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Review: NCISLA “Home Is Where the Heart Is” (S8E06)

"Home Is Where the Heart Is" -- Pictured: LL COOL J (Special Agent Sam Hanna) and Eric Christian Olsen (LAPD Liaison Marty Deeks). After a maintenance man saved the life of a Lt. Commander, the NCIS team uncovers his dark past which puts a local teenager in danger. Also, Sam must decide which colleague to take to the Los Angeles football game, on NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, Oct. 30 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT), on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Erik Voake/CBS ©2016 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
It’s rare that a random NCIS: Los Angeles Case of the Week can come along and really pull me in, but “Home Is Where the Heart Is” did just that. It was a delightful mix of simple but strong case, Sam-Callen bromance, Neric sweetness (and weirdness), and Densi fluff (and angst). Oh, and there were also a few booms, which reminds me, did I mention that it was written by Joseph C. Wilson? Everything, including the booms, was nicely directed by Eric Pot. But it wasn’t the explosions that I enjoyed the most. It was all the little moments that had me saying “Awwww.”

Go in there and be her father

One of the case’s strengths was its simplicity. I’m not stupid, but sometimes I have trouble keeping up with NCIS:LA plots, which throw a lot of twists and names around in an effort to keep the team on their toes. This was a straightforward story about revenge, and it featured a likeable target/ex-Mossad hit man. It reminded me of one of my favorite Case of the Week episodes, “Allegiance,” in the way it made me care about the guest actor and his plight. And while every so often they can overdo the whole Callen-knows-about-growing-up-alone thing, I thought it worked nicely here when Shaked went to see his daughter in the hospital. I might have even teared up a little, and definitely found myself saying “Awww” when she woke up and threw her arms around her dad.

The streets of LA just got a little bit more dangerous

It looks like the showrunners are determined to try every possible partner combination. This time it was Nell who got stuck with Anna (or is it the other way around?). I was a little disappointed that Deeks didn’t end up riding with Anna- I was curious whether Eric Christian Olsen, who has amazing chemistry with everyone, could actually get some better results with Bar Paly than everyone else who’s tried. Still, Anna was a little calmer here. She even managed to look upset when they were giving Carla mouth to mouth. Still, I really don’t think she belongs with this team or with this group of actors.

Taking it day by day

Speaking of Kensi, we definitely seem to have jumped ahead in time a bit from the end of the previous episode. Kensi has her bearings and isn’t happy about them. But before we talk about Grumpy Kensi, how charming was that opening scene? That was the first “awww” of the episode. I liked having confirmation that Deeks was staying by Kensi’s side, right where he belongs and where he wants to be. And was Kensi just lying there watching him sleep? (I totally don’t blame her, but I am happy they finally brought in a couch for poor Deeks to sleep on!) They were so adorably domestic in such a non-domestic setting, with the good morning kiss and the joke about the clean house. It was nice to see Kensi laugh, even as her plight seems ever-present in her mind.

Deeks: …You want me to get you anything?
Kensi: A limo to take me home?
Deeks: I can’t do that.
Kensi: I don’t want to be here anymore.
Deeks: I know you don’t want to be here but this is where you have to be if you want to get better. Right?
Kensi: Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Deeks: I’m gonna be here as much as I can.
Kensi: You don’t have to.
Deeks: I know I don’t have to that, I wanna do that. Besides you’re gonna be out of here in a second. Although the house is so clean right now.
Kensi: [Laughs.]

Not only was it a sweet moment where Deeks pulled Kensi ever so briefly from her sadness, but it was also a great illustration of the episode’s title, with Deeks needing to be where his heart is, with Kensi, rather than back at his ultra clean house.

When I saw Kensi in the promo I immediately started a mini-rant on Tumblr about the lack of a cast, and was helpfully informed (thank you typingtess, chicgirl89, and ecmartinez76) that you don’t need a cast if you have an “IM rod” implanted. I did a little more reading and apparently an intramedullary rod is inserted straight through the bone marrow canal in the center of long bones like the femur. It sounds like a fairly common way to treat such a break. Apparently the rod is designed to stay in place forever, and not only do you not need a cast, but you may be able to put weight on it very quickly. On the other hand, most femoral fractures take 4 to 6 months to fully heal.

Alas, Kensi is struggling to wrap her head around not just the ramifications of a broken leg, but the much less clear outcome of her spinal injury. At various times in the past, some Kensi fans have expressed concern over how she’s been characterized. Here I found her dismay, frustration, and even anger perfectly in keeping for anyone in that situation. And while anyone would have those feelings, it’s got to be particularly frightening when your very livelihood is at risk, especially when you define yourself through your work, and when you are accustomed to dealing with problems by taking physical action.

I think when facing such an overwhelming situation, it’s also perfectly normal to lash out at loved ones. Still, Deeks’ face when Kensi left him at his thoughtfully arranged take-out lunch just about did me in. Eric Christian Olsen nailed this scene, and I loved the way he underplayed the moment, barely moving and yet effortlessly communicating Deeks’ sadness. Coming just after his talk with Granger, where he had again expressed doubt at his ability to support Kensi, made it easy to understand that he’d see her reaction as confirmation of those doubts. And then the specific reference to Kensi’s bulgogi dance from the end of “Omni,” when he had been in such a dark place and she had successfully pulled him out, provided yet another harsh contrast that could only make him feel like a failure. (Nice job with the call-back, Mr. Wilson!) At least Deeks was able to gain a little solace from his teammates.

But how’s Deeks doing?

Those teammates have been doing a fantastic job. In “The Queen’s Gambit” we had Nell, then last week we had vintage Hetty showing him that they cared and offering support. This week we had both Sam and Granger coming through. Sam’s support was more understated but coming from him, it meant so much- to me as a viewer and I have to believe to Deeks as well. First he reached out for a shoulder squeeze (“awww”) when Deeks referred to the limits of his charm (by the way, I personally don’t believe it has such limits). Then he gave him a little fist bump (again, “awww”) after they rescued Carla. The mouth to mouth resuscitation had me flashing back to “Descent,” and I wonder if it passed through their minds too? In the last scene, I think Sam would have actually been happy to take Deeks to the game over either Eric or Anna. I know that’s a low bar, but there was a time when Sam wouldn’t have felt that way. Sam was the topic of this week’s Top 3, and there were a few commenters wanting to see more between him and Deeks. His timing was perfect.

Then Granger had pretty much the same talk as Hetty did last week, but he was so full of wise words I just didn’t care that it felt a bit repetitive. This conversation earned a couple more “awww’s.” What was particularly impressive to me was the way it set up the scene in the hospital courtyard, which had been written and filmed weeks earlier.

Granger: So how’s it going?
Deeks: Kensi’s got a long journey ahead of her, but she’ll get there.
Granger. Mmm. But how’s Deeks doing?… Listen, you gotta roll with this a little bit here, help me out.
Deeks: Um, honestly I don’t know. At this point I can’t tell if I’m, if I’m comforting her or just myself.
Granger: Well if it comforts both, does it matter?
Deeks: No, no I guess it doesn’t, does it? You know what’s crazy about this is that, you know, we say these things like ‘we’ll go to the ends of the earth for somebody,’ but then you’re called on, and you realize you don’t know how. And I don’t… I don’t know how.
Granger: You’re at a place in your life right now where you have to realize you’re not just responsible for yourself. You’re responsible for all the lives you touch.
Deeks: Yeah, no, I realize that, and I’m, and I’m trying. Kensi, God bless her, she puts on a good face. I just don’t know if I’m doing a great job.
Granger: The only way you’ll fail her is if you quit. So don’t quit. You got this.
Deeks: Thank you, Assistant Director.
Granger: All my friends call me Granger.

It was perfect advice and I was happy to see Deeks using it as he headed off to see Kensi that evening, despite her “no visitors” proclamation.

The whole episode had me grateful that Deeks has such a supportive team around him, and really wondering why he hasn’t decided to sign those papers. I actually thought Granger might be about to bring up that very topic. My current theory for Deeks’ reluctance is that Counselor Deeks has read the fine print and decided that he and Kensi are less likely to be separated as partners if he stays LAPD. Maybe someday we’ll find out the real reason.

Memorable Moments

  • Hah! Turnabout is fair play, with Deeks getting to interrupt whatever the heck was going on with Eric and Nell and their weird “training”. ECO played the humor of the situation very nicely.
  • I did think the second Neric scene with the hug was actually quite sweet. Another “awww” moment. And poor Eric, replaying the explosion and worrying about Nell.
  • I liked how Deeks’ favorite word (“awesome”) has worked its way into Granger’s vocabulary. He used it when Deeks assured him he could look after Kensi and still do his job.
  • I loved Sam this episode, from his “I have to take up botany” zinger to his crashing through the wall at the end. He also doled out a little comfort to Anna and Nell by making physical contact with each one before leaving them to the paramedics. LL Cool J has made him into a wonderful character and the true leader of the team.
  • Not sure I understood the purpose of the first boom. As Deeks would say, wasn’t it a bit excessive? Still, I’m pro-explosion so I can roll with it. It was also nice to see the team suffer some physical consequences of their job. They may be able to dodge bullets, but not bombs.
  • In the second boom, I thought one shot actually looked like the back of ECO’s head, and one like his brother in a wig? What did you think? The last little boom (“Yeah, I definitely got him”) was all ECO.
  • I didn’t mind that Densi didn’t get the final scene. It was nice to change things up a little and end on a happy team note. Mr. Carl is back and apparently Mr. Carl loves football.
  • I didn’t realize that Hetty had been absent the whole time until after the episode was finished. Didn’t miss her, mostly I suspect because there was so much else going on.
  • Did we know Deeks had Rams season tickets, or was Tess just eerily prescient in her What We Did on Our Summer Vacation fan fic?

With the exception of an uninspiring mole storyline and Anna, I’ve really been enjoying Season 8 so far. Let’s see if Frank Military can keep things going next week. Before then, come back this week for Deeks’ Surf Log and – finally! – a new entry in Kensi’s Journal. Plus another great Drabble and Edit of the Week. This weekend we’ll be back as usual with the Classified Preview for “Crazy Train” and the Top 3 Cheekiest Moments.

In the meantime, what did you think of “Home is Where the Heart Is?” Did you eat up the morning kisses and Sam support as much as I did? How did you feel about Kensi’s characterization? And are you enjoying having so many weeks in a row with a new episode? I love not having to wait. Tell us all your thoughts in the Comments!

About Karen (287 Articles)
wikiDeeks Writer & Assistant Editor. I never wrote for fun before... until my ECO-obsession. Now I love to analyze any and all aspects of the best character on television.

49 Comments on Review: NCISLA “Home Is Where the Heart Is” (S8E06)

  1. Hi karen, love your review! I’m enjoying a lot this season, every episode is full of “awww” scenes and funny scenes, more than previous seasons. I like so much Granger, Hetty and Roberta, their scenes were great so far. I think in this episode they would have done a better job with Neric, the kiss scene was weird, not natural, and it’s not realistic that they kiss in front of other people in ops.. (especially from Nell) About Densi, I loved the morning kiss scene, just perfect for me! Deeks and Granger were very intense and real, I’d rather a much fighting and strong Deeks, but after all this I think it’s realistic. And I think it’s realistic Kensi reaction too, In a similar situation I behaved like her, but I think that even if you behave in that way and push everyone away, in the meantime you expect people you love to be by your side. I can’t wait for next episode!


  2. Awesome review Karen, as always… I’m looking forward to read your review every week and I’d never been disappointed… This episode was great, even if I didn’t understand all its subtlety because I had to watch in English without the subtitles, but I’m probably going to re-watch it soon, so…
    I found Kensi perfect in this episode… She was true to her character and i suppose most of people would have reacted like that… Deeks (and ECO of course) is so perfect even when he doubts… I can imagine him going back to her at night, and Kensi apologize for her demeanor… No need to see that on the show… I can just imagine that scene ;).
    The story was great, finally… Every character was perfect to me, except maybe Anna… I can’t stand her, sorry… She certainly very beautiful, but she’s not a great actress, sometimes i miss Tania, so to speak… Last year, i was looking forward to see her with Callen… Too bad she has her own show… :-p
    Eric and Nell… Aren’t they the cutest (besides Densi of course)?
    Sam and Granger… Even Callen when he’s worried about Deeks and his habits to sleep on a couch at the hospital…, were cute to me… I finally can see the little family portraied on fanfictions!!!


  3. As per you uusual, awesome review, Karen! I, too am loving this season. I was a bit, just a bit, worried with Shane Brennan out of the pic. But this season has been outstanding for me. I enjoyed everything about this episode from the case of the week to the team supporting Deeks as he navigates his way on how to be there for Kensi. Deeks’s heart is there but the self doubts are beautifully played by ECO. Granger’s dry sense of humor and the talk with Deeks…made me fall in love with him all over again…he’s a softie for his team, just like Hetty. Kensi had me thinking about her throughout the episode wishing for more Densi but the overall mixture was perfect. And Sam…wow..I loved Sam’s strong, silent, got your six support of his team. G stringing Sam along was hilarious. Overall, an episode that I’ve watched twice and plan to re-watch often.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Awesome review, Karen. I was worried that the departure of Shane Brennan would weaken the show, but I was wrong. This is a strong season so far, each episode building on the last and to see the kindness all of them are showing Deeks has been one of the highlights. The Granger talk surprised me completely. I thought he was going to talk to Deeks about the possibility of hiring a replacement for Kensi, so I was quite amazed when he sounded more like a father than the Assistant Director. I’ve always felt he had a fondness for Deeks, and that was so apparent in that scene. The feeling that they were all a family underscored this entire episode and it made me more of a fan than I already am. Each scene was a little jewel, full of various emotions, but the heartstopping one for me was Deeks sitting all alone on that bench with all of his fears and insecurities there on his face for all to see. I have watched that scene several times, wondering each time how ECO can do that…express such heartache without saying a single word. Awesome.


  5. Many thanks for your review, Karen, every week I simply can’t wait for it.

    Apparently love doesn’t conquer all when you are scared, desperate and upset like Kensi, without knowing what to expect from the future: she may not be able to walk again, to be an agent anymore, maybe not the wife she was starting to think she could become, not even a mother. Kensi’s mad, frustrated, helpless against something bigger than her, and Deeks and his optimism seem to annoy her even more, so the most natural reaction for this complex and flawed character is to escape and push away the person who loves her the most.

    It was so sad to see Deeks’ expression when Kensi said she didn’t want visitors anymore, he was so hurt and worried and overwhelmed with feelings. His charm did have its limitations this time.

    Both Daniela and Eric were awesome in this episode, from the tender morning moments to the saddest and heartbreaking Densi scene ever. No wonder why Eric said in an interview a member of the crew cried three times while filming. ECO and DR were so realistic and true to their characters in all their scenes, even if Kensi rejecting Deeks had been my worst nightmare this season, since the moment the writers and actors started to give anticipations about Kensi’s storyline. I feared Kensi, so stubborn and so strong, who had never wanted Deeks to see her worst, would push him away thinking she might become a burden.

    Sadly the Yummy Yummy Heart attack takeaway worked for Deeks, while the Bulgogi didn’t for Kensi. No healing power this time, no “It’s a love story”, even if we all know it is, isn’t it?

    My NCIS LA mantra has become to repeat that I trust ECO and his enthusiasm describing Densi storyline due to DR’s pregnancy. I know sometimes he likes to “troll”, but I think he’s too genuinely attached to Densi to make fun of us fans and viewers. It may be tough (I’m afraid this episode was only the beginning), but we’ll get somewhere positive anytime soon.
    We’ll get to see Deeks’ and Kensi’s new house, won’t we? And (spoiler alert) a new proposal, right? Right. Sometimes trusting an actor is hard, I need evidence, please…

    What I have learned from Season 8 so far is that both Deeks and Kensi deserve to be on the DVD covers, there’s no way they could be excluded again after the awesome, amazing, emotional scenes they have been giving us up until now.


  6. Thank you for a great review and for other great comments. This episode had everything that a good NCIS LA episode should have: action, romance/bromance, humor and emotional scenes.
    I loved that scene between Deeks and Granger and the scenes between Kensi and Deeks were just amazing, I agree other reviewers that the acting was awesome in those scenes. Other reviewers have already said it better how great Eric and Daniela were , so I just agree 🙂
    Sam supporting Deeks was great and I hope we will see more Deeks/Sam and Deeks/Callen scenes in the future.

    I have to admit that I am starting to miss Hetty (just a little bit :)) and for me she has felt a little bit like a guest star in these first episodes of the season. I really hope they solve the mole problem soon, because in my opinion it feels like the less time they spend finding the mole (in one episode), the better that episode is.


  7. Thank you! Even though I do not always comment, I do read everything you send out.
    Appreciate all you do!


  8. This episode made me happy, sad, angry and I shed a tear for Deeks. Eric Christian Olsen was brillant as usual and this storyline is breaking my heart. I love Densi and how much they love each other so I am praying that this stays true through this storyline. The scene with them waking up was beautiful but then went downhill from there!! I knew that Kensi would push Deeks away. Yes I know she is scared about her future. I felt so sorry for him when she left him sitting there. He is trying so hard to help and support her and this is how she repays him! I am just a huge Deeks fan. Sorry but I am a bit angry at her. I would kill for a boyfriend like Deeks!! Yes I know this happens in real life situations. The talk with Deeks & Granger was great. Hetty was there for Deeks last week and now Granger this week. I would love to see Sam have a chat with Deeks too and also Kensi to tell her to let Deeks help her!! I am trying to stay positive about this storyline after reading what Eric Christian Olsen said in an interview but its getting difficult! Thanks for another great review and letting me vent!! Lets hope for a Christmas miracle in the Christmas episode. On a side note: Eric Christian Olsen is looking so good!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Good review. You covered everything I thought of. About Kensi pushing Seeks away, I’m not angry with her and I’m cutting her some slack. Here’s why, in her depressed & hopeless state of mind, his otherwise helpful words could be interpreted as empty platitudes and not guaranteed. Just looking at her you could see signed of distress & anxiety triggered by seeing the elderly man in the walker. After that, its highly likely that all rational thinking went out the window. Besides Desks pushed her away and ignored her for four months post Sidarov.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kensi’s reaction is true to her character and you’re right that Deeks pushed her away after the torture. But they’ve come a long way from that. They’re all in and talked about marriage and kids. I’m disappointed that Kensi still reacted like that. She could have asked Deeks to give her space and let her process the news that she might not be able to walk again, be an agent, etc. but to dismiss him is selfish in my opinion. I know she has a lot to handle but Deeks has also suffered. What happens to either one of them happens to both. Deeks tends to push people away to protect them to his detriment. Kensi pushes people away to the others’ detriment. I can’t quite explain it but I know it works out at the end. This is for drama’ sake. Since the only reason I watch is for ECO, I’m team Deeks all the way and I’m still harboring some I’ll feelings towards Kensi for punching Deeks. I’m still a fan of Densi but Kensi better be sorry for pushing Deeks away and causing him pain. Deeks will forgive her because he’s Deeks and say there’s nothing to forgive.

      Whew!! What a mouthful. I feel loads better.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Totally understand where you are coming from. I only watch for Eric Christian Olsen and Deeks. I just adore his character and have only come to like Kensi since she became all in with Deeks who has been by her side since the accident. My heart broke for Deeks when Kensi pushed him away. But as you said he will forgive her because he loves her. I would kill for a boyfriend like Deeks! !😊

        Liked by 1 person

      • Interesting Daisy; I thought I was the only one holding a grudge against Kensi for punching Deeks in the FACE; in the face! (Frozen Lake) He was tortured in the face. Kensi is a spoiled child; she wants what she wants when she wants it. Even though she took the step to go all in; I’m still waiting for something to happen to change my opinion of her. And, on a secondary different topic; if she’s a military brat, keeps her weapons top notch; why is she such a slob? And, how many times and what else can Deeks do to break her of that bad habit. Not talking about her hoarding; I get that; why is she a slob? I just don’t get it.
        I am loving this season; ECO is just killing it. I’m also loving the bromance between Sam and Callen. I also like Granger a lot! Now that Daniela is back to work this week it will be interesting to see how they handle her recovery. She should be “I’ll show them” not sit on the pity pot; just my opinion :-)!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Daisy. I also feel loads better to hear you say exactly what I have been thinking. They’ve gone too many times to the well of Kensi taking her frustrations out on Deeks. She’s done it too many times for little things to merit any sympathy for doing it again. It’s a part of her character, but not an admirable part in any way.


        • I agree that i am tired of Kensi being mean to Deeks.
          I do think that she has shown great trust, faith and unwavering support for him lately.
          often times she appears to be more “all in” with the relationship than he does.
          I think she has grown and matured, especially in the relationship, but the writers need to do a better job of showing that. they need to let her grow up. they, for lack of fore thought, creativity , or effort, seem to stick with the same old routine. they keep having her fall back on old habits , that quite frankly are bad character traits.
          creating a flawed character and not allowing someone to recognize the flaw and grow from it, especially in a new relationship are 2 different things.
          I think the writers are overplaying her faults and need to move past it or at least create room for growth. maybe admitting it to Deeks and asking him to help her with it would be a good start.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. Great review Karen as usually. Indeed another great episode of an equally great season so far. You all covered each and every of my points so I would just second Cladani in trusting ECO that everything will be okay in the end. I mean if it is not okay, it is not the end, right?


  11. Karen, Thank you for your excellent review. Contrary to Donna Marie.
    Daisy and Olapa, I am not angry with Kensi. Although what I feared
    happened. Both Daniela and Eric Christian were incredible and for
    instance Kensi’s and Deeks’s kiss was truly precious.
    As for Kensi pushing Deeks away, she is struggling to cope with an
    overwhelming situation and she is scared, lost and frustrated. Although
    my heart went out to Deeks, Kensi’s reaction(s) are realistic and in
    character. I remember from the time after my father was hit by a severe
    stroke, he would have his moments of frustration, anger and despair,
    and would push us away, one day he even burst into tears. So I
    can definitely understand Kensi’s reaction.
    Kensi is now more vulnerable than she has ever been before, perhaps
    there may be more of those moments. But I most firmly believe that
    Kensi’s fighting spirit will emerge and she will truly commit herself
    to working on her recovery with Deeks at her side.
    Further, I loved the scene between Deeks and Granger, and it is
    heartwarming how the writers portrayed Granger as a father figure.
    I wondered if Miguel Ferrer has had any influence in how Granger
    became much more human. But it is a wonderful development.
    Also loved Sam’s compassionate, caring and kind support for-
    and understanding of Deeks. And as a team everyone is wonderfully
    supportive of Deeks.
    I liked the case of the week with the sympathetic Shaked and the
    scene in the hospital with Carla after Callen’s urgent advice was very
    touching (and Chris O’Donnell was sensitive and excellent at the hospital


    Liked by 2 people

  12. Hey don’t be calling me out about Kensi! I can’t even watch “Frozen Lake” it bothers me that much. And, don’t lecture me about recovery especially after the year I’ve had; too much reality. To date I love this season, I love the interaction between all the characters. I’m glad they, hopefully, toned down the Super Girl Nell stuff.
    I’m loving this season! Actually my thoughts were “the boys are back in town” when the three guys went on the mission; it was awesome. Having Kensi there would have made it a bit better but I love when the team goes tactical.
    Funny how some people think that lecturing a stranger will change their opinion. My opinion sticks I hate the punch to the face period. I totally get Kensi’s recovery as I’ve had to witness something similar this year; the outcome did not come out well; my mother died; so sad after she recovered so beautifully after major open heart surgery three years ago — so no lectures please!!!!!
    wikiDeeks — love your site, love the fans, fun to read and experience others reactions to each episode — you ROCK!!!!


  13. thank you Karen,
    another fantastic review, you really do a wonderful job.

    I have put off replying and was actually not going to write anything because I have said a lot of it before. However the episode presents a good opportunity for the comparison.
    first things first…overall the episode was good and actually exceeded my expectations.
    maybe that was because Anna was less annoying, stated she was temporary and wasn’t wearing a NCIS issue vest….leading me to be hopeful she will be gone soon.
    that’s enough to put anyone in a good mood right? anyway, short of the way the Densi scenes deteriorated towards darkness throught the episode, it was pretty well ballanced.
    the case of the week had an engaging character as well and that helped also.
    hopeful Kensi improves her attitude next week and apologizes to Deeks, even though he will take all the blame for being too cheery.


  14. a little frustration
    I am not overly happy with Kensi and her reaction. Yes, I realize it is in character…but that is only because the showrunners have made her character like that. I wish they would let her grow some more. yes, she is frustrated, yes she is mad at the situation and not really at Deeks.
    I get it….ask for some space or time to process, don’t push him away so strongly.
    I get that it is a realistic response. so what?
    lets look at some other issues and responses.
    Sam and his wife are good friends with Joelle, Callen plans to dump her but sleeps with her anyway. potentially a tough situation for the 2 senior agents, but no, just a few seconds and a stupid antler on sams car and it is forgotten…no tension between those 2, cant have that.
    then how about Eric and Nell, Eric acts like a love sick puppy around Blaze. wow, Nell could be irritated, hey look….an opportunity for tension between the wonder twins. nope, its all good before the end of the episode. even when Callen went rogue and got tazed, Sam grabbed him, hey how about a rift in the relationship?…. nope , hug it out and were all good.
    why is it that no matter what happens between the pairs of partners, it always works out between them by the end of the episode , except when it comes to Kensi and Deeks.
    Irritated beyond belief.
    it is to the point of becoming predictable and stale. come on guys, tweak the formula a little, just little effort please .think outside the box …pick on somebody else for a change. Kensi and deeks have enough drama in their lived right now without a divide in the relationship.


    Liked by 1 person

  15. ok,
    for someone who wasn’t going to respond….well never, mind

    I found the minutes for the episode 6 writers meeting.
    I have replaced names with numbers to protect the guilty.

    1) hey , this looks great, lets go through the NCIS LA crime drama check list
    2) good idea, so we dont forget anything or stray from the formula, ready

    1) OK stuff blows up
    2) check
    1) someone drives fast
    2) check
    1) make an attempt to make Anna more palatable by pairing her with someone else this week
    2) check
    1) get Nell in the field some more…it doesn’t work but do it anyway
    2) check
    1) a nice Grainger moment…cause he really does have a heart….
    2) check
    1) A nice Densi moment
    2) check
    1) a nice fuzzy Nell and Eric moment
    2) check
    1) we need shooting, lots of shooting
    2) check
    1) how about a good character for the case of the week
    2) check
    1) oh, bromance…we need bromance between Sam and Callen
    2) check
    1) I feel like we are forgetting something
    2) drama… this is a drama,….we need drama
    1) good point, what should we do.
    2) lets have Sam and Callen get upset with each other
    1) ….YOUR FIRED
    3) how about have Nell go on a date or something so Eric gets mad and they get in a fight
    1) GET OUT NOW
    4) hey, how about lets have Kensi and Deeks have some relationship trouble
    1) somebody give this man a raise…
    4) really ? because that was a joke
    5) well we have had 5 episodes and Kensi and Deeks have had, in spite of the crash and injuries
    1) ….those don’t count, could happen to anybody
    5)…like I was saying…
    6) the 2 love birds have had something like 10 whole scenes in a row already where they are getting along this season .
    1) well, we cant have that
    6) hey I have an idea, lets tear at their relationship, you know, drive in a wedge…
    1) what a great idea, why didn’t I think of that
    6) probably because they already have so much drama they are dealing with, together
    1) like I care,…. I’m done with you, YOU ARE DEMOTED TO JANITOR!
    7) lets rip them apart for a while….did I ever tell you that you are the best boss ever.
    1) you have got potential kid.
    1) lets do lunch….nothing to this TV show stuff
    7) cool,…hey , I am writing a book called how to make a crime drama in 3 easy steps, want to read it….
    8) hey, what about me? can I come too?
    1) go find Deeks,… if he smiles at all, go kick Monty or something.

    there was a point in there somewhere….

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am sick at home, but you have made my day!!! Great post.


    • I swear Ed you crack me up; you make me laugh a lot; that’s a good thing! Whether you’re trying to be funny or not; I find you very funny and when you’re not funny; I enjoy your thoughts. Thank you :-)!
      I think I like the word “funny” its such a funky word!


  16. there is a slight possibility I need therapy…


  17. Olapa,
    I am sincerely sorry for your loss of your mother, and that my comment touched such a
    very sensitive and raw chord with you as you have had such a very tough, bad and difficult
    year, and that you felt attacked and lectured by me. That was not my intention in any way!!
    I respectfully disagree with you, Donna Marie and Daisy. I do NOT want to lecture anyone nor
    change their opinion!! I respect that everyone who comments to Karen’s reviews or any of the
    other posts at WikiDeeks is entitled to his or her opinion. And I am interested in reading in
    all the opinions also those which (totally) disagree with my own views and I do not expect anyone else to change his or her opinion because of what I have said.
    Watching “NCIS: Los Angeles” and caring about the wonderful characters which we love
    and reading and sharing at WikiDeeks helps me a bit to cope with the grief for my mother
    (she passed away three years ago).
    For you and me our mothers are irreplaceable and we will always miss them.
    But from now on I will just follow silently all the posts and their comments and will not
    comment anymore.
    And although I am a stranger to you with a hug,


    • Raven: please do not feel you can never share your thoughts and feelings with the group again. I don’t feel they were said or done with malice or disrespect. You are always welcome along with everyone else here!


    • please don’t do that
      I truly enjoy reading your contributions.
      even if we dont agree on everything, there is a huge amount of common ground.
      and agree or not, I always enjoy going over you comments, they have depth and detail,
      they make people thing and promote discussion….that is a good thing…isn’t that the point of this site.
      as long as people doesn’t take things personally,
      stick around please,
      I am sure it will all work out


    • I truly appreciate your kindness. You are correct this year has been so awful, its just one thing after another and quite honestly I’m just exhausted both emotionally and physically. Your words did strike a cord with me. But that’s my problem not yours.
      Please continue to contribute to this wonderful site where we all can share our opinions and thoughts respectfully. I think its a lot of fun reading all the different perspectives.
      We’re good! Continue to share with us as I will do the same; next time I think I’ll take a deep breath prior to typing my thoughts especially now. I’m sorry for your loss also; it will always hurt.
      I’ll end the way you did so beautifully — And although I am a stranger to you with a hug!
      Hugs! wikiDeeks On!!


      • Olapa, Diane, Karen and Ed,
        Thank you for your very kind words! I appreciate very much what each of you said,
        and should not have become so distraught. As I dreaded 5 November, as today it
        is three years ago that my mother passed away. And during the past past days
        I tried to suppress the sadness.
        Olapa, thank you for the comforting hug. I can understand how extremely grieveous,
        heartwrenching and devastating it was and is for you to lose your mother after she had
        made such a beautiful recovery from her open heart surgery. I can understand and
        hear how very exhausted you are in every way.
        I will gladly stay, as I appreciate the diversity of everyone’s opinions and WikiDeeks
        too much.


  18. I just want to say that I love this site and appreciate everyones opinions and comments. We all love the show and see things differently. I sincerely apologise if my comments regarding the Densi storyline have upset anyone. I adore this site and reading what everyone has to say!


  19. Wow, what a discussion! First, thanks to everyone for their kind words about the review. As for the episode in general, I loved the observation (from Lindy and jojo) that they really seem more like a family than ever before. I think that’s true, and isn’t it wonderful? Seeing Deeks finally get 100% support from them all has made a real difference for me in the overall vibe of the show. (And it only took 7 years, not that I’m at all bitter, LOL). Also, I totally agree with Cladani that more than ever before, Deeks and Kensi need to be on the DVD covers. Shall we start a petition?

    As for the courtyard scene, the thing I have kept returning to is how Deeks trying to be so optimistic would have felt to Kensi in that moment as if he was stubbornly denying the obvious- that she might never walk again. I can think of times when someone’s overly perky outlook on something serious really rubbed me the wrong way, so I guess I can identify with Kensi’s feelings there a bit. Also, I know the timeline is a bit unclear, but Kensi has definitely had less time to process what’s happened to her than Deeks, and to me it feels like she’s playing catch-up in terms of that processing. Should she have told him she needed some space to process things? Sure, but neither of these two has the best communication skills, and Kensi only wants Deeks to see her at her best, so expressing weakness can’t come easy for her. Do I get why this causes frustration? Totally! I hated seeing Deeks so sad! But for me these flaws are what make them such interesting characters.

    Having said that, it’s not cool to treat your loved ones like Kensi did. I assume she apologized at the end of the episode, although of course it’s super frustrating to not have confirmation. I am going to trust in Gemmill, who’s done such an amazing job this season, that he’ll be able to have things work out between them in a satisfying way, where Kensi gets to at least express her love and gratitude for Deeks and his support. In other words, I’m going to try to stay patient and let their story unfold. (Wish me luck on that- I am not the most patient of people!)

    Let me end where I started, with a comment about this discussion. I have been crazy busy this week but have read every comment as it landed in my in-box and have so enjoyed hearing everyone’s views. I think it’s great when people bring up differing opinions (I know mine differ from quite a few of yours!). It makes me think of our friend Beth who hates Serious Deeks but loves Funny Deeks and shares her thoughts pretty regularly, and how pleased I am that we have created a space where she’s able to do that.

    This particular set of comments has entertained me (Ed you are hilarious!) and moved me as some of you have shared difficult experiences. I appreciate hearing them all. And Raven, I do hope that you- and Olapa and everyone else- will continue to share your thoughts with us going forward. Hearing from a diversity of opinions is what makes the discussion interesting!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I love read reviews’ comment to Know different point of views and opinions. I think this site is the best place to share our passion and love for NCIS LA and for Densi, Sometimes I find out aspects that I never thought about and it’s really enjoyable. I hope everyone keep sharing opinions with us, Thanks WikiDeeks for this opportunity!


  21. All,
    we are all here because we share something in common.
    however, unless we have shared it with everyone, we have no idea what each others personal situation and emotional triggers happen to be. To assume otherwise or overlook is not fare to anyone. In general it is easy to loose intent and context when not communicating in person or at least verbally. …anybody here ever misinterpreted a text…..hands up, i’m counting.
    come on, don’t over react, don’t take it too personally, and assume good intentions.
    peace to all


  22. please feel free to tell me I came off way too preachy and condescending in my last post.
    You cant hurt me way up here on my soapbox.
    hell, I can barely see all you little people way down there…..
    thank you for your compliance

    the above is a joke, react accordingly.


  23. OK, now that that’s settled…
    anybody up for a discussion about politics or religion??? that should settle things down.

    back on topic…..
    I feel the scene we are missing and actually need is where Kensi actually breaks down and has a good cry with Deeks holding and comforting her. similar to when she was interrogated about Afghanistan in the boat shed. Deeks could assure Kensi that even if they were in for a rough road she would get through it. That importantly and without question, wherever that road wound up, they would get there together. he will be there every step of the way, and there is nowhere else he would rather be. She is his life and as long as they are together, nothing else really matters.


  24. what we need is a good distraction…..hey look , a squirrel….

    anyone want to help me bash on Anna?


    • LOL!!! Thanks for making me laugh; it feels good; I am grateful :-)!


    • Anna, sadly, appears to be here to stay. Or sure why. I don’t mean to disrespect the actress, but I don’t think she has chemistry with anyone she’s paired with. Her scenes with Linda Hunt are painful to watch as she’s outclassed and “out-acted” by a really talented actress. It’s hard to understand her with that weird accent. She only has two looks – wide eyed and even wider eyed. She’s very pretty and seems very nice to fans but I’m not sure she or the character add value to the show.


      • I agree with the complete lack of chemistry, (I might have mentioned it in a rant or 2 previously)
        chemistry is one thing, but not the entire problem, she is a talented and successful model who has attempted to move into acting.. At this point in her transition she appears to revert to what worked for her in the past…..A big plastic smile, wide open eyes and perfect rigid body posture.
        … works great for photographs…lousy for TV action.
        that being said i hope she is just a fill in until DR returned and then may be relegated to occasional recurring guest star like we have with Nate and Talia.
        I am not blaming her, yet, this point in her career it is not her fault that others put her in a situation where she can not yet excel. casting messed this one up, she is not yet ready for prime time….at least this big of a part.


  25. OK, before I actually get blocked from the site….
    I do have an actual real thought or two to post.

    has anyone else wondered if this is Linda Hunt’s last season on the show?
    wait, dont kill me, hear me out…
    here are my points….

    we haven’t seen a lot of her lately
    she is not a young woman and may have some other interests in the business.
    Grainger has become a permanent fixture and far more likable than early on.
    Hetty has been grooming Nell for some time
    the mole hunt is said to end tragically
    a character is rumored to die this season

    so what if…. Hetty finds the mole and is killed in a confrontation, dying a hero and sacrificing herself for the team.
    Grainger stays on site, Nell gets promoted to Operations Manager….and they hire Blaze and put her in with Eric

    as his boss, Nell would be reluctant to act on her feelings about Eric. With Blaze in the mix there could be jealousy arising.
    …..with a happy Kensi and Deeks, the writers could have another relationship to mess with.
    what a thought

    I have a shield in hand, so arrow slinging is welcome, fire away


    • Ed,
      I will not sling any arrows at you.
      But after thinking about it during the past hours
      I suspect and fear that you are right that this could
      be perhaps Linda Hunt’s last season on the show.
      And if Hetty dies in the way which you suggested, the
      show would be irrevocably changed and different without
      her. As Hetty is one of my truly favourite characters, though
      Linda Hunt’s portrayal she has become so very compelling
      and incomparable but I do not deny her flaws.
      For my part, if this will be Linda Hunt’s last season, I hope that
      there will be some scenes between Hetty and Kensi. Because
      after also thinking about Kensi during the past hours. Although
      I am still sympathetic that Kensi has to come to grips with her
      situation and needs her space, I think that the writers have
      captured her into a vicious circle with the repetitious behaviour
      of shutting Deeks out.I think that their love and relationship will
      only grow and deepen if she allows Deeks to support and aid
      her while she is so very vulnerable.
      Kensi is a complex, compelling and flawed character, with the
      growth that she has already experienced, she could grow even
      more if she accepts/admits her vulnerability and allows others
      to see it and support and help her.


      • the Hetty issue seems to fall into 4 camps
        those that just love her
        those that love her but occasionally dislike something she does
        those that acknowledge the is a great character but cant stand many things she does
        those that dislike her period and an never forgive the things she has done

        while I agree she is a wonderful actress and a great character….I spend my time somewhere between the last 2
        present actions can not erase past deeds
        while you may still be able to work with this person, in a job that requires a high level of trust, how could you ever completely trust her after the things she has pulled.
        just my 2 cents worth.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ed,
          Your point about trusting Hetty is definitely right. And even
          though she is one of my favourite characters, I have disagreed
          with her completely and have felt extremely uneasy with her
          Like anyone else here, I do not know what will happen. If the
          writers will go for a storyarc in which Hetty sacrifices herself
          in a confrontation with the mole. For my part, the way I
          understand Hetty, sacrificing herself would accord with her
          personal code. As said I would dearly miss Hetty. After
          thinking about both Hetty and Kensi, I think that these ladies
          have both in common that they do not want let others to see
          their vulnerability.
          But I think that being vulnerable does not diminish a person
          in any way! Not only did Kensi push Deeks away, during the
          past years she completely excluded her mother Julia from her
          I can imagine a scene between Hetty and Kensi at the hospital,
          and Hetty admitting how she owes Kensi and the members of
          her team an extremely great debt and that she should not have
          kept them in the dark. As for Kensi, perhaps Frank Military’s
          episode will show a different Kensi and will not continue the
          behaviour of shutting Deeks out.
          As for Michelle, I like her too. And I hope that she will return.
          Because I think that she belongs among the best supporting
          characters of the show. And Sam and Michelle have wondeful
          But Anna together with Talia Del Campo belongs among the worst
          characters they have tried out.
          Then, personally I liked Dom, he was sympathetic, kind, curious
          and eager to learn. But he did not have the magical chemistry
          with Kensi that Deeks has.
          So I will be very interested to see what Frank Military does for
          “Crazy Train”.


      • I also agree that the writers have overplayed Kensi’s whole ” im independent and dont need help thing” and continuing to have her push Deeks away. I think, or at least hope it reverses this week.
        after all, they are living together, talk about marriage, kids ( somewhat), and a future. they have helped each other through some very bad times and seen each other at far less than their best. . It would not be unrealistic to have her reach out for him to be her emotional rock….now for the writers to see the light and allow that level of growth in her character.


  26. I personally would miss Hetty , even though I don’t always agree with Hetty’s actions. (Linda Hunt is amazing actress). I am not a huge Blaze fan (like her more than Anna though), and if one of the main members leaves it will be very difficult to replace him/her. I would love to see Michelle work with the team and I would love to have Nate back, but I REALLY hope none of the main cast members leave. (I really love the chemistry they have now between main cast members).


  27. I agree that Linda hint is fantastic, although Hetty irritates me at times, Recently her lack of engagement even when pressed by Grainger was puzzling. while I am not a huge Hetty fan, I have no more information about her departure than anyone else. less , in fact….I DONT know people……it is just a theory. I thought we were led to believe it would be a main character, but I could have misinterpreted the comments.
    I agree that I like the chemistry now, especially that Sam and Callen are supportive of Deeks.
    ….Its about darn time. …I mean really, what has he done…. gone to Afghanistan, Syria, Russia, Romania, Mexico, even San Francisco for Sam’s kid. all when he did not have to go, bit he did without question. a little loyalty back would be nice.
    and yes, I am aware that technically San Francisco is not a foreign country…..but have you been there.???? I live less than an hour away and have spent hundreds of days living and working there,…trust me…it can be slightly different from the rest of the country at times, just slightly…

    where was I,…oh yeah..
    I am not really invested in Nate any more, unless of course he turns out to be the mole…..
    I dont love Blaze, but she could fill the geek gap in opps with eric if Nell gets promoted to operations manager, just a thought.

    now for Michelle, that would be interesting, especially after the Sam reacted the way he did and said he didnt want his team mates in a relationship. karma thy name is….wait, I did that wrong, never mind
    interestingly enough Deeks did push kensi out of the line of fire and refused to take a tough shot, just before getting punched by the way…then he took a tough shot in the meat locker ..would have Sam have taken that shot if it were Michelle there???
    that is the extent of Deeks letting his relationship with Kensi affect his work.
    now lets look around at the others.
    Hetty….got kensi caught up in the afghanistan debacle because of jack, didnt tell kensi jack was in LA bringing jack there could have gotten kensi killed. …never mind, the list of foreign trips that were personal are endless, frequently risking the team
    Callen, we have romania, russia, the situation with Joelle in her house would have been far less dangerous if they would have just searched her house for the flashdrive as a group instead covertly because of the relationship…led to a lot of risk for the team. Heck, he even might hav avoided being shot early on if he wasnt distracted by the pretty russian girl on the street.
    with sam we have the whole siderov thin with michelle and even the risk of going after his kid covertly against procedure.
    the entire team follows these guys to the ends of the earth but accuses deeks of letting personal feelings get in the way of his job….. pathetic.
    I have gotten on a rant and completely forgotten where I was going with this…….
    I am sure 1/2 of the facts above are wrong and I left out a ton of them , but you get the point
    I even lost myself…


  28. apparently I have forgotten how to spell
    while I am here….
    could Paul Angelo be the mole?
    or since Hetty told him he owes her his life, will she call in that marker and have him kill the mole
    I still think Nate would be an interesting choice for the mole. we and the team know him, it could be personal and emotional without disruption the main cast…


  29. I thought it was a good episode seven though it was hard seeing Kensi push Deeks away it was clear that she was trying to process what she is going though. Eric Christian Olsen shows a wonderful mix of funny and dramatic. The strong part of this show is how the chemistry between the characters It will be interesting how it all turns out

    Liked by 1 person

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