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Review: NCISLA “Unleashed” (S8E24)

After last week’s dark and intense “Uncaged,” I spent the better part of this week trying to recover and mentally prepare for more drama in this week’s Season 8 finale. Would Sam exact revenge from Khaled? Would the team help him? Might Michelle actually still be alive? And what kind of cliffhanger would we be left with for the summer? After the overwhelming darkness of last week, I wasn’t even expecting to enjoy this episode, just to get through it. I did, helped immensely by some great Deeks and Densi material.

For how could we forget the promised engagement with a twist? I tried not to get my hopes up too high for the Densi, for they did have three previous, consistently excellent, proposals to live up to. Writer R. Scott Gemmill and director John Peter Kousakis managed to exceed my expectations with a final proposal that was perfectly fitting for our favorite couple. The surprise might have been spoiled just a bit, but that didn’t stop me from rewatching the scene like a bajillion times.

Going Rogue

In a completely unsurprising development to start the episode, Sam ditched his partner to hunt Khaled on his own. At least Gemmill acknowledged this overused plot point by having Callen tell Sam, “And yeah I do realize the irony of me telling you to drop the lone wolf crap.” I find humor in the fact that the writers and characters all see going rogue as an actual activity these characters do so often that it has a term- “lone wolf crap” is starting to feel pretty accurate at this point. Of course, it might also be summarized by Kensi’s assessment of “Men are stupid that way,” which would sound more convincing if she didn’t have her own history of rogue behavior.

Beyond the lone wolf storytelling device, I’m just not one to support these agents going rogue for the sake of revenge. Going rogue to find out more about one’s past? Sure. Going rogue to escape from jail and try to figure out what’s happening with an IA investigation into your shady past? Why not? Going rogue to bring one’s father’s killer to justice? OK only so long as you try to arrest him. But handing in your badge with the sole mission to kill the man who murdered your wife is not a plan I’m comfortable with, nor one I could really support, let alone enjoy watching.

Despite my doubts about the story, LL Cool J was again really strong throughout the episode. His even more serious than usual demeanor was chilling, his coldblooded determination to end Khaled understandable, and his grief palpable. On the other hand, walking into a gunfight on your own when you’re the only parent your children have left feels kinda irresponsible. It will be interesting to see whether Sam’s attitude about this kind of behavior changes once he takes some time off to be with his kids. Will he become more risk averse in Season 9?

I did enjoy the team’s reactions and all their efforts to help Sam. Deeks in particular seemed particularly motivated and very focused. I really, really like this Take Charge Deeks. Can we please see him back next season? Watching him forcefully point out that the source of the refrigerator unit was likely a trap of some kind, or pull Callen to safety after the sniper hit him, or improvise with a purchased Jesus outfit, was all extremely appealing. Perhaps he was simply filling the void left by Sam’s absence, perhaps he was reacting instinctively to a woman he knew being killed, but he definitely upped his game in a compelling way.

Going Out with a Boom

Khaled went out with a big boom as his suicide vest detonated. While this was an exciting and well directed sequence, it brings up what is probably my main problem with the story. I have to question the very fact that Khaled was wearing that vest in the first place. He was never a person determined to martyr himself for a cause. Nor was he in such desperate straits that he could see no other avenue of escape. He was an egotistical, genocidal war criminal who apparently had enough resources to hire an army of Toyota drivers and tour bus henchmen (and women). I understood his motivation to make Sam suffer, but it didn’t ring true for me that he was so deranged he’d be willing to blow himself up. As Eric pointed out, “If Tahir were smart, he’d get the hell out of Dodge.” I did think he was smart, and just disappearing, fading away where he couldn’t be found until Season 9 would have made more sense.

Of course I never really enjoyed Khaled as a bad guy, so I don’t mind that he’s gone for good. But one question still lingers, which is whether there’s another mole. Did Khaled get his intel from the moles who’ve already been identified? Are we to assume the mole storyline is wrapped up? (Fingers crossed for Yes.)

I also have to say that Khaled’s plot of stealing Michelle’s body to taunt Sam, and then threatening to dismember her, was pretty revolting, and felt disrespectful of this great character. It’s one of the reasons that I still kept thinking Michelle had to be alive and be The Mole. I couldn’t believe this was the actual plot. The tight shots of Khaled’s face as he spoke on the phone just made me wonder what was going on around him- I pictured Michelle sitting right next to him listening in. It’s hard to imagine they would have written something similar had they decided to kill off one of the main cast members. I think if I had found any of it more believable, if it had ever made sense to me that Khaled would have done it, then I would have been more angry. Instead, I just tried to ignore the whole thing and focus on the upcoming proposal.

Popping the Question with a Bang

I don’t think anyone was surprised to see Kensi propose to Deeks. The only suspense here was really whether Gemmill could pull off a few moments of actual happiness in the midst of all the darkness. When I saw that Kensi was going to do it right there at the scene of the explosion, I was momentarily unhappy. But really, as much as I wanted “the beach and the sunset with the ring,” this was much more appropriate to both the recent events and to them as a couple.

Nothing has ever been easy for these two, and the way Kensi seized the moment, not wanting to waste another second without being engaged to the man she loves, just felt right. Her improvisation with the flashbang pull ring might have been partly inspired by Sam’s pulling Michelle’s ring off of the suicide vest wiring, but it was totally Kensi. For as Deeks reminded us, she’s full of “sunshine and gunpowder,” more “bang than bling.” Plus, hasn’t she always been the stereotypical man in their relationship? Why shouldn’t she be the one to put a ring on it? It is 2017 after all. Unlike Kensi’s previous effort to move things forward in “Humbug,” where I was surprised and confused about what had prompted her actions, here I appreciated how her motivation and thought process clearly came from the day’s events and her discussion with Nell.

Kensi: Deeks can I talk to you for a sec?
Deeks: Yeah. [referring to the flashbang detonation] What the hell was that?
Kensi: [kneeling] Um, I um… [reaching for his hand] Sorry, could you just give me a hand.
Deeks: What? [Kensi slides the ring on his finger] Whoa. No.
Kensi: Martin Deeks will you marry me?
Deeks: No, no, come on baby, you gotta stand up. You gotta stand up.
Kensi: [yanking him down] No! Deeks!
Deeks: Listen, you can’t, you can’t, you can’t, you can’t do this.
Kensi: I think I just did.
Deeks: No but you can’t because the guy, the guy has to… the guy has to propose.
Kensi: Oh, really? ‘Cause I think it’s 2017. And you kinda had your shot.
Deeks: Not to be a stickler for detail, but I’ve actually proposed three times if you count the very romantic version I did while you were in a coma.

Having Kensi take the lead here seemed only fair after Deeks had tried three previous times, and more importantly has got to make Deeks feel loved in a way I don’t think he often allows himself to be. He’s much too quick to assume he’s not worthy of happiness, that “the universe balancing, reality checking, soul crushing shoe is going to drop” at any moment. Kensi has worked very hard in the last half of this season to make him see how much she loves and appreciates him, yet every time, we’ve seen him brush off her words and make light of the challenges he faced when she was injured. In all the previous proposals, Deeks was the one reaching out to Kensi and telling her how much he loved her; I am so happy he got to hear the same thing back from her this time. His “Did that just happen?” shows how surprised he was by her actions. I hope he enjoys an entire summer of having it sink in that yes, it did indeed.

Deeks: Baby what are you doin?
Kensi: Life is really short, Deeks. I mean we saw that today, we see it every day. And I don’t know how much time either one of us has left, but I do know this – I wanna spend the rest of what I have with you. So what’s it gonna be?
Deeks: I mean, I don’t know. I mean this is, it’s a lot for a girl to process.
Kensi: [laughing] You’re such an idiot!
Deeks: I love you.
Kensi: I love you.
Deeks: Yes. Absolutely, what the hell, yes! [they hug] My god, did that just happen?
Kensi: [laughing, gives an OK sign to Nell]

The way Kensi’s voice shook with emotion as she told him she wanted to spend “the rest of what I have” with him brought tears to my eyes, and clearly touched Deeks too. Daniela Ruah was fantastic here. Seeing them momentarily so happy was a wonderful relief after nearly two hours of unrelenting grimness. The absolute joy on Kensi’s face as she looked over to Nell made me so happy, and felt like a preview of her expression on her wedding day. I’ll just try not to worry too much that their celebration later that night wasn’t completely overshadowed by grieving for Michelle. I do feel that’s going to make it a tougher assignment for all you fan fic writers who now have the whole summer to gift us with lovely post-ep fics.

Every time these two reach a new milestone, it’s so enjoyable to look back at how far they’ve come. Thinking back to one of Kensi’s first reactions to Deeks (“Is that the best they could do?”) and their ever so slow progress to become friends and then more (even the “sunshine and gunpowder” was a lovely reminder of their journey) is what makes this engagement oh so satisfying. There may have been a few unpleasant detours along the way (“Three Hearts” I’m looking at you), but all in all, to have been given eight plus seasons of an ever evolving relationship that is now so very strong makes me tremendously happy and grateful to the showrunners. It’s a real accomplishment and all involved should be proud of their work. It just might be enough to inspire a summer marathon!

Deeks: Let’s take a look at this thing. Well, I gotta be honest, I thought that, uh, I thought it’d have a little more bling to it.
Kensi: Oh no. You know me. I’m more bang than bling.
Deeks: That’s right. Sunshine and gunpowder.
Kensi: [laughing, they kiss]

Ending the Season on a Dark Note

The proposal was an elegant bookend to the final scene at the morgue, which reminded us exactly why Kensi was moved to action. The parallel use of the rings elevated both scenes, tying them together in a way that made it easy to envision a possible sad future for Densi, just as the proposal gave us a possible glimpse of the happiness Sam and Michelle must have enjoyed earlier in their relationship. It brought to mind Sam’s “Rude Awakenings” description of that time, when he and Michelle fell in love while working together on an NCIS – CIA joint task force. Let’s just hope that our NCIS – LAPD pairing never meets such a tragic end. The dual scenes certainly could be read as foreshadowing a grim future for Densi, but hopefully they weren’t intended in that way.

It was a shame Gemmill and Kousakis didn’t flip the order of the final two scenes. It would have been so much sweeter to end on the moment of hope (literally coming out of the ashes) rather than the grim sadness at the morgue. Unfortunately, as Tess would say, we all know who is on the cover of the DVD’s, so instead we had to end Season 8 on a down note. It’s clear that Sam’s life has changed radically. Will LL Cool J’s role be changing as a result? With apologies to those of you who like Anna, I fear there’s more of her to be seen in our future. For me, exactly how much is the actual cliffhanger here.

Memorable Moments

  • Sam, it’s not cool to tell your daughter her mother’s been killed over the phone. I get it with Aiden, who’s away at school, but Kamran needed her dad to be there for her in person.
  • I wasn’t surprised at Sam’s garage arsenal, but I had to laugh as he continued to pile the weapons into his bag. Just how many guns does one rogue agent need?
  • Even Nell realized the error of not using Overwatch on Sam. I still maintain there’s no way Khaled should have been released without it.
  • I do enjoy scenes with Nell and Callen, like the one in the ambulance where Nell is tossing out the wisecracks (“I just dewormed him”). But shouldn’t she maybe keep a pair of pants around in her go bag so if she gets pulled into the field, she’ll feel a little more ready to take on the bad guys?
  • Deeks is the perfect person to try to keep someone on the phone long enough to trace a call. His ramblings about live hand grenades didn’t even sound like he was going out of this way to keep Khaled on the line, more like it was just his usual stream of consciousness.
  • Sabatino was more likable than I’ve ever seen him. Seeing him handcuffed – again – definitely made me laugh. I particularly liked how Kensi and Nell were completely unconcerned that he might still be stuck in that alley.
  • It was nice that Nell could witness the proposal and share a moment of relief and happiness after being so upset throughout the episode. And bonus points for refraining from interrupting!
  • And throughout the episode Gemmill sprinkled in small bits of humor to help lighten the darkness just enough. Nell had the funniest line of the episode with “Jesus is my co-pilot.” Hilarious. While none of the humor felt out of place, it made the episode less intense than it otherwise would have been. After last week, I kind of appreciated that.

It’s been quite a roller coaster of a season. It may not have been perfect, but I find myself looking forward to a fresh start for R. Scott Gemmill with Season 9. Thanks for joining us each week, and special thanks to those of you who join our weekly discussions of all things Deeks and Densi. Be sure to come back later this week for the last Surf Log, Journal, Drabble, and Top 3 of the season. And have a wonderful summer! Before you go, let us hear your thoughts on “Unleashed”!

About Karen (287 Articles)
wikiDeeks Writer & Assistant Editor. I never wrote for fun before... until my ECO-obsession. Now I love to analyze any and all aspects of the best character on television.

73 Comments on Review: NCISLA “Unleashed” (S8E24)

  1. Thank you for Karen for a great review. I hoped for a different and more surprising ending (I was expecting a really big cliffhanger). I still don’t get why they did this to Michelle and why this way (why in the first part), there were other ways to create Sam drama or to write off Michelle. I am really worried about how they will handle the aftermath, for me Sam staying in the field feels really out of character (I really do want him to stay, but I can’t imagine Sam risking his life when his children have already lost their mother). I think I will always be in denial about Michelle’s death and I never thought I would want one of those Hetty manipulations this much.

    The action in this episode was good, I am glad to see Khaled gone. and I agree with Karen about Sabatino. Taking Michelle’s body was really unnecessary moment, Sam was going after Khaled anyway. It was great to have that engagement, that background music was maybe a bit too loud/distracting, but “more bang than bling” and “sunshine and gunpowder” lines were great. I wish there had been one scene between proposal (and that tiny bit of humor) and morgue scene (so that engagement scene wouldn’t be so directly followed by Michelle’s body in the morgue). Based on Kensi’s behaviour in that engagement scene I wouldn’t be surprised if the wedding is soon, but how to have a happy and excited Densi planning a wedding when Sam and children are mourning?. I really wish they had this engagement in previous episodes, so we fans could have had that happiness and excitement before the angst. Ed has mentioned previously a difference between a movie and a tv show and if this 2-part season finale was a movie (instead of a tv show and characters I have loved for years) I would probably be much more thrilled and happy. I really wanted to see Kensi getting her ring, I hope we will get that scene in 9×01, and I can’t wait for her to wear it. She may be more bang than bling, but she did seem to love that ring and those diamonds

    This has been a very difficult season to watch for me personally, even though I have really liked some episodes (and Daniela and Eric’s acting has been amazing). There just has been so many bad things/angsty storylines for my favorite characters that is has been too much for me, especially with everything else going on in the world and real life in general. I know that some of the things had absolutely nothing to do with writers or producers, but I still wished for some more balance this season and also more answers to those mole related questions (like who stabbed Granger). I know this is only fiction and that I can’t always get what I want and I can deal with bad things happening to my favorite characters, but the amount this season has been way oo much for me. Scott Gemmill mentioned in Paleyfest a reset in season 9, but I am really worried that the reset he mentioned isn’t what I am hoping for (I hope the team work together and less guest stars replacing team members in the field) and I am worried that this finale kind of made the reset more difficult for tptb. I agree with Karen’s thoughts about Anna.

    Michelle was a great character and I think her character had a lot more stories to tell and Aunjanue is a great actress and there is great chemistry with LL/team. I do apologize if I come across too negative, I really do love this show and I have really enjoyed some of the episodes this season. I want to thank Wikideeks and everybody who comments here, you have no idea how much it means to me to have this place where I can express my feelings and how much your comments and discussion here (whether we agree or not) has meant for me this season, thank you!.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. OhBuddy66 // May 16, 2017 at 6:32 AM // Reply

    Thank you, Karen, for another stellar review.

    Competent Deeks! How about that, eh? Deeks is the man, and it was great that they finally let him shine, really, throughout the whole episode.

    The Densi scenes were amazing, both the serious and the happy.

    Sabatino…I love the character, but I still don’t trust him. Will he return next season? Will he end up keeping the mole arc alive? And just what did he mean when he told Sam that he loved Michelle? Loved her like a sister? A good friend? Or was there something more being implied there?

    I really enjoyed the episode. It was dark, and like you already mentioned, had just the right amount of light touches here and there. I honestly was expecting a big cliffhanger to end the season. Maybe Sam’s last comment about spending time with his kids is alluding to him not being around much when the show comes back?

    Thanks again for the reviews, and for all of you that contribute to this site. I enjoy it greatly.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Valentina // May 16, 2017 at 6:38 AM // Reply

    Thanks for the review!! I liked the episode for the scenes, all the cast was amazing, the real plot was a bit forced. I loved the proposal even if at the beginning I was disappointed because I’d hoped a more romantic one where they tell each other a lot of sweet speechs, but it was very well written and was “Densi style” so I’m happy for the engagement. I’m disappointed that in this season we hadn’t a proper love kiss, maybe for next season 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you to Karen and the entire Wikideeks staff for your reviews, journal entries, and previews. It makes the season more enjoyable to share ideas and thoughts (and rants) about the show. All of your hard work is appreciated. Here’s to S9. May we have more Competent Deeks and sweet Densi moments.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. thnx for writing this review , love yore input in this site , hope there are a lot of fanfics this summer , have a great summer and hope to read/learn more with the 9th season, thnx for now , greetings from the netherlands. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Overall, I liked this episode. I understand that people were emotional about Michelle’s body being taken but from a true bad-guy standpoint, what a way to get to your opponent. Shocking and effective. One of the things I like about NCISLA is that while it is fiction and therefore things need to be tidy in terms of storytelling, they also don’t always back away from the easy happy ending type stories. I like the episodes that the characters show repercussions from what they’ve experienced. That’s why I’ve always loved the quadrilogy of Descent/Ascension/Impact/Omni – the story arc followed through all episodes. It wasn’t one and done and no impact or even memory of a traumatic episode. And I think I’m glad/not glad there wasn’t a cliffhanger. It makes for great conversations and speculations and expectations for the coming season … but it is also torture for the fans.

    After 7 seasons plus two episodes, after really being “a thing” since season 5, on the 23rd episode of season 8, in the last minutes of the last episode of the season …. We get satisfaction in the Densi relationship. I-love-yous were exchanged and it was cute.

    It was a tough season that the writers and R. Scott Gemmill had to get through. I mean I’m sure they were really waiting for the other shoe to drop at some point. But they — and we — did it. But in one way or another we lost some pivotal characters: Granger, Michelle, Joelle, Duggan…. They even wrapped up some bad guys, Sullivan, Tahir, etc. It is an almost clean slate with the actors returning healthy, not pregnant, etc.

    What I would like to see in Season 9:
    – Chegwidden step in to take leadership of the team. If Linda Hunt wants to step down, so be it. He would be a lovely, uber-cranky, no-nonsense substitute the team would have to figure out how to work with. Especially fun-loving, goofy Deeks. Lots of potential there.
    – Anna (finally) working at whatever agency they were going to assign her. Make her be gone. Truly. Not joking here, Gemmill.
    – Deeks and the Whiting/Bates thing create another great arc of episodes.
    – Not really a fan of Neric. One romantic couple in a workplace is enough. Keep Eric in Ops; Nell can be in the field as needed but no more Super Nell. She’s an agent.
    – Could we please have Nate back for a few episodes? At least they didn’t kill him off.
    – My personal wish list includes a Deeks-in-jeopardy episode. Man, a great life changing, deep story where ECO could act his heart out. How about Deeks is trapped somewhere alone, the team is desperate to reach him, and ECO has monologue after monologue … Make it so, Gemmill.

    Thanks for letting me ramble through the season. Thanks for the reviews, the classified previews, the blogs, the comments from everyone who shares a passion for the show. No one else understands me.
    (Now on to the Arrow finale – shudder)

    Liked by 2 people

    • great list peakae.
      I would just ask that Deeks get to put the ring on Kensi’s finger before you whisk him off to be captured and alone…
      boy are you tough on our cop…

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I didnt see any point for Khaled blowing himself up. Mistake 1. Mistake 2, Sam was comp.out of character, even if he was mad or teared down he would of not gone in alone. Mistake 3, this rogue thing has to end, people have matured over the seasons. I think the writers are off the grid with killing Michelle in first point. People clearly wanted to see her in the field more not DEAD ! . Season 9 is probably the last season I bare to watch, lets go back in time like to season 1-5 writing was like OKAY, but then compare it to the other half , it has gone way to commercial and cartoonish. I would of even loved if Sam killed this guy with bare hands not swear under his commands. Other than that I find that the only positive thing was Deeks & Kensi engagement , now I want to see her wearing it but agents dont wear their rings on duty that might compromise their situation even worse.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I clearly see that writers dont give a damn about interal part of character like Michelle Hanna. Clearly not passionate about it. You have more stories to tell with the person alive than dead. Anna is the next one who should get booted off the show, I feel her presence is so annoying with the cast.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I don’t think anyone should be surprised that Sam went rogue. His love for Michelle was intense. Remember his actions during the Sidorov arc. He was emotional and not exactly in control when he thought she was in danger, so him going rogue when she was murdered is not that much of a stretch. I agree it was a brutal episode. Dark. Distasteful even. And incredibly sad, but as someone mentioned it does give the writers a clean slate as Gemmill finishes off the leftover stories from all the hanging storylines.

    One change I found intriguing was how Deeks was portrayed here. This episode was written by Scott Gemmill and I was encourged by how he wrote Deeks character. Take Charge Deeks indeed. He is no longer the unsure, not-an-agent, sidekick cop, only good for humorous put down jokes and having everyone’s back in a firefight. This episode had him being smart and competent and definitely taking charge and being respected for his input. It was so refreshing and gave me hope for season 9. I hope to see him featured more next season, and possibly even becoming an agent after Whiting gets through using him to help out IA.

    But, of course, the best scene of all was the proposal. So sweet. So Kensi. And I agree that having her propose was the perfect way to convince Deeks that she was as committed to him and their love as he was to her. I loved everything about that scene. Every word. Every honest emotion that shined through the darkness of this episode. It was the relief we all needed.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. It is interesting that we have someone rating thumbs down on some of the comments here. The comments aren’t saying anything negative and are in fact appreciative. Hmm.

    Liked by 1 person

    • it appears that we have been overrun by a 3 year old…you know the one….
      …The one that no matter what you say, do or ask…they just cross their arms, stomp their feet, pout and say “No!”…while offering no explanation for their behavior at all.
      In this world of communication, it is interesting that verbalize an opinion or express their point of view an intelligent respectful manor…
      Just my perspective, but if someone has that strong of a difference of perspective, I would like to hear their point of view…not just NO NO No No No…no…nope…wrong…
      really, tell me why?



      • sorry, as usual I cant type,spell, punctuate, or create basic sentences in English…

        I would like to say that i speak 9 languages, English is tough, and it was the last one I learned, just 2 years ago…
        but that would not be entirely accurate…



  11. Thank you for the review. As much as I hated Michelle being killed off, it happens.vanes wife was killed off, zip as father was killed off. Exercise end though we love these characters they are not the main characters and really do not get much air time so it’s not unusual for them to want to go somewhere else. I loved the Kensington decks proposal. All in all I thought it was a great episode.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Carpe diem. Seize the day. This is what Kensi did, once again being bold and proving that going “All in” with Deeks was not an impromptu idea she had some Christmases ago. He’s her future and she wants to spend all her time left with him.
    For the Densi fandom this “Forever starts today” engagement was probably the reward for bearing everything that Deeks and Kensi went through this season, very in character, lovely, sweet and romantic as romantic it can be a proposal with an NCIS vest on and people and smoke and ambulances all around. But it was so them, therefore perfect for who they are. After all they have never been a conventional couple and this is maybe one of the reasons we love them so much.

    There was another couple who had never been conventional. They worked in the same task force, side by side and they fell in love. She was smart, intelligent, brave, clever and highly trained. Together they had everything you could wish for: a house, children to raise and love, someone to go back home to at the end of the day, love, trust, frienship. But she was brutally killed. Not in the field, not doing her job, for something that she never did, for a blind, and unexplainable revenge that had to do with her husband.
    I think losing Michelle, Sam has lost his compass.
    I totally believe what he said at the end, he will never be the same. To be honest, I’m more worried than interested to see how this radical change will affect Sam’s character and the team dynamics in Season 9. It will be hard to see, realizing that we will never see Michelle’s beautiful smile again or hear about her from Sam. I had always imagined Michelle and Sam on Densi wedding day holding hands and remembering with a smile how very similar their stories were. First we have lost Granger whom I had constantly imagined to walk Kensi down the aisle, now Michelle. I’m still in denial.

    Just one last thing about the episode. This season for me ends with the amazing Densi post-engagement kiss. I don’t think I will ever watch again the following scene. So tough to watch, so full of despair. I really wish they hadn’t shown what Sam will never have anymore just after Densi proposal/engagment/I love you’s/hugs/kiss. That SHOULD have been the last Season 8’s scene!

    Thanks WikiDeeks staff for everything you have done this season. You are all great, and sharing this passion with you is one of the best things I could ask for.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Brenda (@bpnp) // May 16, 2017 at 2:50 PM // Reply

    Great review Karen! I watched live – giving them a chance to redeem themselves after last week. 🙂

    I thought the same thing about the tight shots of Tahir when he was on the phone – hoping for a “just kidding” from the writers and Michelle turns up alive. Since that was not the case – please tell me how the body of a former CIA agent who was killed by a wanted terrorist is not under more guard when being transported? Jimmy and Ducky (NCIS) have had bodies stolen at least twice – you’d think they’d learn! 😉 I’m also surprised that they were allowed in the morgue alone – I would imagine the body was evidence in a crime that should not be touched until post-autopsy and she didn’t look post-autopsy to me. Plus – putting the ring on at that time… (not fond of that scene – too many implausibilities).

    I also agree that I wish the final scene had been the proposal and not the morgue scene. However, I am not a fan of cliffhangers – I find them mostly to be contrived and overblown – so I was glad at least there was a period on that storyline and on most of Season 8, except for an impending wedding. I’m with you in hoping we’re done with the mole – although I’m not really sure who the mole actually was. Did I block that or was it never totally clear? And I’m really hoping we actually get to see a wedding – they wouldn’t get married in the summer off screen, would they? (See the problem with killing Michelle, writers – now we don’t know what else you have up your sleeves!)

    As far as Tahir blowing himself up – agree, too narcissistic and evil, not his MO. Escaping to torment Samhanna (that was a really funny line in a couple of very serious scenes – funny for Sam to bring up on the bus, but I think Deeks was funnier) another season would have been more consistent with his prior actions. I’m not convinced he didn’t escape that explosion – that would also fit him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • an interesting point about Khaled escaping.
      I wondered that myself…
      but then I realized that if it happened, they the team would have 2 rogue mass murdering terrorists on the loose that hate them,,,both with just one hand…Janvier and now Khaled.
      it would be too weird…unless they formed some kind of club or something…


  14. Agree it could have ended on a more positive note but I think it was a reminder that bad things can happen to good people.
    As for more of Anna next season I hope not! Although she is in the same “business ” and gets what happens, she just doesn’t click with Callan or the others. The actress is very flat in characterization as well. Think there are other better possibilities with say a former CIA or NCIS agent that worked with Callan before he and Sam were partners. Guess we’ll see next season!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thank you Karen, another fantastic job it is greatly appreciated. have a wonderful summer.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. sassyzazzi // May 16, 2017 at 4:42 PM // Reply

    Karen, thanks for another great review. I thought this was a good team action episode where the ensemble cast was well utilized. Sabatino was a good addition to the mix . I know some of us were hoping beyond hope Michelle was alive , but it was not to be. As was mentioned above, I loved competent, take charge Deeks. Eco was just awesome in every scene he was in. I thought the Densi proposal was perfect for them. I was worried that it would seem wrong in this episode, but it was well written and well done and and Eric and Daniela were superb. I think the callback to sunshine and gunpowder was a Densi fan’s delight as was the go forward more bang than bling. It was good to have a positive message in this very sad episode. I think what sets LA apart from some of the other procedurals is that we really care about all these characters and this show allows the characters to change. As far as Deeks and Kensi the show has let these two characters grow and mature as a couple and the show has chosen to reward the long time Densi fans.

    I really want to thank wikiDeeks for providing a safe haven for us all to comment . It is really nice to be able to post positive Deeks and positive Densi comments and not get attacked and have Deeks belittled by someone who has decided to come to a blog and insult a major character. The worst that happens back here is that someone comes in and decides to do a thumbs down on comments for really no obvious reason.It totally confuses me , I just wish they would leave a comment , so you knew what was bothering them. It was been a good season 8. I am so looking forward to season 9.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Thanks for all the reviews this season. So glad we got an engagement without a cliffhanger. The proposals was sweet and funny and filmed beautifully.

    I have liked the last episodes of the season, but have been crazy busy and haven’t had time to reflect or comment.
    The direction of the show has gotten darker and I don’t mind some seriousness, but I hope it doesn’t lose its sense of humor. I always appreciated that this show was a bit lighter than the original and I hope darkness doesn’t become the main tone next year.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. This has been such an enjoyable way to spend the season.
    I have truly loved the conversation. Everybody hasn’t always agreed, but that’s what makes it so interesting.
    The discussion, debate, ideas, suggestions and wild guesses from all the different points of view are just so fun to read and engage in.
    Thank you all.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. The rouge thing…again…
    I defiantly agree, it has gotten a little stale

    I also agree that it out of line for Sam, who in spite of his claimed honor and discipline, went for revenge instead of justice.

    I also think it was selfish to risk leaving his kids parentless by running off on his own.
    Putting aside the fact that this is just a TV show…
    He turns I his badge and goes off on an unsanctioned opp on his own.
    If he gets killed, his kids have no mom, no dad, no pension, retirement or benefits.
    An astonishingly stupid thing to do.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The most interesting thing to me about Sam’s desire for revenge was that everyone just seemed to expect and understand that Sam’s intent was to kill Khaled. Kensi said to Nell that they could cry when the bad guys were dead. Hetty said to Nell that Sam was trying to kill the man who murdered his wife. Nobody questioned the rightness or wrongness of this.

      I can’t help but contrast this to the Sam/Callen convo in the car during one of the Blye, K. episodes, when they discussed what Kensi would do when she found her father’s killer. I believe it was Sam who said something like revenge is not what we do and she’s a federal agent, she’ll do the right thing. Same ep, Deeks tried to talk her out of killing the man and the team looked shocked when she said her uncertainty of his identity was the only reason she let him live.

      Not judging here, but we sure do have a bunch of characters with different perspectives five or so years later.

      Liked by 2 people

      • very valid points.
        the team has always tolerated and even expected the bad behavior from Sam and Callen.
        the same behavior they are so hard on Kensi and Deeks about.
        it is interesting to say the least.

        Liked by 1 person

  20. It is interesting to witness Sam come unraveled.
    Karen and AnneS already covered it, but I thought I would touch on it as well.
    Before this, you would say he is a man of principles and more than anything, he loves his children… No doubt.
    But he forgets all about the law and honor, doesn’t go to comfort his children, and takes huge risks in a desire for revenge and payback.
    It was sad to see his need for revenge completely out way his sense of duty, right and wrong, trust in his team and partner, and even his love for his children.
    Very sad indeed.
    Kam, the way she had to find out, then not to have her father rush to her side to provide comfort…because he was on a vendetta.
    I feel sorry for her and disappointed in Sam.


    Liked by 1 person

  21. I agree that Khaled was out of character with the suicide vest.
    It just doesn’t fit his persona at all. It made the conclusion feel a little rushed.
    And, there are still just too many unanswered mole-ish details
    I really expected a cliffhanger over it.
    Now that it was over in just 2 episodes, it makes the loss of Michelle feel even more unnecessary or a waste.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. The proposal,
    Fantastic and everyone has touched on all the nice things about it.
    I just loved it.

    That said, as you know, I tend to pick at things.
    I would have liked that when Deeks said that it was the man’s job, that Kensi would have replied that he had already done it 3 times and was waiting for her to be ready. She did have a lovely smile when he mentioned it, so I guess I am good.

    The other thing that comes to mind is her ring. It would have been so great for Deeks to still have it in his pocket…
    …although the scene would have been fantastic, the bigger issue is how we will get a follow up.
    With Sam taking some time off, and the show typically having some sort of a time jump when there is not a 2 part cliffhanger. I fear that the ring will just be on her finger like it had been for a while already…(kind of like the I love yous at the beach,
    First time we heard it, but obviously not a first for them…)

    The other likely option is the “much beloved” flashback…
    I do hope this is not another Densi first that will happen off screen.
    I would have felt much better about our odds if the last 2 scenes were reversed as was suggested by Karen…great point.
    ..and I am just so glad that Nell didn’t interrupt…or Hetty call…
    They let the scene play out , and I greatly appreciated it.


    Liked by 1 person

  23. I do hope we get to see more of Sabatino, I like the character…
    Well, let me clarify. The guy is a snake, but the character is interesting and very well played.
    I can separate the two

    Liked by 1 person

  24. As others have said, this was a very well-acted episode the entire cast did a fantastic job.
    You could see the chemistry in the Densi scenes, and Dani’s obvious emotion and the cracking of her voice was just so touching.
    Very well done.


  25. Chegwidden in season 9…


  26. Okay,
    Now that these constant weekly interruptions caused by the actual episodes will stop.
    And that the distractions of what actually happens on the show wont get in the way for a while…

    Let’s get those fanfic creative juices flowing…
    The proposal and change in their relationship must have provided some outstanding inspiration…
    just sayin’
    type, type, type, type, type,

    I promise to read everything you guys write…
    thank you,

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Wonderful review, Karen! Great point about Khaled not being the type to take himself out, even in an attempt to kill Sam, and your thoughts that maybe the camera would pan out from that close up of Khaled to see Michelle sitting there, all uber-molish, but alive. Much as I’m sad she’s really, truly dead, I’m glad she wasn’t revealed to be a bad guy instead. I’m also saddened but slightly intrigued at the changes we’ll see in Sam’s character next season

    And so glad I’m not the only one who thinks Nell needs to keep a change of clothes (i.e. pants) at work and put them on before going tactical. I wondered if she had her gear hidden under her skirt.

    I won’t repeat all the comments re: the perfection that was the Densi proposal; but I will point out my one complaint: the camera should have been closer up on their kiss! There, I said it!

    And yes, please Mr. RSG and the rest of TPTB, can we please have more take-charge Deeks? I’m hopeful we’ll get a nice, juicy Deeks-heavy arc next season, likely connected to Whiting and IAB/Bates. Perhaps even the real story of how he killed Boyle. If there’s actually a Deeks, M episode, I wonder what else we may learn about our favorite detective? Whatever happens, let’s pray he doesn’t feel the need to go rogue! 😉


    • maybe next year Eric, Nell and Monty can all go rogue together…
      they are the only ones left , after all.
      I am sure they feel left out.

      I agree they we needed a closer camera angle, and a ring in Deeks’ pocket if I am going to be picky.

      thank you,

      Liked by 1 person

  28. hoopsdiva // May 17, 2017 at 3:34 AM // Reply

    I am still distraught over the death of Michele, not just the loss of a great character played by a wonderful actress who had chemistry with all the cast, but the manner in which it happened. Maybe if she had gone down fighting, defending her kids and husband against a revenge-driven war Lord I could have at least accepted it. But Michele was made out to be a victim, just a tool in Khaled’s revenge plot. It was like CIA agent Michele was replaced by victim Michele just to further Sam’s story, and that I cannot accept.

    Also, isn’t there still the uber-mole out there? Wasn’t Joelle just following orders from someone higher up? I thought that question would be resolved in this episode, but nothing, not even a mention. Still, I hope they just drop the whole mole thing. It’s been an absolute train wreck, so hopefully they won’t let it drag down season 9.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. I am curious as to how Sam will deal with the issue.
    Will he step back for a while? Or will he actually leave to spend time focusing on being a father.
    I don’t see LL leaving, if he had a project in the works, we would know about it. He is a fantastic promoter. And even if he did try to keep it quiet, he is way too high profile of a celebrity to keep it under wraps for long, I think.



  30. I know that Kensi and Deeks would have looked to Sam and Michelle for advice on a good working marriage and how to make it work.
    I am not sure the message from Sam would be negative, just maybe different.
    After the grieving, I am sure he would say some very positive things, because even after all this, I am certain he is glad to have spent the time he had with Michelle.
    …So, what would he tell the young couple?
    Don’t waste time, it is too precious and fleeting.
    This job, no matter how important it is to you, is not your whole world.
    Don’t lose perspective on what is important. Build a relationship that will survive well beyond this job.
    You were meant to be together…from the beginning…we knew before you did
    He could still provide some great guidance.



  31. What plots are we expecting to see next year?
    Is the whole mole thing done…finally.
    Will Janvier resurface somehow
    Will we see Sabatino again
    Will Chegwidden join the team
    Will Callens dad show up again
    Will Callen get contact his family
    Will Densi actually get married
    What will Whiting drag Deeks into
    How will Callen get over his love of Anna after she gets eaten by that shark…


    Liked by 1 person

    • Ah a shark! That would be a fun summer game: how will Anna die? The more elaborate the better. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m down with that game, peakae! Ed’s comment about the shark reminds me of a fun song by Train, “50 Ways to Say Goodbye” A shark is one of them! Here are some of the others (they could easily write almost any of these into an episode):
        She went down in an airplane
        Fried getting suntan
        Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand (Callen’s always been worried about quicksand)
        She met a shark under water
        Fell and no one caught her
        She was caught in a mudslide
        Eaten by a lion
        Got run over by a crappy purple Scion
        She dried up in the desert
        Drowned in a hot tub
        Danced to death at an east side night club
        (Help me, help me, I’m all out of lies
        And ways to say you died)

        P.S. It really is a fun song. Grab a listen if you haven’t heard it.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I loved that song…and might have been guilty of singing along it the car at least once…okay, twice…
          I had forgotten about it, but it is perfect.
          thank you,

          oh, how about listing all the ways from the song so that the wonderful fanfic writers can use each of them in a story…

          do I smell a summer challenge? perfect.

          Ed again…


          • Heh. I might be willing to write such things, but probably not actually publish/post them (would hate to have to look over my virtual shoulder for the rest of my life for rabid Anna or Callanna fans). But it certainly is an interesting idea….

            And I proudly sing that song out loud when it comes on the radio. Probably shouldn’t admit it, but it does make me happy.


            • Oh, come on…
              I got your back…
              You are already an honorary member of the T Hate Anna Foundation.
              …our sole mission, to rid the world of bad acting everywhere…

              In fact, we are looking for a new executive vice president.
              …don’t ask…but the last one was injured when he was trapped under a stack of horse heads that fell off the shelf…
              Are these things recyclable???
              The point is, the new international headquarters ( kinda like the bat cave) is up and running.
              You are welcome to officially join the ranks.
              I have a corner office with your name on it.

              …besides, our new uniforms are arrow resistant…



              • One of our senior engineers has developed an app that can be used when viewing in real time…
                It allows for the viewer to actually make Anna’s lips move and facial expression change while she is delivering her lines…
                I know…amazing, right???
                You can adjust her mouth movements by using the arrow keys…pretty cool.
                Smile, frown, scowl, that “O “face…the possibilities are endless…



    • I think we will definitely see Sabatino and Cheqwidden again next season, and Callen’s dad and family again too, even though I personally hope the writers will start writing different kind of storylines for Callen (that aren’t so focused on Callen’s family and Anna).

      Janvier is a great villain, but I think they have finished that storyline (even though him going after Anna is kind of interesting idea). After this Michelle storyline (I am still in denial about her death), I think Anna will be safe next season (in my opinion it would be too soon after Michelle and could be too similar storyline). If the show airs one hour later next season does that mean next season will include even sexier Callanna scenes? I think you do know how I feel about Anna, but I am just trying to be kind of realistic (or maybe I am trying to use some kind of reverse psychology and see if that works 🙂 )

      I hope that the Whiting/Deeks thing isn’t like the mole storyline that kind of goes on for too long, I hope it is solved in one or two episodes. I am kind of torn about the mole storyline, a part of me thinks it is over and we will never get more answers and part of me thinks that it will continue.

      Based on Kensi’s reaction in season finale I am kind of expecting the wedding to be very soon, Kensi didn’t seem to want to wait and was in this “carpe diem” mode. On the other hand Sam is grieving and tptb might not want a wedding and a funeral happening so close together.


  32. Karen,

    Thank you for your excellent review!
    First about the proposal which was so beautifully acted by
    Daniela and Eric, and completely fitting for them. I, too
    wished that this had been the last scene of the episode
    instead of the morgue scene.
    For my part, I respectfully stand by my opinion about
    Michelle’s unnecessary and cruel death and I too am
    still distraught by this. As already said there would have
    been other ways to resolve the threat to Sam’s family
    than to cause a complete catastrophe for Sam with
    the horrific loss of Michelle. Michelle deserved better
    and I would have loved to see her return to the field.
    And Aunjanue is such an outstanding actress.
    Adieu Michelle.
    Besides LL Cool J’s heartbreaking, powerful and truly
    riveting performance the entire cast was fantastic.

    What I would like to see in the ninth season:
    -A compelling Deeks and Ellen Whiting/Internal Affairs
    storyarc and the “Deeks, M” episode.
    -Kensi’s and Deeks’ wedding.
    -As well as that I think that a stand alone episode
    could still explore Kensi’s time on the streets
    -Sam’s journey in the land of mourning, how will he
    deal with his devastating loss of Michelle? Will he
    remain with NCIS or perhaps leave?
    -As Callen is so close to Sam and his family, how will
    the loss of Michelle impact him? Will Sam and he even
    become closer? As well as the impact on the rest of the
    -Replace Hetty with Admiral Chegwidden.
    -Explore how the contact between Callen, his father and
    Alex and her son develops.
    -Although I do not trust him, I like Sabatino, and I would
    like to see again
    -And absolutely no Anna!!

    I have greatly appreciated the eloquent, astute, stimulating,
    thought provoking and respectful comments from- and
    conversations with all of you. WikiDeeks remains a safe
    haven as well as that I appreciate all the features which it


    Liked by 1 person

  33. I would like to add something to my list with
    wishes for the ninth season which I had forgotten
    to include in my previous comment:

    -I truly hope that Arkady will return!
    -As I like the moms very much, I would like to see
    Julia and Roberta back.


    Liked by 1 person

    • how about Deeks trying to teach Kensi how to cook…
      or Kensi fixing a surprise dinner for Deeks…
      maybe for his birthday?


      • Ed,
        To respond to your question. I do not think
        that my opinion whether Deeks should teach
        Kensi to cook contributes anything to the
        conversation. I think that Kensi already
        surprised Deeks in a truly major way by
        proposing to him.
        And in response to the question which
        you posed to all of us, if Deeks went
        back to the pawn shop and bought the
        veil for Kensi?
        For my part, I definitely think that Deeks
        went back and bought that beautiful veil
        for her.


  34. Thanks for the great comments everyone, and thanks for holding so many great discussions and friendly debates. It’s all much appreciated.


  35. things to add to the wish list..

    getting to see Deeks put the ring on Kensi’s finger for the first time. (while she is awake, anyway…) I don’t want to just have it appear on her finger and have them act like it has been there for months and no big deal once next season starts.

    An actual wedding,(maybe later in the season) because with the way Kensi is moving things forward it would make sense.
    With how they feel, what they have been through, and even with Kensi’s engagement to Jack…
    I can’t see Kensi wanting to wait for long or go through a long drawn out engagement.
    It would not seem in character for the couple at this point in the relationship.

    Have Anna captured by the international terrorist Doctor Evil and tortured by sharks with laser beams attached to their heads…
    Wait? did i just mix up my shows and villains?
    Are Janvier and Dr Evil not the same person??? hmmm

    either way, I’m not picky…
    I would settle for something as mundane as her walking into the street while texting and getting hit by a bus…
    hey, it could be a public service message as well. right?

    Liked by 1 person

  36. I’d like to see Deeks actually put the ring on Kensi’s finger too, but I believe we got as close to that as we’re gonna get while she was in a coma. I think when S9 opens, it will be after Sam has taken some time to be with the kids (perhaps Kamran will have just left for Keating).

    I see no reason why we can’t see a wedding in S9. Ed’s reasons for having one sooner than later are good, and I’ll add to that the fact that with such a small list of guests (you know Kensi’s going to be willing to cut it down now) and the location already agreed on, the usual reason for a long engagement (planning the wedding) is nonexistent. Let’s just hope it doesn’t go the way of The Red Wedding on the Game of Thrones or Donna’s wedding on Flashpoint. [spoiler alert!!] I’ll even take something as simple and quick as McGee’s wedding on the mother ship as long as there’s no pregnancy involved.

    I do want to see a GOOD Deeks/Whiting/IAB arc that may or may not be related to a Deeks, M. episode (is it asking too much to want both, independent of each other?). I’d like to learn what really happened to Boyle in that hotel room when Deeks killed him, but I’d rather that NOT be whatever information we learn about him in Deeks, M.

    Like stardustraven, I would love to see a return of the Moms, even if it is just at the wedding.

    I’d like for us to see/know, within the context of the show (and we know TPTB can do this), that Sam is still struggling with the death of Michelle, as well as with the kids both being out of the house now. I mean, the poor man will be going home to an empty house every night.

    I wish, hope, and pray for Bar Paly to find such success in whatever other projects she’s working on now that she can’t come back to NCIS; LA and they have to recast her. I don’t have a problem with the character or Callen being in a relationship, but we need a better actress, please. (I also wish, hope, and pray for my herd of unicorns to continue to thrive. I’m betting there’s a better chance of that happening.)

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Anna will have to testify in an international case, she will be hunted by some old enemies of Arkady.
    She will have a choice, to go into witness protection or hide in plane sight.
    She will decide to stay, undergoing plastic surgery to change her appearance.
    After the bandages come off…she will look surprisingly like Angie Harmon, Stana Katic, or some other qualified actress.
    problem solved…


    Liked by 1 person

  38. While we are talking about weddings we don’t want to duplicate…
    We don’t want a Castle-esque situation either.

    Having Deeks get in a wreck or captured on his way to the wedding would just tick me off no end…



  39. I wonder if after the grieving, that if Sam will encourage Kensi and Deeks to start a family when they are ready, and not let the job or fear deter them from having kids.
    That as heartbroken as Sam is, as much as he hates that his kids have lost their mother…
    That they are the most important thing in his life. That he can’t imagine a life without them.
    That they remind him every day, of all the good things that came from his marriage to Michelle..

    I know that he would encourage Kensi and Deeks to do what their hearts tell them.
    That his kids help fill his life…make everything seem worth while. They are what matters.
    I think that the next time he overhears a “should we have kids in this environment” discussion, I think he just might say something enlightening.



    • Just to clarify, I am not ready, nor do I want a Densi baby anytime soon.
      I bring it up because we have been told that the conversation will come up again, and I would like for it to not be a huge disagreement or issue between them. like they want different things…
      A false alarm might be fun to see though…


      Liked by 1 person

  40. I think Densi babies are best kept in the realm of fan fiction until the series finale, when we get a fast-forward to a few years later and see what everyone’s been up to since OSP was closed down, Densi left and Sallen retired, or whatever will be the situation as the series ends.

    That said, I think Sam would laugh his a$$ off (in the most loving and supportive way possible) if they had a panicked false-alarm, given the conversation he had with Kensi about how kids “just happen” (or whatever the wording was).

    I do hope that whatever conversation Deeks and Kensi next have on the topic of children, however, that they are at least consistent about it (the writers, that is). The two of them seem to flip-flip an awful lot on the matter: first she wants and he doesn’t, then he wants and she doesn’t.


    • agreed,
      no kids, but on the same page…
      I would like for them to share a common goal and dream for their future family.
      And like mentioned previously, a false alarm would be hilarious. that really needs to happen.

      I don’t need or want a baby, and I really do not think I want a flash forward like they did with Castle…that was awful.
      I also don’t want for them to decide to try, only for them to find out that due to Kensi’s accumulated injuries and abdominal trauma, that she is unable to conceive…leading to disappointment and potential problems for them…no,no,no. don’t do it…
      I would settle for when the time comes for the characters to leave or the show to end ( after season 15 or 20…just sayin’) that they would find out they are pregnant and decide to do other things that are a little safer and would have normal hours.
      Nether would want someone else watching the others back, so they would likely leave together.
      as they should…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Didn’t watch Castle, so I don’t know what they did with their flash forward, but I was thinking along the lines of the finale of Flashpoint, which I think handled it very well.

        And yeah, 15-20 seasons seems fair.


  41. the little things.
    Kensi and Deeks stayed professional throughout (well, until the very end) and have proved they can work together and be in a relationship.
    sometimes it is just the small things, the little gestures that ad so much.
    after Callen was loaded into the Ambulance, for example. they stayed focused on the case, but Kensi admitted she couldn’t wait for the day to be over. she would never have admitted something like this before…only showing strength and hiding how she felt.
    they Deeks initiated a hug that she gladly welcomed. they continued to discuss the case, and it only lasted a few seconds, but it allowed them to provide some measure of comfort and support. to reconfirm that they were in this together.
    it was not romantic or emotional, just supportive. I did not feel that it was out of place, and I actually found it refreshing. these little glimpses into the strength of their bond and relationship don’t take any time ( they would of had the discussion anyway, just before they would have been looking at each other from a few feet away). they don’t take time, they don’t detract from the case, and they mean so much to the Densi fans. they have both spent their adult lives with no one to lean on, and now they have each other.
    I hope to see more of these tiny tidbits next year.


    • Funny you mentioned the hug. Nice as it was to see, I think there was another purpose for it. It seemed slightly off to me that they would continue talking about work during this (though your point that it could have just been for some comfort while they said what they had to talk about anyway is a good one), but then when Kensi said, “Do you think they’re watching” and Deeks response was “I hope so.” (or words to that effect for both of them), it made me suspect the true nature of that hug. When we then immediately switch to Nell and Callen in the ambulance (the one Deeks and Kensi just watched drive away before their hug), it is clear that Callen has no intention of getting medical treatment (Nell just had him deloused, after all) and Nell decides where the ambulance can then drop them off, presumably out of sight of the “they” Deeks believes is watching. So for me, that hug becomes Densi trying to sell the idea that Callen is more severely injured than he really is, and that Callen, and presumably Nell, since she appears to be going to the hospital with him, is out of commission for a while.

      Now why they felt the need to sell such a thing, I’m not sure. I mean, they had just been shot at, so yeah, it’s pretty obvious they’re being watched, or at least that location was. But what was the point in wanting Khaled’s men (or whoever they thought “they” may have been) to think Callen had been hurt? Maybe so “they” would think Sam would be even more of an emotional wreck now that his wife is dead and his partner is seriously injured? I got nothin’ otherwise (and I don’t think that idea works anyway). Sassyzazzi posited to me that perhaps a scene (you know, the one with the explanation for all this) was cut, and I think that makes the most sense. But then, I’m not adverse to the thought that I totally missed something. I mean, Densi just hugged, so my brain might have just short-circuited for a moment or ten. [shrugs]


      • yep,
        I admit…barely, that there could be an additional reason for the hug.
        … I intentionally choose to diminish its importance to a mere 5 or 10 percent of the reason .
        the rest being comfort.
        after much scientific research…..

        the shooter knows Callen was shot.
        if someone stayed around to watch, they saw Callen loaded into an ambulance.
        I am not sure how much additional information was gleaned by seeing two partners hug?
        nothing really, to be honest.
        it would have to been an additional lookout I would suspect.
        what Sniper would shoot from a rooftop or some other point of elevation, and then stick around for an ambulance to arrive, check out the patient, load him into the bus, and then drive away?
        any idea just how long that takes in reality?
        no chance he stayed there and risked being discovered.
        if the point was to risk your life to make sure Callen was dead, and the sniper stayed put to ensure that happened, then he would have put a couple of more rounds into Callen when he was on the gurney being moved from the building to the ambulance..just to make sure.
        and if he was there watching..Callen had on an oxygen mask…not a sheet over his head…
        He was obviously alive to anyone watching…
        thus, no reason to put on a show.
        if the hug was for show, then the details make no sense at all. not really.
        therefore the hug was purely for emotional support reasons..
        that’s my story and I am sticking to it.

        they are never alone, not anymore.


      • the idea that there is a deleted scene that will clear it all up is a good one.
        otherwise it doesn’t track
        when Kensi asked if Deeks thought they were being watched, and he said I hope so,
        Kensi had an odd look on her face…if that was the plan, then she would have anticipated his response and said me too or something like that. Certainly not looking worried or puzzled like she did.
        plus, if it was all for show…why.
        Hetty and Eric are in opps,
        so you put on a show with the entire rest of the team?
        4 agents putting on a show while Sam is off on his own with no support?
        I could pick at the details for ever, but,..
        for now, I will just stick with love and support from a small gesture of affection.
        call me a sap.


        • We all know you’re a sap, in the best possible way. And you make my point: it makes no sense, and it just doesn’t track. Something’s definitely missing there; but perhaps it’s just my understanding.


          • hopefully there will be a deleted scene that is on the DVD set that clears it all up.
            …until then, nothing was planned and is was just pure concern and comfort for each other.
            and anyone watching would have left once the 4000 cops showed up and set up a perimeter at the scene of a sniper attack on an law enforcement officer. how many helicopters do we think there would be circling and looking for people on rooftops and such.
            I will stay on the love train until knocked off by a something we see that makes sense.
            do we have to wait until August for the DVDs?
            when do they come out?
            maybe I should pre-order now?



  42. Densi and the coroner’s van.
    Kensi seemed a little more cautious than she used to be. she has matured from the reckless person she was.
    Was she overly cautious, or was Deeks just a little reckless?
    at times it flops back and forth, so it makes for a good combination.

    I don’t think her reaction was just because of Deeks, I think she would have acted the same no matter who she was partnered with.
    if she had rushed to the van, Deeks likely would have said the same things to her.

    it is really a reaction that is prevalent in the entire team, being willing to assume personal risk that you are not comfortable with your partner taking. I think is is normal.


  43. the new??? relationship.
    yes, I am so glad that it finally happened and is official.
    other than allowing for an appropriate time for grieving, I see no reason to wait.
    Honestly, i don’t see it changing anything in their behavior.
    Kensi and Deeks love each other, and they have for a long time. they love, accept, trust, respect and defend each other and have for a while now. Thant won’t change.
    Yes, the rings will make it official, but those feelings have already been there.
    having a ring on her finger won’t change how Deeks will protect her, or the other way around.
    We have already seen their level of commitment and how they will act when the other is in peril.
    Deeks in Afghanistan and with Sullivan. Kensi going after Deeks with the mob and Thapa in the meat locker. not to mention her unwavering support and challenging Hetty during the IA investigation.
    yep, it’s just TV, but saying they will be too close to work together as partners now just doesn’t make sense.
    That ship has sailed a long time ago.
    those feelings are there either way, ring or no ring.
    they make it work.
    love conquers all.

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Anybody think it would be funny to have Kensi intentionally start eating odd food combinations and pretend to act over emotionally, trying to make Deeks think it is pregnancy cravings and hormones?
    Maybe she messes with him, waiting to see how long it takes him to catch on and work up the nerve to ask…
    Maybe the team places bets on how long it takes and there is money involved…
    The team has placed bets on things before and it was humorous. it could make for a funny scene.


    Liked by 1 person

  45. just a thought.
    Deeks said in the Chinese restaurant that he thought Kensi would make a beautiful bride.
    Then, he found that veil in the pawn shop.
    Does anyone think that he went back and bought it for Kensi to wear on her wedding day?
    What are the chances?
    personally, I think he did.


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