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#momgoal: Kensi’s Journal 1/10/23

Poor Fatima (and Devin!).  I can totally empathize with what she was going through today.  I was impressed, but not surprised, by her desire to stay in the game and make sure her partner made it home safe.  I hated that Deeks was paired with another agent today, especially someone we didn’t know, while we were all walking around with prices on our heads.  So I can admit to a little panic while waiting to see my partner to make sure he was okay after hearing about Deeks and Torres’s close call.

Rosa knows our jobs are dangerous, obviously, just look at how we met her.  We’ve tried to prepare her for the most likely dangers that could befall a teenage girl who lives in LA and whose parents happen to be in law enforcement.  But she doesn’t really know how frequently our lives are in jeopardy; how often we’re shot at or nearly blown up.  So, what do we tell her when she asks where Deeks’ truck is?  I don’t want to outright lie, but do we have to tell her the whole truth?  I’m worried she’ll be afraid, for us or for herself.  Or will this trigger a return of the nightmares she told us about when she was in the refugee center?  Deeks and I really need to have a plan (a story?) in place before she wakes up in the morning.  Of all the things we discussed when we fantasized about having kids, explaining a bullet-hole-riddled truck was not one of them.  No matter what we decide to tell her, I think Deeks’ suggestion of a vacation is brilliant, and I can’t wait for the opportunity to bond some more as a family.

Which reminds me of what I forgot to tell Rosa about our last case (since we barely had any time between its completion and the swarming of the OSP with agents from DC and Hawai’i).  She’ll appreciate hearing about how I used my mom-voice with a couple of 60-something Russian criminals.  And we’ll have to watch The Sound of Music with her soon (maybe during our little vacation?) so I can share my brilliant crack about Rodgers and Hammerstein wanting their undercover outfit back.  Hmmm, maybe if I talk enough about all of this, she’ll forget to ask about Deeks’ truck…#momgoal!

About Psyched (94 Articles)
Turns out I've been writing fan fiction since before it was a "thing" on the internet (okay, even before there was an internet). I spent many a boring junior high history class coming up with more exciting stories for my favorite soap opera characters. I continue to enjoy the creative outlet it provides in my still-boring but now adult life.

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