can’t have Mama ordering those billboards just yet.”

About Lindy D. (64 Articles)
I write Fan Fiction under the name Sweet Lu. I am a former graphic designer and live in Northern California with my husband and a Cocker Spaniel named Gracie. I love the character Marty Deeks, love writing about him and love watching ECO bring him to life.

3 Comments on What Could Possibly Go Wrong? NCISLA Fan Fiction

  1. Yes! You captured Deeks exactly as I’d imagine him- waiting for the other shoe to fall. And you covered why he would feel that way. This was great.


  2. Deeks reacted true to character.
    Kensi, after all they’ve been through together, agreed with him. That was a little surprising from Badass Blye, who usually put the job first.
    My reaction would be the same as Deeks. Family comes first.
    Lindy, lovely post episode story.


  3. Ivelina Plamena Georgievi // June 12, 2023 at 10:13 AM // Reply



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