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NCISLA Poll: What’s Your Favorite Densi Kiss?

It’s time for another poll and we thought we would ask our talented graphic artists at wikiDeeks to pick their favorite Densi kiss and design a special NCISLA edit around each wonderful moment. We have six romantic scenes that have come out of some of the most beloved Densi episodes like “Command & Contol”, “Descent” and “Humbug”just to name a fewWe’ll announce the winner in time for the next new episode. Choose your favorite kiss and let us know in the comment section below why it’s your favorite.


About Diane (437 Articles)
Founder, Writer and Contributing Editor of wikiDeeks. Always wanted to put together a talented team of writers and graphic designers who loved NCISLA and Marty Deeks in particular! My dream came true! Hope you enjoy what we have created!

16 Comments on NCISLA Poll: What’s Your Favorite Densi Kiss?

  1. I love these polls! Thanks for all the hard work that goes into putting this together for us fans. Its fun to see what other fans think and feel. This polls is all sorts of Feels ;-)!


  2. This was hard. It was between Descent’s kiss because it was so unexpected and part of the best season NCISLA season finale and An Unlocked Mind’s kiss which was the sexiest kiss they have had (which I thought was the best season 7 episode so far). I went with: An Unlocked Mind’s kiss, but it was a close one.


  3. First I want to say thanks to all the artists that have created these beautiful fanarts of memorable Densi scenes. All of them have made little gems.
    It was not easy to vote because these Densi moments are all important to their progression as a couple and I wouldn’t change any of them.
    I was a little undecided between the “Descent” kiss and the more recent “An unlocked mind” one, which, in my opinion, has been the best Densi kiss so far, but then I voted the first real kiss that made me definitely fall in love with Densi, “How’s that for communication?”.


  4. Yep – so hard! I actually “liked” the artwork from the Descent kiss the best, but to vote for the “kiss” I had to choose between one of the mutual ones rather than the kissing of him/her ones. There it just got harder – between the beginning of it all with Humbug and the commitment of Command and Control & Unlocked Mind. In the end I had to go with the one that started it all and voted for Humbug 🙂 !


  5. I voted for the Neighborhood Watch “Cover Kiss” because kissing Deeks came very naturally to Kensi; almost automatic. Deeks could tell that it was more than just a superficial cover. If you pick up on the various clues from other scenes in the episode, it becomes more and more evident that there were some deep feelings attached.

    I’ve always contended that “Neighborhood Watch” was a pivotal episode in the Densi relationship.


  6. Donna Marie // January 2, 2016 at 1:32 PM // Reply

    I have to say this was a difficult choice to make. Loved the kiss in Unlocked Mind as this was the most passionate kiss we have seen. Neighbourhood Watch will always be a favourite episode for me. The conversation in Command & Control showed how much they love each other. Internal Affairs was a fantastic Deeks episode and the reunion & hug with Deeks & Kensi was the best scene. Descent was a surprise kiss. But I will have to choose Humbug as this was when they finally became a ‘real’ couple. One of my favourite episodes. Lets hope for more Densi kisses in the new year and beyond!! Happy new year everyone!!


  7. Rhonda Lara // January 2, 2016 at 2:48 PM // Reply

    Choose Humbug- Just had to….
    💗💙# Densi


  8. So hard because while I picked my favorite kiss, all of the artwork was so amazing. Such talented people in this fandom!


  9. it wasn’t an easy choice as all the kisses have their own stories behind, but chose the one that showed love and fear and passion at the same time – the one from Unlocked mind. it goes without saying that all works are excellent


  10. It was a hard choice. Loved the art work. Loved the kisses. In the end I voted for the “commitment” kiss in “Humbug.”


  11. This was an almost impossible decision for me but I went with the kiss in Internal Affairs because I felt it summed up not only Deeks’ fears about losing Kensi but her faith in him.


  12. Wow, all these artists outdid themselves with these edits. Really impressive work. As for my favorite kiss, I’d have to choose Descent, if only because we finally got Direct Deeks showing Kensi how he really felt, and a season finale that ignited my complete obsession with the show. But I can’t really argue with any of the other choices. Definitely no need for a Debating Deeks on this topic- they’re all great!


  13. Sincenramente se me hace muy dificil decidirme por un beso, ya que cada uno tiene en si mismo una historia, me decidi por el beso de Asuntos Internos, por la lucha, confianza y la Fe de Kensi,, el miedo de Deeks a perder lo que mas ama en el mundo, por afrontarlo lo que sea pero siempre juntos.. Por eso lo elijo.. Pero no me olvido de Custodia Vecinal, ese beso de Kensi que tomo por sorpresa a Deeks que lo dejo helado,, en ese momento.. o Descenso que yo no habia como ocultar lo que sentian mutuamente,, y HumBurg o Farsante que es cuando se dejan de jugar para comenzar su relacion de verdad …. Me encanto el collague esta realmente hermoso..


  14. Sinceramente fue muy difícil decirme por un beso ya que todos tiene en si mismo una historia por detrás, mi elección fue por el beso de Asuntos Internos, ya que significo Confianza, Lucha, Fe por parte de Kensi , y enfrentar sus miedos, sus errores , o sus decisiones tomadas en su momento que podían llevarlo a perder a la persona que ama mas que nada en el mundo.. Por que decidieron confiar, apoyarse y siempre juntos enfrentar los problemas … Pero el beso de Custodia Vecinal tambien es mi favorito, porque Deeks quedo helado, ante el beso que Kensi le dio..ese fue el comienzo de esta historia, tanto me olvido de Descenso,, casi me muero con ese beso, y Farsante,,, fue el decidirse a ser pareja..

    Me encanto el trabajo del collague esta alucionante


  15. Thanks to all the amazing artists and Di for putting this poll together. Definitely my favorite poll to date. Normally I vote immediately based on my initial reaction, but every single artists’ edit evoked a different emotional memory. After much viewing of the edits and asking myself which one made me happiest (I may be in the minority) my vote is for neighborhood watch only because it was totally unexpected under the guise of an undercover kiss. Even though we all knew that Kensi was itching to kiss Deeks after he recounted their first meeting down to the bag across her body…clearly Deeks had been reliving their first still caught me by surprise and the reaction from both…priceless. This episode made me optimistic for Densi.

    Thanks for an awesome poll! Love and agree with everyone’s choices as to why it’s their favorite.


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