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Creative Covers – Deeks’ Surf Log 2/21/21

February, 21, 2021

We have down days and days filled with action, danger, and the general unknown. Today felt like that catchy lyric from “Hamilton” – The world turned upside down.

Oh those smarmy Russians! Somehow Arkady wasn’t in our midst, in professional hiding, I’m sure. And it wasn’t the first time one of us got pulled into interrogation by another agency, Callen going a bit rogue, or faking a death. (Somehow we’ve gotten pretty skilled at not the best aspects….)

Today started with me dusting off the suit for Lawyer Deeks. I gotta say using it as a cover is among my faves because I get to use my actual skill and knowledge in a way more fun way. However the adrenaline rush to get to Callen combined with my caffeine & too-much-sugar morning beverage (chai tea latte with steamed whole milk and a touch of honey, for the record), I felt and sounded like a maniac. It’s a relief they didn’t toss me in a holding room too. (But if they did, I’m sure I could breakout before Callen….) 

Yet the fun & games stopped there. This brings me to a very serious conversation I need to have with the Wifey. Today was not the first time my beloved has gleefully set me up in a wholly embarrassing situation with – sigh – Kirkin. (Can’t we get him deported?!) The first time I was taking my clothes off. Then he was trying to pull me away from my wedding. At least this time I had clothes on. But wow were they hideous – and with Kensi cackling in the background. 

Now we’re home and I’ve having to endure mocking about potential cross-dressing & role-playing all while I’m applying itch cream to some very hard-to-reach areas. What in the world were those things made from?! Molding burlap potato sacks from a Russian food line? 

It’s just now hitting me… I have no idea where those photos might get posted! Here’s hoping Nell can do some internet hacking & deleting. However, Kensi snapped some on her own phone and is teasing about using them for our next holiday card. Awesome. 

While I might be done with Kirkin (hopefully forever), we’re certainly still contending with the Russians at work, fertility issues at home, and (something I never voice) knowing that psycho Kessler is still out there with his sights set on Kensi…. 

About Gayle (149 Articles)
Gayle is a WikiDeeks writer and has the challenging task of penning the "Surf Log" each week. Known as "DensiLand" on Twitter, Instagram, & Tumblr, Gayle obviously "ships" Densi and has sincere love for the entire cast (& crew) of characters.

7 Comments on Creative Covers – Deeks’ Surf Log 2/21/21

  1. Nice!


  2. What happened to Kessler? We have never heard about him.


  3. I so enjoy reading Deek’s Surf Log!


  4. Well done! And thank you for bringing up the sleeping elephant in the room at the end(Kessler). Been a long while since we heard anything bout that, and it’s slightly disturbing….


  5. This is great!


  6. I enjoyed this. I’m sure the writers haven’t forgotten about Kessler.


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