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Review: NCISLA “Lost Soldier Down” (S13E07)

Happy New Year to all our wikiDeeks fans out there and welcome back to Season 13 after a long hiatus!  Here’s to a much healthier and happier 2022 for us all. 

PLEASE READ:  Before we get into the review, I’d like to address the ten-ton elephant in the room here in the review section.  We have had to close the review comments on the last two reviews due to some very negative and unconstructive remarks.  The editorial staff has made the decision to put an end to the show bashing found on this site lately.  That’s not why we created wikiDeeks.  If you are unhappy with the direction the show has taken recently then you may want to find another show that you can enjoy without so much angst.  Of course, you are most welcome to add constructive criticism and remarks that are enlightening and add to an intelligent discussion of the show.  But the constant bashing with people leaving the same comments repeatedly has got to stop.  We kindly ask that you take your overwhelming dissatisfaction with the show elsewhere or we will block you.  I hate to have to make this disclaimer but just know you have been forewarned. Let’s turn a new leaf and be a bit more kinder this year and if you are unable to do that then I wish you fair winds and following seas.  But I hope you will try to enjoy the show more or move on to entertainment that gives you greater satisfaction. Thanks.

Lost Soldier Down is the latest Season 13 episode which features the team investigating the apparent suicide of a Navy intelligence officer who leaps to his death after taking LSD.  It’s also Daniela Ruah’s second time in the director’s chair after her first effort, Russia, Russia, Russia.  It was interesting that Ruah didn’t spend any time in front of the camera and instead decided to concentrate all her efforts directing her colleagues and crew.  I think it contributed to a more coordinated show with a lot less chaos and a tighter fit.  Indira Wilson was the executive story editor for that first directorial episode, but this time Wilson pens the first story where she gets total writing credits.  Wilson has been the executive story editor for 17 other NCISLA episodes in 2020-21 along with some other acting credits to her name within the NCIS franchise.  It’s great to see two women in charge of a new episode and over all I was happy with the results.

Who Doesn’t Love a Zen Garden?

It always feels like home when I see the cast meeting up in the bullpen as they begin their NCIS day… even if Callen is still obsessed with finding more of Hetty’s proteges.  At least his sense of humor is intact.  Deeks’ announcement of his new Zen Garden as a surprise for Kensi when she returns from Mexico brings looks of disbelief from both Callen and Sam as if they know his wife better than he does.  And sometimes I believe they do.

Since drug use in the intelligent community can be a threat to security, Kilbride sends the team off to investigate who is supplying the ship with LSD and to find out if Vargas’ death was a murder or a suicide. Kilbride knows better but orders the team to be discreet, regardless.  Famous last words.

Uncle Creepy

I guess we learned a little more about Fatima and Roundtree’s personal life and knowing more about the character’s family life can be illuminating at times.  But since these two characters are outlanders and not always integral to the storyline, it’s sometimes a waste of valuable storyline time, in my opinion.  Until these two characters are essential to the show, I’m afraid these interludes are unnecessary. As much as I loved Nell and Eric, sometimes their drama could get in the way of a good story too.   

What I do like seeing are the tide-and-true scenes that made this series so enjoyable.  I enjoyed watching Callen and Sam having one of their little heart-to-heart talks in the Cobra with a little Shakespear and Sandlot thrown in.  Also, another throwback is Deeks discussing Kensi’s green thumb or lack thereof and Roundtree wanting to be on hand when Kensi gets to see Deeks’ Zen Garden surprise for the first time.  This show has always been about the action, but it’s also been about the tiny moments that brings these characters to life.  It’s what I always remember long after all the ‘shoot ‘em up’ scenes.

What, Showtunes?

I had to giggle at Roundtree’s guess at how Deeks handled his anxiety while working with the LAPD.  Showtunes?  Roundtree question, even though a little bit sarcastic shows how much of an open book Deeks is. More hilarity ensues as Deeks has his first VR experience.  “Where are my feet?” Deeks rolling around on the couch is a hoot as he tries to find clues within the game.

Meantime, Callen and Sam interrogate one of the other sailors who may have given Vargas the drugs, but things just aren’t adding up.  He is shocked at Vargas’ death but doesn’t know how he got the drugs either. Really?  No one seems to know where these drugs are coming from?  Interesting dilemma.  Deeks and Roundtree gather up more clues but are interrupted by someone who proclaims Vargas’ death was murder. Vargas’ love interest swears he would never have taken the drug.  So, we are back to square one.  As the agents get closer to finding out how the drugs were distributed throughout the ship, finding who is bring the drugs aboard ship is going to take more time.

It’s my New Obsession

Candy Crunch it isn’t.  Callen has located one of Hetty’s wunderkinds and Sam’s right.  Finding every foster kid Hetty ever took in is not going to fill in the blank pages of Callen’s life.  But you know Callen, once he gets obsessed, he’s like a dog with a bone and will follow all leads to their logical conclusion.  Which of course is what makes him such a good agent despite all the drama.  Will he leave it alone?  You know he won’t.

And This is How the World Ends

There is definitely no bromance between Deeks and Roundtree, but they did make an amusing team.  Deeks berating his younger partner for his lack of knowledge regarding his favorite musical, Hair was quite amusing.

Deeks:  This my friend defined a generation.  It questioned authority.  In fact, it is the reason I wear my hair two inches longer than the average law enforcement officer.

Well now we know.  But I have a feeling his undercover work had a lot more to do with it than the musical, but never-the-less I enjoyed how Deeks (and probably ECO) was enjoying himself with the one-sided banter.  It reminded me when he was first teamed up with Kensi but now, he has a whole new audience to charm with Roundtree tagging along.  Poor Roundtree.  If he only knew what a Jimmy Snuka Super Fly Splash is. Deeks was at his crazy best in this episode.

No surprise the team works their magic and comes up with a shady contractor, Davis who had connections to the ship at the time the LSD problems began.  Tracking down Davis, the team goes in for the kill with guns blazing.  Deeks sounds like a cowboy wrangling his pickup to stop the bad guy from escaping.  And that’s about as discreet as Deeks gets. But it turns out the real criminal was Vargas’ therapist who was on a mission to heal the depressed officer, lacing some CBD gummies with the LSD.  The team solved two different crimes at the same time since the drug ring on the ship and Vargas’ death were not connected.  All in a day’s work for our NCIS crime fighters. A little anti-climactic I suppose but at least they were not saving the entire world, just a little corner of it.

Finally, the biggest laugh of the night came from the master, Sam Hanna:

Callen:  Have you seen the movie, Hair?

Sam:  Do I look like I’ve seen the movie Hair?

Perfect.  We love you Sam.

This episode was like a cozy, old blanket.  I didn’t realize how much I missed the bullpen banter, the Callen/Sam bromance and the innocent Deeks teasing until the hour came to an end.  Ruah and Wilson took us back to our NCIS roots at a time when we all fell in love with the show for all those reasons and more.  We need more episodes like this.  Nothing flashy, just back to the basics. What did you think of this week’s offering?  Let us know down in the comments below.  Karen will be back with a new review next week.  In the meantime, check out Deeks’ Surf Log.  We’ll see you all next week!

About Diane (437 Articles)
Founder, Writer and Contributing Editor of wikiDeeks. Always wanted to put together a talented team of writers and graphic designers who loved NCISLA and Marty Deeks in particular! My dream came true! Hope you enjoy what we have created!

58 Comments on Review: NCISLA “Lost Soldier Down” (S13E07)

  1. Catherine Betham // January 3, 2022 at 1:53 PM // Reply

    I had my first (and only) VR experience when I attended the VanGogh immersion exhibit. Damm near fell off my stool – Deeks I’m right there with you.

    But I digress

    I did appreciate the bullpen banter. Might I suggest the zen garden is the new project now that the bar is gone? And I’m sorry why can’t Callen and Sam be a tad supportive of Deeks? It took me back to the early days. Not a pleasant memory.

    Kudos to Daniella. She works hard and is establishing herself as a fine director.

    Thanks Diane for your hard work. And to quote Col Potter “Here’s to the New Year. May she be a damn sight better”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Catherine. I appreciate your support.

      Liked by 1 person

    • It wasn’t that Callen and Sam weren’t “being supportive” of Deeks. They’d heard the part of the conversation where Kensi seemed to be telling Deeks she didn’t want anything done to the backyard, at least until she got home. So, really, they were “supporting” Deeks by encouraging him NOT to do something that might get into trouble with Kensi. lol

      Liked by 1 person

  2. With regards to Catherine’s remark about the bar; we still don’t know what happened to it….is it gone…where did it go….did they sell it and make a nice profit….is Mama Deeks running it….?

    I agree with Catherine regarding the continued non-support towards Deeks, not a pleasant memory indeed, but expressing anything under the threat of the Disclaimer makes me nervous and takes the joy out of the discussion, so I will keep quiet.

    Instead, I will keep it short: Love Deeks’ trimmed and cleaned-up look. But I watch the show for Densi and there was none, so I fast-forwarded through it and wish for a better one next week.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you Diane, spot on review..I also enjoyed the banter in the bullpen..I hope we see more of it..Dani, as always, congratulations on directing, great job as always..I did miss seeing Dani in the episode, but understand that could be hard..Kilbride seems really compassionate to Fatima and roundtree..not as much to rest of glad that the new episodes are back..

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy new Year! Hope you all enjoyed the holidays.

    I’m all for meeting 1 of Hetty’s proteges, just hope it’s for the right reasons.

    That’s all I have to say about this episode. Though, I do have a couple of OT things that might sound interesting to you all:

    No, my NCIS LA wish for 2022 didn’t make it into TV Line’s Readers wishes for 2022′ list, but here is what I wished for:

    ‘I wish that in 2022, NCIS Los Angeles’s 300th episode is not only amazing, but also includes Hetty because of how special she is.’

    I was originally going to go with ‘Bring Hetty home from Syria in 1 piece and have her and Callen reconcile,’ but we all deserve to have a great milestone episode.

    Also, there will be 2 episodes airing on January 23 at 8 and 9 pm: Under the Influence and Where Loyalties Lie. Take your best guesses!

    If anyone wants to discuss this show with me at another place, just make a Tumblr account and click on the link to my place on my name above! Have a nice night! 🙂


  5. That’s amazing! Maybe you’ll bump into other cast members. 🤭


  6. I missed Kensi being part of this episode. I know when she directed in Season 12 “Russia, Russia, Russia” that she was on screen and without her in the episode that there are no dynamics, it was like something was missing.
    IMO the whole season 13 has been a disappointment on the Deeks, Kensi and Densi front. I’ll watch the rest of the season but I am not enthusiastic about it ever getting back to the earlier seasons as far as storylines or entertainment value. Live Long and Prosper

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Maria, I just read your blog and it was spot on, completely. I don’t know why we are not allowed to give our opioions (good or bad) about what we see as poorly written/directed or acted episodes. Keep up the fight to have Season13 get better!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. For me, this episode felt a lot like episodes of early seasons. From the way the episode was structured, to the banter, to the team running around to multiple different locations, talking with all sorts of different people. Maybe it was because I rewatched season 2 this last week, but Lost Soldier Down definitely felt more like that style of episode than a lot of recent ones (and this is a great thing!). I just wish we could have seen Kensi at least once – couldn’t one of those phone calls been a video call?!


  9. I’m sure you will enjoy your time there as Karen and I did and I when we visited the set a few times. We have always been supportive of ECO and the show and he in turn has helped us thrive in the past 9 years. He has always had our back and we are grateful for his support. and contributions to the site. He’s been a great ally.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you for another great review Diane. I am looking forward to watching ‘Lost Soldier Down’ eventually. I saw a clip of Deeks working with Rowntree and liked what I saw. It’s often said ECO has chemistry with everyone. Deeks partnered with anybody seems to work. Other pairings not so much, I really didn’t like Kensi working with Fatima. That was probably due to the jokes at Deeks expense. I don’t expect to miss Kensi, but we’ll see.

    I’ve only ever seen the stuff that is supposed to be in the British Press, online. There has been quite a lot, on and off, most of it absolute rubbish, just wrong. Regulars who watch the show would know that, but I’m not sure what message it sends to occasional viewers. To my knowledge Season 13 hasn’t aired here yet and will only be on Sky when it does. I’m quite excited that Season 11 will be airing on my TV soon. Sorry I’m a bit behind the times.

    I am really happy to see wikiDeeks back in 2022, you all do a great job. I’m a big fan of positivity, maybe not when it comes to Covid tests.


  11. OT: I’m glad ION is still airing the reruns.

    Till Death do us Part was airing again yesterday, I still get all the warm fuzzies when I think of how amazing that episode. 🙂


  12. Additional thought on Sunday’s episode: I now need a scene where Deeks asks Hetty for gardening advice. (which I’ll more then likely end up writing some day)


  13. patricia l dean // January 4, 2022 at 11:51 AM // Reply

    So enjoy this show and this cast and this site

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Two things. The first is an embarrassing confession. ‘Jimmy Snuka Super Fly Splash’ doesn’t mean anything to me, but I am confident somebody will explain to me what it is.

    The second is about the bar. If the bar has been sold, and I’d like to think it hasn’t, where is Callen living? Has he got his own place, bought another house maybe, or has he gone back to his old ways of sofa surfing and cheap hotels?


  15. Hello, there everyone it feels like it’s been a long hiatus since the last episode, and what a great event to start the new year. But before I post my view on I just want to ask about the new instruction for writing here.
    Please, please please, please, please don’t get me wrong or offended by this, I just need more clarification about what we should or should not say in the comments section I know people nowadays get offended easily, and also everyone has a different point of view and different aspects, so I could easily say something and someone else will get it in wrong away or other fans of different characters will get offended by. or if said I didn’t like the writing or the plot or it’s something OOC, or compared characters or old episodes with each other will that consider inappropriate? I swear I don’t mean to argue or complain about it after all it’s your site and I am well aware it’s not the official site for the show to post our impression, but it’s been said before that most of us feel it is our safe haven and our refuge to express our feelings and believe me when I say I have the utmost respect for you, the other contributors, and the site for all the hard work and dedication you did for the show and the fans. So even if I get panned here I will continue reading the posts and Fanfictions also watch the show till its end or TBH till Deeks or ECO leaves the show this is how I am invested.

    Now down with my thoughts about the ep & I’ll try to be as quick and light, not critical as possible (hope so, finger crossed)

    OMG, I loved Dani’s directing through the whole episode and the camera angles especially the first part, the elevator scene gave some kind of “shinning” vibe visually, of course, the last shooting scene, excellent job.

    I feel like Dani has a tendency to put deeks/Eric in some kind of weird/odd situations like the VR experience & Modeling for Kirkin in weird outfits.

    Looks like Kesni still can’t keep plants alive, & I love that Deeks is always the considerate and fears to heart his wife’s feelings so he tries other ways to communicate with her even visually, and I was suspicious from the beginning that he was trying to find something to get occupied or distracted with till Kensi’s return, but my heart melt when he confessed and said it out loud in the last scene.(Hope to see & hear that from Kensi)

    well I for one very convinced that Deeks never used drugs considering his history, and his father, & his ex-partner in LAPD I think he will avoid anything that could make him lose control or cloud his mind so that was spot on and very in character and anther prove that he is great in undercover operations (at least for me)

    I don’t know if it will consider inappropriate to say but why is Fatima now showing some kind of PTSD why not earlier or even after the event of S11 when she’d been taken & captured that’d be more convincing unless they try to use it as a shift to make her stay in OPS permanently and out of the field (Just a theory)

    Hope they will not go and create another love story between partners we already have Densi, Neric, and Callenna. all I’m saying is men & women could be great friends with no further obligations.

    I’m with Sam about Callen finding other foster kids it will not get him anywhere.

    So that’s it right now and again please, don’t get me wrong, and apologize for any inconvenience I caused with my post and happy new year everyone, and happy NCIS LA return. hope to see you next week.


    • Jesse. Don’t worry… your post was very appropriate and the type of feedback we like seeing. Nice job. Thanks!


    • I agree with you. i enjoy ‘safe havens’ for opinions. I’ve never disrespected any of the staff on here, I just enjoy good discussions. Not to mention people on other platforms outside of her have said much more critical things then what has been said on here.
      Also, every other agent, including Hetty, have been through far worse things then just getting shot at, yet they’re still ‘okay’, yet Fatima gets shot once, and all of a sudden she can’t go back out in the field? Ridiculous.


      • I thought Fatima’s PTSD seemed contrived and unconvincing. It was also weird that Kilbride had no snarky comment for Rountree when he missed the morning briefing. All of these are supposed to be “Special Agents” which would mean they should be held to the same basic standards–like getting to work on time. I’m not a Kilbride fan. He makes me miss Hetty and Granger.


    • Thanks, Diane I really appreciate your feedback.

      Thanks for your support M, I agree with you, but I also have to say that every site/page has its own regulations & instructions and I’m all in with that, but in my defense, I wasn’t aware of them. TBH I know that most of the time I get carried away with my rent and rambling, till the point I repeated myself & sometimes wrote the same comments over and over again till it gets tiring (It’s okay I’m grown up I’ll admit my mistakes), but like you said it wasn’t my intention or on purpose to make anyone get offended or feel negativity, but also they have every right to feel that, because the world right now is surrounded with enough despair & hopelessness and they don’t have to deal with it in their sanctuary they only looking for an escape from the reality.

      Happy new year to you too, M I hope u had a great year and an amazing one to come.


      • Thank you for understanding. I love this show and I want everybody to enjoy it as well. This site is a labor of love and we want everyone to enjoy coming here. Asking questions and exploring the little things that makes it special is what we are trying to promote. The constant bashing takes away from the joy. I’m just asking to find the good as well as the areas that need change. Ask questions, throw ideas back and forth and discuss areas that need change and what you would do to make it better. We just want to make this a good experience for all that come here. Thanks.


    • Sorry if you thought the disclaimer was harsh but we lost a lot of readers who complained and left wikiDeeks because of the constant bashing and negative comments about the show. I don’t care about what other sites do but I do care about this one. There was no safe haven for them and I will not allow that to happen. I don’t think Eric would have wanted them to have felt that way either. As I said, if you can’t keep the conversation constructive then please leave the site. Being constantly negative about the show is not any ‘fun’ for other people to read either. I’m sure Eric would agree with our decision to protect ALL of our readers.


      • Constructive is a very open term, honestly. If I have comments, I usually try to provide options, alternatives, and other ways forward. If that’s considered negative, I suspect I’ll be commenting very rarely from now on as well.


      • Please don’t leave. We may have a lot of different opinions, but we do have 1 common ground.
        Or if you want, you can always join Tumblr and we can continue our conversations there.


  16. I loved the opening scene, the bullpen banter, and the use of angles by Dani, but overall the episode was disappointing to me. It didn’t focus enough on PTSD and everything was too static–there was almost no action (Callen and Sam seemed to spend most of the episode in the boatshed). I did like the pairing of Deeks and Rountree, but there needed to be more actual “detecting.” Maybe this is too “negative”?

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I just read all of your comments on this episode as well as your questions and concerns about the loose ends in the whole story line of this series. I see each episode as an entity unto itself. Yes, there are many that “ overlap” from one week to the next week but I also realize that these are nothing more than short stories with our “ hero” characters dealing with a weekly plot that climaxes to some sort of an ending ( whether we like it or not). We love these characters and have become emotionally attached to them but, in the end, this is all fiction! Sometimes the fiction is good and sometimes it is disappointing. Answering all of the questions about the mothers, the bar, Anna and all of the other gals who added to the many storylines just bogs down the current plot. I take each episode as a chance to see my heroes in action and nothing more. For me, it is only way I can enjoy this action packed series at face value without psyching out what the writers had in mind with each episode. Although there have been many many contradictions in the plot line over the years ,it is much more enjoyable not to dwell on them!


  18. Elaine Conway // January 5, 2022 at 2:47 PM // Reply

    Hi Diane – great review! I for one enjoyed the episode. I thought it harkened back to days of yore as some of the other commenters have mentioned. Also, as long as Deeks gets an ample amount of screen time and isn’t relegated to being the village idiot I’m a happy camper. I even liked the idea of the Deeks and Roundtree partnership. I thought it worked. The only thing that I wasn’t into is this relationship they seem to trying to create between Kilbride and whiny, tattle-taling, motor cycle riding, phone sharing Fatima. I find it boring. How much fun would it have been to have Beale and Kilbride trying to work together? (I actually liked Fatima when she first came to the show, but I feel like they’ve slowly ruined her character. Sad.). Incidently, I just saw that the show is not going back into production until the middle of February because of omicron. I know LL Cool J has it so maybe they’re missing others. I guess they want to wait until it’s past the peak.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Debra Gillespie // January 6, 2022 at 12:37 AM // Reply

    Very nice review, Diane. Most of what I thought of this episode has been very capably covered by other posters. I also understand why this was a Kensi-less episode, what with her directing and being a major player in the next episode, per the promos/photos I’ve seen. Still, I also would have liked if we had seen her briefly via a video call, as Lyssa suggested.
    I had one minor issue with the episode – actually you could call it a “piddly” one. When the Allegiance and the Agent Afloat were mentioned, I figured there might be a callback to Ehsan Navid and him taking over the Agent Afloat duty in the season 11 episode “Yellow Jack”, which I had recently rewatched. Even though Ehsan would be gone from the Allegiance by this time – in “Yellow Jack” Callen said it was a 9 month deployment – I was rather surprised that Ehsan wasn’t spoken of even briefly here. Guess I’m just being nitpicky.
    Hearing Jimmy Snuka’s name certainly brought back memories….I remember him when he was a pro wrestler locally (Pacific NW) years ago, before he got on the national circuit and became “Superfly”,
    Diane, like you posted, because of Omnicron pushing back filming until February, I wonder also how many episodes will actually be in this season. Medalion Rahimi posted on her IG account last year that there would be 22 episodes in season 13, but this latest Covid surge makes me wonder if that will still be the case. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We have been debating among the editors how many episodes we will get this year too. I guess it will depend on when they get back to work. We are hoping ECO will have written his latest episode and will still get produced.


      • Debra Gillespie // January 6, 2022 at 3:59 AM // Reply

        I just saw on IG a photo of ECO in front of a wide screen TV and writing down a lot of notes. It didn’t look like an old photo from last year when he was preparing for “Mother” so I wonder if he’s doing some preliminary work for the episode he’s writing? IMO it could be, especially since there’d be plenty of time to work on it since filming has been paused.

        Liked by 1 person

        • That would be good news!


        • I just saw the same picture and I thought it was an old one because his hair looked a bit longer than on the show. Duh! The show was filmed months ago and he has been wearing a hat in the latest photos. So I think you might be right, I hope so. I did read the delay shouldn’t affect the schedule, just as long as they all keep safe. Of course if Eric was able to write a third episode that would be good.


  20. Dani’s first director chair on season 12 Russia, Russia, Russia was a good attempt. The DVD S12 extras about the episode were extremely interesting and explained why Dani stayed behind the camera for Last Soldier Down. Great job, Dani, and thank you for proving that first chair wasn’t a fluke.

    I enjoyed the episode! Everything just came together in the right way that reminded me of the ‘old’ NCISLA. There was the bullpen. There was the humour. There was Deeks. ECO has chemistry with everyone and Deeks & Rountree were a good partnership. I know we don’t have Hetty at the moment, but this week Kilbride seemed Hetty-like.

    Fatima’s cane use? Wasn’t she shot in an earlier episode? Remember Ep 5: Divided We Fall?
    PTSD might start soon after the traumatic event, or manifest years later. Hence Fatima’s PTSD and the cane ruse to keep her out of the field. Physically she’s healed but mentally she’s suffering with PTSD. A story arc of which we could and should see more, not only Fatima but a serviceman/woman


    • Deeks in my view would be a far better candidate for a PTS arc. He’s been tortured, almost killed, seen his partner almost killed more than a few times…you name it. I think it’s more relatable, and thus has more impact, if it’s a character who we’ve lived with and seen suffer through things that would do in a lesser person. I’m thinking specifically here of the post-torture episodes. Those were reasonably-done, but something like Mexico, or the recent indecent with Kensi, would certainly trigger a PTS response. Plus having a character that strong asking for (or seeking out) help would send a powerful message.


  21. Finally got to see the episode and I really enjoyed it. Loved the bullpen scene at the beginning and seeing them (Sam, Callen, and Deeks) together. I’m all about the core 4, so this was fun. I also enjoyed Deeks and Roundtree. I like Roundtree a lot, but Fatima can stay in Ops. She just does nothing for me. I think it would be fun to see a friendship develop between Deeks and Roundtree.

    Next week looks fun too. Lets go save Kensi!


  22. I would love to see this series continue – and it can- if they keep the same time slot and reduce the number of series per episode like they did this past year. They used to do 24 episodes per series but with CBS Sunday night football and the other specials they can get by with under 20. That being said it makes it easier for the fabulous 4 to grow old with the series and have more “off” time. They said they put in 60 hour weeks so reducing the number of episodes allows them to recuperate, take more time off, and actually save production costs but still make a decent living. They are such a great group of actors and production staff. I would hate to see them break up the “ family”. Too bad ratings in the younger demographic group count so much!


  23. I have been and will continue to be grateful to this place and the admins, and I have no objections. However, if there is someone out there who has discord installed, could you please create another place just for Deeks fans? If anyone has any other suggestions for useful apps or social networking sites, that’s fine too.
    Again, just so there are no misunderstandings, I have appreciated this site for many years and respect the efforts of the admins to keep it fair.


  24. I don’t mess with Instagram at all…or anything related to the entity formerly known as Facebook for that matter.


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