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What did you think of “Dead Stick” (S14E04)?

Written by Lee A. Carlisle and directed by Dennis Smith, this week’s NCIS: Los Angeles, “Dead Stick,” provided us with a case that hit close to home as Sam’s son Aiden crashed his fighter jet and the team worked to uncover the cause of the crash. Given that Eric Christian Olsen took the week off, we’re going to do the same with the review and instead open it up to you to discuss.

A few questions to get things started:
  • Did you like seeing the newest developments with Rountree’s complaint against the officers who pulled him and his sister over? Did you appreciate Fatima’s support?
  • The episode provided more opportunity for us to spend time with Raymond. Is that a good thing? Did you enjoy seeing three generations of Hanna men supporting one another?
  • Is Raymond’s new nurse Constance meant to be a possible romantic interest for Sam? (I couldn’t tell how old she was.) Or was Lieutenant Commander Hirsch?
  • Do you buy Kilbride running license plates through Kaleidoscope?
  • Will we get an equal helping of Densi family time to balance out all the Hanna family time these last two episodes?
  • Did you miss the lighthearted humor Deeks brings to the show? I mean, Kilbride can be funny in a bitingly sarcastic way, but no one can provide the cheerful silliness that Deeks can.
What did you think of “Dead Stick”? Tell us all about it in the Comments below!
About Karen (287 Articles)
wikiDeeks Writer & Assistant Editor. I never wrote for fun before... until my ECO-obsession. Now I love to analyze any and all aspects of the best character on television.

6 Comments on What did you think of “Dead Stick” (S14E04)?

  1. I loved the episode. Always miss Deeks and Kensi, but I really enjoyed this one. The Hanna family is so interesting, I love the banter between Sam and his Dad. Remembering what Sam said about his upbringing with his Dad, it was interesting to watch his Dad admitting that he was too hard on Sam and his mother (Sam alluded to that in an episode several years back) and it was good to see him giving that learned lesson to Sam.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. One word -Boring.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We better get equal Densi, and yes the Deeks humor is missed!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So, we have stooped to not needing an explanation when employees do not report to work? Why was no reason given for Kensi and Deeks being absent from the episode? Nary a word on where they were and not involved in the investigation. Kilbride running license plates through Kaleidoscope, as if that is possible? SMH

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I too believe they should have clarified Kensi and Deeks absence. I love Sam, and his Dad is great, but they have dominated the episodes since the new season began. I would love to see more touching Kensi and Deeks moments as well as Callen and Anna. These major four characters are why we watch this series. Please do not bog it down with a lot of extras to fill in the voids. A strong start to this season should have had everyone on board with a lot of action, bantering and camaraderie. If the writers would just realize why we watch this series they would keep it going indefinitely. Character interaction is everything!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. My thoughts on Karen’s questions. Also, thank you Karen for coming up with the questions, it makes it easier for me to gather my thoughts.
    1. I’m not sure I liked delving further into Roundtree’s run in with the cops. While I know its appropriate, I also know it will turn off a portion of the fan base. If it is to be discussed, I would think Roundtree talking about it to Deeks, former cop, might be an interesting conversation.
    2. I like Sam and his dad and the humor it provides. People go thru things with their aging parents. But, it needn’t be the replacement for for all other team comradery.
    3. The ladies are age appropriate for Sam. I like the nurse because she could handle both Hanna men.
    4. I did enjoy Kilbride’s ability to run the license plates. He may see all this new fangled tech as a waste until it does something he can appreciate. Do think the writers have to be careful about how curmudgeonly they make him.
    5. Densi time vs Hanna time vs CalAnna time. When your team “Densi time”, as I am, I need to understand that each need their equal time.
    BTW, CalAnna, could be Callan/Hanna or Callan/Anna. I miss Callan/Hanna time almost as much as Densi time.
    6. I love Deeks, I love his humor. I don’t like the humor that makes Deeks look incompetent. I just watched “Knock Down” (S11 E20) again. The humor was slightly silly but wonderful in it’s goal.
    Humor and ECO is what got me into the show, but ECO is a wonderful actor, so I don’t want to see him used just for his humor.
    One question, do you think all the personal topics (aging, adoption, police profiling etc) take away from their cases? Should the cases drive the show and the personal topics be more in the background?

    Liked by 1 person

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