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Review: NCISLA “Cancel Christmas” (S7E11)

NCISLA CANCEL CHRISTMAS 2I always look forward to this time of the year when we are gifted with the annual holiday Christmas episode. It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since Densi declared their boldness and quietly announced to the world that they were a couple. They had no idea back then that making the relationship official was going to be the easy part. This year they have to find a way to include close family members in their Christmas plans, and you know how mothers can be when challenged! There’s also the matter of that secret Deeks has been keeping which could cause a disastrous ending to any relationship. Yet somewhere in all their celebration preparations, they have to find time to chase down bad guys like North Korean spies. But for the most part this episode is all about the team surviving another Christmas. Santa Joe Wilson squeezed down the chimney to leave fans this delightful holiday script in our stockings and there were a lot of special moments along the way to enjoy.

Deeks Bashing on Christmas?

Death doesn’t take a holiday even at this time of the year as the team is sent in to break up a spy smuggling ring that has infiltrated the area. Callen feels this is a one man job and he can handle the case on his own but Deeks is happy to trail along rather than have to figure out what to do with his mom on Christmas day. (Callen: Curious as I am to meet someone who shares your DNA Deeks, I’ll pass.) Deeks is in rare form as he leads the team to go find some ’clues and stuff’ despite his colleagues’ exasperation. I know Callen and Sam look at Deeks as the little brother they are glad they never had, but it seems their barbs were a bit over the top this episode especially for a season of goodwill to men. (Sam: You’re starting to sound as Deeks’ knuckleheadedness has rubbed off on you.) I’m not sure if Deeks is an easy punching bag or it’s just a quick way to get in a laugh but I think I’m ready to call a moratorium on the Deeks bashing for good!

All I Want for Christmas is Forgiveness

Is this really happening right in the middle of the investigation? Deeks can’t hold it back any longer and he has to come clean about murdering his ex-partner. Obviously this has been weighing on Deeks since the IA investigation, but is he really going to tell Kensi the truth? Now? Ear wigs out, running silent, Deeks tells his story. But Kensi is a smart girl, she already figured out what happened and was waiting for Deeks to tell her when he was ready. She also understands her man and why he felt justified doing what he did. No moral dilemma for her… she knows what the stakes are like out in the field. OK, I figure if Kensi can forgive Deeks for his actions and his secrecy then so can I. You can tell she truly loves him deeply and despite that dark corner in his soul there is still no one else in this world she would rather be with. (Deeks: Do you have any idea how much I love you right now?) I am a bit surprised but pleased that Deeks decided to tell Kensi sooner than later, although it was a bit anti-climactic. I just wish they had had this conversation alone, after work or anywhere else except in that car. In spite of watery eyes, there was not a whole lot of drama involved. It kind of took away from the serious nature of this momentous conversation. I thought there would be more wailing and gnashing of teeth over the sensitive issue, especially from Kensi. But what has hit me the most is how much Kensi has evolved since she first pledged her love to Deeks. She seems to be so content that nothing can shake her commitment. I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but I hope we are not completely finished with the ramifications of what Deeks did in that hotel room. There’s got to be more to come out of this except a simple request for forgiveness.

Memorable Moments

There wasn’t much of a story to this episode and needless to say, the team finds out who was smuggling in the spies and how to put an end to the activity. Instead, this was really an episode of special moments for the team… Callen realizing he doesn’t have to be a lone wolf at Christmas, Sam opening up his house to the team to share a cozy family dinner, Granger finding holiday cheer despite the past, Nell and Eric enjoying the spirit of giving, and Deeks and Kensi learning how to trust one another no matter what obstacles come into their lives. I’ve tried to cover the most memorable moments here:

  • We finally get to enjoy the hoofing talents of Renée and Barrett as they soft shoe their way around the armory. (Nell: I told you we should have locked the door.)
  • The last few holidays for Granger have not gone so well. (Hetty: Don’t be an old humbug, Owen.) It seems to have carried over into this year too. But can you blame the man?
  • While Sam is challenging Callen for his lack of holiday cheer, my first thought was how do you decorate when you have nothing to decorate around!?? The man still has no furniture in that house! (Sam: Oh yeah, you’re a regular Martha Stewart.)
  • My laugh out loud moment: Janvier has been sending Callen Christmas cards every year from jail? Really? He was always a man of many surprises, not to mention a bizarre sense of humor.
  • Callen’s on again/off again relationship is in keeping with the Callen MO. (Sam: Nothing says peace on earth, good will to men like a booty call.)
  • The bromance is flying as Callen tries to decorate Sam’s car with reindeer antlers for Christmas. After all these years you would have thought Callen would have known better.
  • Despite the cute elf boots, Eric can’t get a break even at Christmas! (Sam: Back to your cyber cage, Jingle Bells!)
  • Sam is becoming an even bigger Scrooge than Granger this year. (Sam: What are you looking at me for? Deeks said it!)
  • Nice to welcome Aidan back for another holiday episode. I guess we’ll see him again next year at this time.
  • Leave it to Hetty to find Callen his backup gift for Joelle. She thinks of everything like a good mother hen.
  • Even Granger comes through with the holiday spirit in the end. Was that a smile? Whoa! But the man has his secrets too, doesn’t he? Is this what turned him around in the end?
  • I love hearing Frank Sinatra at Christmas time and it’s even more poignant as we celebrate the anniversary of the crooner’s 100th birthday this month. Great way to end the show.

Deeks Moments

  • Even though Deeks is off the market, he still has the guts to flirt with other women in front of Kensi. Of course, he knows how to redeem himself quickly when caught. (Deeks: Speaking of sexy Mrs. Claus, do you know who else would look good in that outfit?) I think this is the closest we have gotten to some real racy sex talk between the two and it always fun to watch Deeks drool over Kensi as he imagines her in a teddy. Oh, girl!
  • Deeks makes a great Santa cop! Did you see the look on the faces of those kids?

Other Densi Moments

  • I really enjoyed Kensi and Deeks speaking to their moms at the same time about their holiday dinner plans. The choreography for that scene was well done. We find out a few more tidbits about Mrs. Deeks too… she doesn’t live near her son and she is the queen of her kitchen’s domain. (Deeks: My mom does not play well with others especially in a kitchen where there are sharp objects.)
  • Did Deeks just say elope? That stopped my heart for one brief second!
  • I’m really beginning to enjoy how Densi’s relationship has progressed during the course of the year. They both seem really comfortable being themselves with each other even if it means showing their weird and eccentric sides. Case in point is Kensi’s perfect Christmas gift… a baby tiger. The look on Deeks’ face was priceless. Two years ago he would have smiled adoringly back at her but now he stares back in disbelief. Kensi doesn’t seem to care and that’s a good thing. She’s secure in his love for her and she loves being goofy around him:
  • Kensi: Imagine me busting through this door spitting lead with my tiger as backup… Whaaatt! NCIS, bitches! That was a trick question. I was supposed to say world peace, right?  Deeks: Good talk.

I’m sure I’ve left out some fun moments. Share your list below in the comments. The show is going on hiatus for a few weeks but we will be back with a new episode to open up the New Year. In the meantime, check out Deeks’ Surf Log and Kensi’s Journal and the Edit of the Week for “Cancel Christmas”. We will have a few new features coming up to fill in the break as well. Have a wonderful holiday to all our terrific fans. See you back here next year!

Episode: “Cancel Christmas”
Writer: Joseph C. Wilson
Director: Paul A. Kaufman
Original Air Date: December 14, 2015


Diane Volpe is a Contributing Editor at

Follow her on Twitter: @phillydi

About Diane (437 Articles)
Founder, Writer and Contributing Editor of wikiDeeks. Always wanted to put together a talented team of writers and graphic designers who loved NCISLA and Marty Deeks in particular! My dream came true! Hope you enjoy what we have created!

31 Comments on Review: NCISLA “Cancel Christmas” (S7E11)

  1. In Australia so watched this episode online. Loved the Densi moments. They have come along way. I agree, the conversation they had in the car should have happened at home. Anyway, I think the point of the storyline was to show that Deeks & Kensi love each other and stand by each other no matter what. I knew he would tell her and I had a feeling she already figured it out. (I still think there must be more to the story) I cannot warm to Callen & Sam (sorry). It still puts me off they way they treat Deeks sometimes. Although I was happy that Sam invited Deeks and Kensi to his home for Christmas. Overall the episode was a bit ‘fluffy’ which we kind of expected. Proud of Deeks for talking to Kensi about the IA investigation. I think Deek’s should be ‘cloned’ so we can all have one for Christmas!!!!


  2. Diane,
    Thanks for the fabulous review and being so quick in posting it.

    My favorite scene is definitely the forgiveness scene. When I thought about it after seeing the whole episode the following thoughts came to mind:

    Wow, they (the writers) really did it. They didn’t let this issue linger. I was so happy it didn’t become another issue that remains unresolved like a few others in the Densi world….for instance the “box”.
    But wait, the original plan for the season would have made us wait 3 weeks to get to this resolution. If played as planned, it might have seemed overdue since the IA episode was supposed to play before Thanksgiving. Then we would have had the repeat week, followed by “The Long Goodbye”, and then finally resolution in “Cancel Christmas”. I believe if the episodes had aired in the originally intended order, the fact that he brought up in the car would have had more of a sense of urgency and we (the viewers) would have been chomping at the bit to get him to tell her.
    Nonetheless, I am so very happy that he told her and I thought the scene was very well written and played. It had just the right amount of levity when it was needed, followed by a wonderful poignant moment of Deeks expressing his love, and finally capped by the ever present lightness when talking about that fraction of a kiss. Well done!


  3. I thoroughly enjoyed the episode. I found myself laughing all through the episode. I was so relieved when Deeks confessed to Kensi about Boyle. I think Dani played it to perfection. I kept thinking back to “the Grey Man” when Kensi told Deeks he couldn’t hide anything from her. I love the evolution of the team as a family, having Christmas dinner with the Hanna’s and all the moms. They did a pretty good job incorporating the entire team. I just wish Neric was invited to Christmas with the Hanna family as well. I love that Kensi didn’t freak out with Sam’s comment about kids and fighting over which grandparent they’d visit. They both took the married with kids comments in full stride, which was new.

    My only quibbles with the episode revolve around Callen. I find him so unlikeable at times. Another reviewer on another site talked about how he’s only close to Hetty and Sam. He looked rather incredulous that Sam would invite Densi and moms to Christmas dinner. I wish he were warmer with the rest of the team.

    Finally, I also wish they’d stop making Deeks the butt of every joke. ‘Nuff said there. I loved the episode and am glad it got a 1.4. I always look forward to the D+7 ratings as they always go up.


  4. Thank you for the review. You voiced what I was thinking, only more eloquently.

    I am also sick of Deeks being the butt of jokes. Callen seems to always be dismissive of Deeks. As the team leader, he should have better relationships with his teammates. And, Sam, remember that that “knucklehead” saved your wife from Sidarov and has managed to have your “little sister’s” back for 6 years. Enough disrespect, already.

    I’m sorry that the IA investigation is over, only because it’s back to the boring Callen story. It will be interesting to see what the ratings are now that the IA story is over.

    Great acting from ECO and Dani this last few episodes. Give them more dramatic scenes please!!

    Happy Holidays everyone!!!


    • Yes, Daisy, I also am not looking forward to the series focusing on Callen for the ‘rest of the season’ as was said in an interview I read today. I don’t mind some Callen, but not the entire rest of the season making him the focal point. Have they learned nothing from the higher ratings with Deeks/Kensi episodes?


      • Yes Daisy & Kim I am with you both. So over Callen and his story. Never liked him. Deeks & Kensi do bring high ratings. They are immensely popular and a big reason a lot of people watch the show. I realise that we cant have every episode focused on them. They have had some wonderful Densi scenes this year so hopefully that will continue and they wont be put on the backburner. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!! Just love reading everyones comments.


    • Thanks so much Diane for your Wonderful review and you all girls perfectly expressed everything I wanted to say. Totally with all of you you on enough with Sam’s disrespect toward Deeks , enough with Callen’s coldness and his quite neverending/boring story. I’m really starting to dislike these two!! Definitely “less G and Sam’s scenes and more Densi and Neric” for me!
      I loved, really loved Owen (I saw a smile!!! 🙂 ) and Hetty’s scenes together!
      Is there a bit of affection between “mom and pop” ? Neric were simply fantastic !!!
      Happy Holydays from Italy to everyone!!!! (and Thanks for this fantastic site and the big job you’ll are doing!! ).


    • I thought the fans knew why thehigh ratings has been for this episode (IA). It was because of no competition that date and time and of course due to the change of the episodes (every other new episode would have had the same ratings). And why did they have to change it? Yes, because of a tragic event in Paris. This is why the IA ep had a new airdate and because of that certain airdate they had the good ratings. So the tragic event in Paris has put the ratings up for the Deeks episode. Nothing more. Actually I thought the Deeks fans would be more realistic. Or to be more: graphic130 victims lead in the end to the high ratings of the IA. Think about what you have said.

      And I love Deeks but I also like Callen and Sam. Callen always was the main character and always will be. We should take all Deeks we could get but don’t try to change the plot of these TV series. Callen is the quiet one who doesn’t share and trust, he cares just doesn’t show it. Sam is the family man and cares about each and every one and seeks harmony.

      I loved this episode. A lot of funny Deeks scenes (Deeks mocking Sam about his hair in the ops) and flirting and of course Santa Deeks. It was typical christmas episode with lots of love.
      I was glad that they didn’t show the dinner at the Hanna home. This is becoming a family/ love show instead of a crime / drama show and the moms are just too much. It was okay to mention it and even better not to show any of it.

      I think not only Kensi know that Deeks did kill Boyle but also Sam and Callen after interrogating Tiffany and knowing all the other facts and Deeks. But they would never blame him for what he had done. Deeks is and open book. All team member knew that Deeks and Kensi are together (and Deeks was surpised about that fact).

      And for the next half of the season I don’t share your fears. As much as Deeks is the funny one I am more than happy. Also I still like the Callen episodes, but they would be even better if he would be together with Deeks as a partner and not always Sam since Deeks and Callen are so different. This should be fun.

      Thank you Diane for thes well written review


      • I really dont see Deeks as “the funny one”. He’s no clown. He’s a complex, deep, strong, honest ,emotional character. Sorry, I cant follow you here. JMHO:

        Liked by 1 person

        • He is the funny one that is why they put this character to the show due to the lack of comedy and humor (I read it somewhere in the early seasons interviews). But he is also complex, strong, honest like all the other characters on this show.
          I never said he is a clown.


  5. Thanks for the review. I too wish the forgiveness scene was when on the job, but I still loved it. I am glad Kensi treated it as she did. I, as a viewer, didn’t think it was a big deal that he killed that abusive pig of an ex partner.

    On the Callen front. I agree. I don’t mind when Sam pokes fun at Deeks anymore because I think he likes and trusts him. Callen, on the other hand, is just mean (and maybe a little territorial of his boy, Sam). And it seems Sam is always mentioning Densi and kids.

    I thought the ending with Callen and Joelle was weird. So they broke up? I didn’t look like it bothered them in the least.

    I am intrigued by Granger’s past, as well. And Janvier! I have a feeling he is gonna be seen again.


  6. Diane, I always enjoy and look forward to your reviews and this is no exception. However, I beg to differ with you on the way Deeks told Kensi about his taking a life. I think Deeks came to terms with this years ago and the only thorn was that Kensi didn’t know. Kensi understands the mindset. I love how she said she knew but was waiting for him to tell her. Instead of milking it, it was straightforward from the heart and it put the whole thing in the open for the two with no recriminations. They understand each other–neither have lives in black and white, but in shades of gray. The love is there. She knows his character and his character is not cold-blooded murder without just cause. Me, I’m glad it’s over, at least the secret part. Densi marches on.


  7. Thanks for the Great and speedy review, Di. You picked the same Densi fav moments that I did.

    Loved that Deeks revealed his secret and Kensi knew!!!! I thought she did after all the fan discussion after the IA episode this past week. My favorite moment was this confession scene. I thought Kensi was perfect…she acknowledged and reiterated no secrets and that is that. I loved Deeks’s reaction to Kensi..”Do you have any idea how much I love you…” *sigh*. Perfect reaction and reaction….

    Loved that Deeks let the word “elope” fall from his lips….

    And the ‘any gift in the world’ talk…hilarious….oh yeah, the answer is world peace…still can’t srop laughing whenever I think of the scene. DR’s deadpan delivery was awesome and Deeks’s look, too funny!

    This was a really enjoyable episode with the team, Hetty looking out for Granger, Neric….how adorable were they!! Also loved that Hetty got a backup gift for G to give Joelle. Sam knows women😄 Or he’s been trained well😉 And Aidan… Seeing his Dad in action, .he may become an NCIS agent in the future. It’s definitely in his gene pool.

    All in alll a wonderful christmas episode. Off to re-watch!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Does love really conquer all?
    In this episode it seemed so and I think it was the best way to enter the holiday season joyfully.

    I must admit I am so relieved that the authors decided to give Deeks and Kensi some closure after the IA investigation and Deeks’s lies to Kensi.
    It was as if they had heard all the viewers’ complaints last week and tried to fix things. But obviously the episode had already been shot, so I’m glad that this was their original plan anyway.
    I think I would have been more frustrated and perplexed if the real airing sequence had been the one planned and “The long goodbye” had been aired in between “Internal affairs” and “Cancel Christmas”. I didn’t like TLG Densi at all and I would have wondered why they were acting so weird and cold. This new episode order worked more for me (even if I know the reason behind this shift was tragic and sad, so there’s ultimately nothing to be happy about) and Deeks’s confession came sooner than I had expected.

    The Densi car scene was so beautiful and touching and, once again, I liked both ECO’s and DR’s performances. I think they have grown a lot as actors over the past few seasons and they are able to portray Deeks and Kensi and their emotions at their best, maybe because they have become so confident in these roles and they spend so much time with their characters, that it comes so natural to “be” them. The car scene seemed so spontaneous and not forced at all. Finally we heard Deeks say three magic words: “I’m sorry”. When he switched off his comm, my heart stopped because I immediately realized what kind of scene we were going to get.

    I also liked how supportive Kensi continued to be. Not only did she know (as many of us had guessed), but she was waiting for him to be ready to share this terrible event of his life.
    Even if I think we may not be done with IA investigation and its ripercussions, I am satisfied that Deeks and Kensi seem to have overcome this first serious obstacle to their relationship, and I don’t mean Deeks killing a man (who knows if we’ll ever get to know more about it) but Deeks telling lies.
    Will “No more secrets” become the new 2015 Holidays slogan as “All in” was in 2014?

    Many thanks for your review. I am in a rush now so I can’t read the others’ comments, I hope I haven’t repeated too much what they have said, I’ll get back here later.


  9. Great review, Di. I also need to say that Donna Marie is brilliant and I’d like to sign up for my copy of Cloned Deeks. For me the episode as a whole was just OK. I mean, the plot was nonexistent, as you described. I did love when Deeks slipped up with the “elope” line. Babbling Deeks is hilarious. And Kensi’s reaction was great too. I like that she didn’t completely freak out, and I love that he’s thinking about these things, apparently a lot. I wasn’t bothered by the teasing from Sam and Callen. It didn’t seem intended to belittle him, but felt more like a brotherly thing to me. But I definitely get why some people don’t appreciate Callen. He can be tough to warm up to.

    I was very happy to get the scene in the car, although in my mind it was going to play out a touch more dramatically. Someday I want to see a scene that’s so intense that they’re both in tears (what is wrong with me?). But for as simple as it was, I thought they both played it very well. I felt the sincerity of his apology, and I really hope we see him grow from this experience. I think the writers handled this whole arc very very well. Like you, I appreciate how much Densi has progressed in the past year. I have to give the writers major credit- whereas at times in Season 6 I thought we’d have been better off without them together because it didn’t seem like the writers knew what to do with them, Season 7 has had the Densi I think many of us have wanted to see. It’s been a pleasure to watch them together.

    Which makes me really bummed to hear the spoilers today about the rest of the season. We’ll be lucky to get any Densi at all. Why oh why can’t Deeks and Kensi have their own show where they solve crimes together? It’s a waste of their talents to give them maybe one juicy storyline per season.


  10. After closely looking at the Densi “car scene,” I can understand why things went the way they did.

    We have to remember that Kensi has had Sayoc training, so she looks at things in a more logical, practical and analytical manner. Therefore, instead of freaking out because Deeks is a murderer, she understands the logic behind what he did. Both of them have killed in the line of duty, and Kensi would have seen it in that light.

    In a moral sense, life was hanging in the balance. The only way that Tiffany’s life could be saved was by taking Boyle out of the picture permanently. If Deeks had let Boyle live, it would have been like pulling the trigger on Tiffany himself. Deeks would have carried the guilt of that his entire life. Kensi would have known that there was really no other choice. Deeks needs to tell Kensi that Hetty knows the truth about all of this.

    Deeks learned a valuable lesson in trust; he can tell Kensi anything without fear. Kensi learned a good lesson in understanding and compassion. She could understand and accept both the act itself and why Deeks kept this a secret. Kensi knows that Deeks is caring and compassionate to a fault, and that she can trust him without question.

    As anti-climactic as this scene may seem, yet it was a huge milestone in the development of their relationship.

    Callen and Joelle have a lot of work to do on their relationship. Even though things are rocky now, Joelle loves him, even with all of his weird eccentricities. Remember in “Humbug” that she showed up at the ice rink looking to find him after he had basically written the relationship off. I think they’ll find a way to work through things, but it is going to take a lot more effort than it did for Kensi and Deeks. Joelle needs to be as understanding as Kensi, and Callen needs to take his relationship as seriously as Deeks does. That being said, I like the Joelle Taylor character; she’s just what Callen needs.

    The “Neric” scenes were enjoyable too; I just think they need to rip a page out of Emeril’s book and “kick it up a notch.” That would make for a very entertaining relationship. Gotta love the “wonder twins” on a sugar rush!


  11. Wonderful Review Diane! Also enjoyed reading everyone’s comments!


  12. Good review Diane, thank you! I enjoied a lot this episode even if the plot is inconsistent, but we are focused on densi story development 🙂 I totally agree with Cladani and Karen, I don’t want to repeat what they write, but I think the scene in the car was great, and like Karen said, I’d rather a scene more poignant with both in tears, but maybe that wasn’t in their characters and it would have seeemed not realistic, Even if a more esplicit or eclatant declaration of love would be appreciated by us 🙂
    And I sponsor the idea of a densi show, or more presence of them in every episode. They make the show great.
    Happy holidays from Italy!


  13. Haven’t had time to thoroughly read all the comments until now; I think I go along with most of the comments already posted…. great episode, great review. Thoughts:

    Callen got snookered by the ex and soon to be again con as he has before… Loved the smarmy guy. the scene in the motel room reminded me strongly of the drunk Santa in “Humbug”.

    The confession scene was played perfectly by Densi… boring stakeout, they’re not even sure why they are watching the toy store, so she asks her significant other what he wants for Christmas… and he blurts it out… the startled look on her face when he replied “forgiveness” was not what she was expecting. I think she was expecting something of a classic Deeks – risque and tongue in cheek. What she got was the truth. I’m glad the producers wrapped up the IA (at least for now) here. I also had assumed from her actions in “Internal Affairs” that she had figured out that Deeks did it, as has Callen as shown by his talk with Hetty. At least now that Hetty and Granger have reframed Steadman and tied a “dead” Quinn to the murder, Callen knows, probably Sam knows, now Kensi knows so no blackmail possible to get Deeks to do “off the books” investigations. The one loose end that may come back is the $400 a month to Tiffany from Deeks alias… we know from “Command and Control” that he does not have the money to pay $4800 a year in hush money or support money – which leads to my probably wrong conclusion that the Hetty or the LAPD is using the alias as a funnel for snitch payments.

    Loved the interplay between Kensi and Deeks – the blonde spilling out of her bikini, Deeks mentioning that Kensi would look great in an outfit like that, and her being wrapped up Christmas paper and a bow for him to unwrap; the simultaneous momma telephone calls was hilarious… as was the “elope” line. The fraction of a kiss worked to perfection as did her “You’ll get the rest at home”. Didn’t say later, says at home… implication in that phraseology.

    I guess the only aspect of the episode I did not like was the Callen-Joelle interaction. The whole “We broke up but we’re sleeping together over the holidays” thing just did not work for me… but then, I admit I have issues with the whole Callen character (his baby blues and fluffy hair don’t interest me). Callen can be warm and friendly at times, cold, remote and using people at others, self-centered except with Sam and Hetty… sounds a lot like a borderline sociopath personality. Given his back story, not unexpected but still not very likable. I’m really not looking forward to a half season of Callen angst about his father and am hoping the episodes include significant Densi (ala the Arkady eps last season and that Arkady makes an sizable appearance.


  14. I enjoyed the review and certainly enjoyed this episode . I think it was very hard to follow such a powerful episode as the IA, and although this was not the sequence they had planned for episodes, I think it worked out better for the show. There was continuity between the IA and Cancel Christmas that would have been missing if they showed TLG after the IA. I do not want to be repetitive so I will just say I agree with the majority of the postings that Deeks confession in the car was very powerful and a great scene. I think both ECO and DR delivered very good performances.

    I have to admit I had the same negative reaction as several other folks when I heard the rest of the season is about “Callen”. It seems like TPTB figured out that Densi brings in ratings and they have evolved the Deeks/Kensi relationship and it is in a good place. Deeks is a complex, interesting, multi-faceted person, and Kensi is in love with him and is working hard to make their relationship work. On the other hand, it appears that TPTB have left Callen to be a stagnant character in the sense he seems much as he was personality wise since the earlier seasons, not a lot of growth. I hope they use this focus on him to move his character development forward.

    On a final note, I need to disagree with one of the above postings, so I hope I do not offend anyone, I do not mean to. I do not believe that the ratings for the IA episode were because there was no competition and any new episode would have garnered the same ratings. The episode that was supposed to air on 12/7 was TLG, I do not believe it would have come anywhere close to 9.5 million viewers. The reviews of “Citadel” on many social media sites had many people stating they would not watch another “Talia” episode. I think part of why TLG did okay in ratings ( 8 million) was because many people thought they were going to watch the Defectors. My DVR of TLG was labeled the Defectors even though it was not that episode. I think it is unfair to ECO as an actor to take away from him that this episode had the highest number of viewers so far this season.


    • You know there are less Deeks fans out there than you might think. The majority of the people watch because of the show and the chemistry between all characters. Not all of them are maniacs as we are.
      This episode (it was 7-11 and not 7-12) had the same ratings (slighty less viewers) than IA and no Blindspot and no Castle but a huge win for NBC Adele concert. So the competition was different but still good ratings though no Deeks episode but the team as one. And that is what most fans love about the show.
      The next Deeks episode at the same time-slot with castle and blindspot will have the usual 8+ viewers and 1.1/1.2 ratings. Want to bet?


      • Are you the person who thumbs down most posts on here, that have positive spin on Deeks and Kensi/Deeks?


      • Beth, sorry it took so long to reply to you, I was waiting for the L+3 ratings to come out which they did today.According to CBS Press Express for the IA episode , NCIS-LA had its best L +3 delivery of the season , moving it from #15 to # 10 for the ratings week of Dec. 7-13 , with a lift of +2.79 million ( 12.31m from 9.52 m , +29%) . I think the biggest takeaway is that it is the best so far this season. As a fan I am very happy to see this number.


  15. Great review, and these comments are very interesting. I agree with sassyzazzi above about the IA ratings. I think it did really well because 1. Deeks’ arrest had been teased to the fans for over 3 weeks, with the original defectors promo airing before TLG, and 2. because that was an episode that revolved around something extremely emotional that many of the fans of this show feel invested in.

    On to this episode… it was amazing. I think each year the writers bring us a christmas gift with their holiday episodes, they are so filled with exactly what the fans want!

    When I first realized what the car scene was about and that Deeks was about to confess, I have to admit I shrieked in excitement, and then felt a little disappointed that it was kind of anticlimactic. (I think some other viewers mentioned feeling the same way) HOWEVER, it took me all of a minute to realize how perfect and true to character it was:
    One of the characteristics of Deeks the writers have been emphasizing this season is how manipulative and smart he really is (brought up in Citadel, and showcased in IA). Deeks was clearly nervous about telling Kensi the truth (he said it in the most scripted response ECO has ever delivered, clearly he had been practicing what to say).

    I think this conversation was anticlimactic on purpose! He was nervous about how she would react and so he told her while they were on the job. He very smartly did not have the conversation during their own personal time because two things Kensi is famous for include: Her aggressive reactions(frozen lake), and her ability to deflect emotional issues with work (descent, and many more). He was scared she would react negatively, yet knew she would have to stay with him a while longer to figure it out because they were at work when he told her, and they are first and foremost partners. He had no way of knowing she already knew and had already come to terms with it, and so he specifically told her while they were on the job and she didn’t have the ability to react how she might have if they were alone and off the clock.
    —-Just my opinion on why the scene wasn’t as dramatic and personal as it could have been.


  16. Thanks for all the great comments! No secrets here!


  17. Great reminders! Deeks letting “elope” slip put a grin on my face. That was as much for the actual slip as it was what he was referencing. Either he can’t contain himself or he’s testing Kensi’s reaction. Either is a good option.

    I’d nearly forgotten about Janvier sending the Chrstimas cards. Who’s cheeky now. I’m with others that the whole “break up but stay together during the holidays” is so disingenuous, beneath what I’d expect from Callen. Agree also that he’s become so stagnant, which is why I’m not looking forward to that upcoming focus. So sad for someone as talented as COD; I feel they are under-utilizing him.

    The flirtation comments are growing stronger with Densi, as they should being a year post-All In. Really appreciate how Diane pulled apart the baby tiger part, in how they both responded differently than in the past. It’s called positive growth! Hooray!


  18. Hi, I might be totally wrong here, but isn’t “Cancel Christmas” episode 11? The title says S7E12, just a bit confused. I loved your review! It was very thoughtful and interesting, thanks for sharing it with us!


  19. I rewatched this a while back, it’s one of my absolute favorite Christmas episodes!


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